The Disaster of The Jackson's

272 7 63

Song of the Chapter

Wreck Havoc ~ Skylar Grey 

Quote of the Chapter 

Find your happiness not just in the big moments of life but in every little one. ~Anonymous 

Author note. 

Some swearing will be involved in these one shots and no not all of them will be happy like this one (Sorry) 

Ps not really sorry


Annabeth Jackson sat in her car, the thirty year old architect playing with her fully beaded leather cord wrapped around her neck a coral pendant was at the front that she played with fondly. Her foot tapped the floor impatiently, her car has been in park for the last forty minutes as it was rush hour in San Francisco.

She had a stressful day at work and all she wanted to do was to see her husband and their child, praying to all the Greek gods, yes they are real,  that they were OK and the house was fine. A house she designed herself, but the real reason she was impatient to get home cause her husband and her four old son have been home all day together as Percy Jackson the legendary hero of Olympus had the day off.  

With their son Luke Paul Jackson, a name that had meaning to Annabeth and husband Percy outside the fact that it was their kids name. It was a tribute to their fallen friend and one of the true heroes of Olympus, a man who sacrificed his life at the end of the war to destroy the most powerful of monsters, the Titan lord, Kronos.

And the step father of Percy as a gesture of respect to the one guy other than his real father that treated his mother with respect and gave her the love she deserved. 

As she was lost in thought of all the distant memories, she quickly snapped out of it when she heard her name screamed out in the distance. 

She gazed ahead of the cars in front of her trying to catch a glimpse of who called her name when she saw the choppy hair brown hair of a native american girl running for dear life, her clothes covered in gold dust. Ananbeth glanced down at her magical watch her friend Leo Valdez made her and the rest of the seven to see who was near by, each sector represented a different demigod with their parental colours and hers was glowing pink showing indeed it was Piper Grace daughter of Aphrodite.

Annabeth pushed her car door open, drawing anger shouts and jeers from the cars behind her as she sprinted towards her friend her dragon bone sword protruding from her wedding ring as she thought about it. A wedding gift from her mother. 

"Piper what is it?" Annabeth yelled. 

"A pack of Hellhounds! Some how they are immune to my charmspeak there are eight of them, help me!" Piper panted obviously very tired showing she had been running for a while. 

The two girls met as a ferocious howl ripped through the air quickly followed by seven more. 

Than Annabeth saw them massive dogs, but realised they were a younger pack as they weren't that big only twice the size of a Great Dane. 

She heard panicked screams as the massive dogs from Hades materialized on the hoods twenty feet away from them. 

"Piper we got to save those mortals!" Annabeth said looking at her friend as she nodded chewing some ambrosia an essential demigod item. 

Piper swallowed the godly food and immediately looked healthier. The two Greek demigoddess's ran forward, the leader of the pack led the charge on the other side. But Annabeth pulled two celestial bronze throwing knife that was always attached to her hip a wedding gift from the Greek Goddess Artemis, she threw them with the true precision of a master as they hit their marks dropping two of the hellhounds. 

As the two enemies got closer the lead hellhound jumped in the air in hoping to knock one of the demigods over in a easy victory but to no avail as Annabeth jumped as well driving her sword into the chest of the hellhound her momentum carried both down as the hell hound landed on it's back. 

Annabeth glanced up just in time to see the dimming of the glowing red eyes that were almost an inch away as a celestial dagger was removed from the top of his head. 

Annabeth grunted in thanks as she rolled to the side, her sword coming up just in time to block the snarling maw of another attacking hellhound, it held her sword in place. Instead of panicking, one hand went to her waist pulling another throwing knife out and stabbing the hellhound in the throat. 

With a whine it dissolved as well, Annabeth did a backward somersault just as a hellhound paw hit the pavement. 

Her sword left her hand as she threw it, it tumbled point over hilt and hit the hellhound in the chest. She looked over as she got her sword and saw Piper looking down at the melting shadow of the hellhound she just defeated. 

They looked at each other and smiled. 

"While that was fun, wanna grab a bite to eat I am starving." Piper asked. 

"Sorry Percy has been with Luke all day by themselves, I shudder to think what happened to the house. But I can give you a lift home if you want?" 

Piper nodded happily, glad to be off her feet. The girls got into Annabeth's car just as traffic started to move again. The girls started talking about their life enjoying catching up with each other, even though they both lived in the city their personal lives forced them to stay apart for a couple months now. 

After dropping Piper off at home, Annabeth finally got home. She sighed in relief as her house on the exterior looked fine and the door was closed. 

However that sigh of relief turned into a gasp of horror as she entered the house, blue flour was every where. 

"Perseus Allen Jackson! Luke Paul Jackson! What the Hades is going on?" Annabeth roared as she stormed to the kitchen. Where music was blasting through some speakers, she recognized the song it was How far we have come by Matchbox Twenty. 

She opened the kitchen door to see both of her boys wearing only black shorts covered in flour dancing and singing along to the song. Her anger evaporated as she started laughing really loud. Both boys turned around to the familiar sound of the girl of the house hold laughing, both boys gave her the trouble maker smirk that she loved. 

"Hey Annabeth! Want some blue cookies?" Her husband smirked, his green eyes sparkling with amusement and mirth. His slightly long black hair covered in blue flour, his face covered in black stubble. Annabeth thought that Percy was what mortals thought a Greek god would look like but better. His broad chest, arms and stomach muscles were hard and well defined forming and eight pack from years of intense training. 

"Mommy, mommy you got to try them! Grandma Sally gave us her recipe!" Her son, Luke, yelled with a slight lisp as he ran carrying a plate of cooled cookies. He had black hair like his father but his eyes were what she loved physically about her son the most. He shared his eye colour with both of his parents. They were a solid grey but with streaks of green. 

She laughed again when she saw he had a wooden toy sword shaped like Anakulsmos attached to his waist. 

"Of course baby, give me a cookie please." Annabeth said crouching to look her son in his hybrid coloured eyes. She took a bite and smiled with delight as they were absolutely amazing. 

"I see you take after your grandmother more than your daddy Luke." Annabeth laughed as she winked at Percy as he had a look of mock hurt on his face but the smile on his face told a different story, a story that was easily on her face and that was the look of love and happiness they had both earned. 

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