Dark Place

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This dark place,
is a hard one.
Somewhere we could all hide,
run away,
with a piece of mind.
Knowing right from wrong,
but always swerving down the wrong road.
You try to be good;
your emotions control you,
they take your hand and say
"Let's go to Neverland."

This dark place,
has no corners.
It goes on and on,
you're stuck on repeat.
No doors or walls.
No tunnels, therefore no light for people to look for.

In this dark place
there are punching bags, mats and weights.
Mirrors, makeup and no food at all.
Pushing towards us,
making us think,

"Become skinny and fit."
"Makeup makes you pretty."
"Stop eating you're big enough."

This dark place,
there are voices.
Rumors and lies that are told.
Bullies hide, and appear in plain sight.
They chase and drag in kids for their life.

This dark place,
it isn't...easy.

This dark place,
that I know
it's not like the rest.

This dark place,
doesn't appear to be that dark,
there is a tunnel and light at the end.
There is fridge of food for whenever you want.

This dark place
you are thinking of, it's not the best.
It fuels on your tears;
it dies when you smile.

No, in this dark place,
something is making you happy,
one thing at least.
That's keeping you here on your feet.
Don't drown in the dark place,
For it's only your mind.

In this dark place,
you have found your light.
You have found the tunnel,
you've found what's right.
Now the dark place has drowned,
It's gone away;
finally you can say,
"I'm home, not in Neverland, I went the other way."

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