Be My Girlfriend?

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||A/N: Sorry this is first. But I wanted to write something for Noctis and since some of you either don't have the game yet nor played it...or haven't finished the game yet I need more ideas to create other one shots. So give me ideas!! I don't wanna post any spoilers yet so I need other ideas for other one shots!!||

Going to school was something you and other students didn't like at all, it's boring but you had to go to get the right studies to what you wanted in life for a job in the future.

Course most girl students were exited since Prince Noctis had also been a student at the school you were at.

You actually were fortunate enough to be friends with Noctis and also Prompto, the three of you would at times go to the arcade and play games or just sit on the school roof at lunch and chat.

At first you treated Noctis as any other person, you were glad to have them as friends. But over a few months you started to develop a crush on the young prince.

What you didn't know was that Noctis already had a crush on you, when he first met you he thought you were gonna treat him like the other girls but when you didn't he wanted to be friends with you. Though months later he started to see how kind and beautiful you were then started to develop feelings for you as well. 

The young prince wanted to ask you out to be his girlfriend, but how the hell does a prince as a girl out? But then again would you even agree?

Prompto picked up on the princes feelings for you and constantly teased him, course when the day came to that Noctis admitted he wanted to ask you out Prompto set out to help his best buddy.

"Well do you know what type of flowers she likes?" Prompto asked.
"Yeah I remember she liked (f/f)." Noctis told.
"Get her a few of those, I'll ask her to meet you somewhere. And you just be waiting there." Prompto suggested.
"It could work." Noctis sighed.

Noctis was nervous just thinking of asking you out, he wanted it to be special to get you to be surprised but also get a positive response.

**The Next Day**

Since it was a few hours after school had ended for the day it made things a bit easier on Noctis, he already bought a few of your favourite flowers and had soon arrived at the meeting spot.

He grew nervous as he whispered his words of how he'd ask you out, trying to pick out what would be better. Though what would seem more like him.

When he saw you arrive his breath got caught in his throat, you were even more beautiful with your regular cloths on. Now that didn't help him with what he would be doing.

'Alright just calm down and ask her.' Noctis thought.

Smiling once you saw him you ran up to him and called out his name. Waving to him you soon caught up to him and stood by him.

"Hey Noct, Prompto said you wanted to meet up here?" You asked.
"Yeah uhh...I was gonna ask you something..." Noctis said nervously.
"What is it?" You asked.

Well here goes nothing, the moment of truth where he'd have to ask you out and hopefully today would be the day where you'd become his girlfriend. If you agreed then it would become the best day ever for him.

"Well um.." He started freezing up.
"Noctis you okay?" You asked.
"Yeah I just need to ask you this." Noctis sighed.

Looking back over his shoulder at the flowers he sighed and brought them out from behind him. Gasping at this you gave him a confused look.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Noctis asked.
"Be your girlfriend?" You asked.
"Y-Yeah..." Noctis nodded blushing.

Did your crush just ask you out? Well it for sure looked like he was, blushing you started to get shy.

"Y-Yes." You nodded taking the flowers gently.

You agreed to be his girlfriend?! You had feelings for him as well? Noctis smiled and hugged you, he was glad you agreed to be his girlfriend and he got to you before some other guy did. Not that you'd agree.

Giggling you hugged back and was happy that you then became the girlfriend for Noctis. Picking you up in his arms Noctis spun you around making you laugh at this.

Today was a happy time cause finally you and Noctis were now boyfriend and girlfriend.

**The Next Day**

Whispers were all over the halls of the school, girls glared at you with jealousy as they saw you and Noctis walk hand in hand together.

Right about now it didn't matter to the two of you, all that mattered was one another and now that you were dating which other students hand clearly figured out it made things much more easier, to be honest for thought that Noctis and yourself were rather cute together.

But most of all you both were happy as could be. And for now that was all that mattered. 

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