Yule ball

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"Chloe you need to start getting ready!" Hermione yelled as I laid in bed.
"I am not going" I said.
"Yes you are!" She yelled
"No I am not!" I yelled back
"What's all the yelling about? Why are you not dressed?" Ginny said running into the room
"She is not going" hermione said
"Yes you are" Ginny yelled
"Ughhh" I sighed
"Chloe George is going to be waiting for you"hermione said
"In his dress robes" Ginny smirked
"I don't care" I smiled
"Yes you do. I know you fancy him" Ginny said crossing her arms.
"I do not fancy George!" I said shooting up.
"Chloe you are a terrible liar" hermione laughed
"I do not fancy George!" I yelled
"We all saw what happened at the world up AND the first task. Not to mention you either blush or get defensive when you hear George's name" Ginny said
"No I don't" I defended. Both of the girl stood there giving me their "see what I mean" looks
"Ok fine maybe I fancy George a little bit" I admitted
"More like you are in love with him" hermione laughed
"So what if I do" I said
"So get you little ass into your dress" hermione laughed pulling me out of bed. I threw on my black dress that had lacy long sleeves and the whole top was covered in black lace. It then fanned out into a poofy high to low skirt. I slipped on my blue heels that had silver vines going up them. I did a spell that did my hair in curls with a part of my hair braided and like a headband in my hair and my makeup.
"Ok I am ready" I said walking out of my room and coming face to face with hermione and Ginny
"Oh my gosh! Chloe!" Hermione squealed
"You look amazing!" Ginny smiled
" lets go before I change my mind" I laughed as I shut my door and walked to the great hall.
"This is a bad idea" I said as we got to the steps
"I should just go back to my room" I said trying to turn around and go back
"Nope!" Hermione said as her and Ginny stopped me
"Go!" Ginny said shoving me forward towards the steps. I saw Fred, Dane and George, but George had his back towards me. Suddenly my eyes met Danes as his jaw dropped completely to the floor. I laughed at my brother as I started walking down the stairs. Dane started hitting Fred trying to get his attention. Fred looked at him with a look of confusion but then followed his eyes to me. Fred's eyes widened like he had seen a ghost. I saw George slightly turn his head to see what the boys were staring at. When his eyes met mine he has a look of pure shock. As George turned his body to face me I could see a smile spread across his face. I couldn't help but do the same. His smile gave me butterflies as he watched me come down the stairs. He looked so cute in his dress robes. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked
"Wow. You look. Just wow" George smiled a huge smile as he met me at the bottom of the steps, offering me his arm
"You too Weasley" I laughed as I took his arm and walked towards Fred and Dane. Suddenly I felt poking at my cheek.
"Chloe? Is that really you?" Fred said poking my cheek.
"Yes Fred it's really me" I laughed pushing his hand away
"Wow Chlo you look like a girl!" Dane said in shock
"Thanks Dane. Really appreciate it" I said sarcastically.
"Shall we chlo bear?" George smiled at me
"We shall Georgie" I laughed as he led me into the great hall. It was magnificent. White covered the place from head to toe as the sky looked like a snowy wonderland.
George's pov
I stood at the bottom of the steps waiting on chloe to come down. I am so nervous. The most beautiful girl in school is going to walk down those steps any minute and come to me.
"Are you going to tell her tonight?" I heard Fred ask
"Tell who what?" I asked
"Chloe" Fred laughed
"What about Chloe?" I defended
"Are you going to tell her you love her?" Dane giggled.
"What! Chloe? I do no- I do not love her!" I stuttered.
"Oh come on George. It's obvious you love her" Dane said
"How long have you known?" I asked
"Since 4th year" Fred laughed
"Was it really that obvious?" I asked shocked
"To everyone but Chloe" Dane said
"Do you think she will come down?" I asked. This isn't Chloe's thing. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come at all.
"Oh she will come" Dane smirked.
"How in the hell did you get a girl like Chloe to agree to go to the ball with you?" Fred laughed
"I have no idea" I laughed in response. Suddenly Danes face went from laughing to pure shock. Fred noticed my confusion and followed Danes eyes. Sure enough Fred's eyes grew 4 sizes. What are those idiots looking at? I looked over my shoulder to get a view and my eyes landed upon the most amazing sight. I turned my body to get a full view. Chloe was walking down the stairs looking like a goddess.
"Bloody hell" I whispered. Her black dress fit her perfectly. I had never seen her hair like that, it was amazing. She is actually wearing make up too! Don't get me wrong she looks amazing without but tonight she carries herself in a way I have never seen before. She is already confident of herself but this is a different type of confident. It's like she finally sees what I have been seeing since 4th year. She finally realizes how beautiful she is.
"Wow. You look. Just wow" I stuttered

"May I have this dance?" George asked as he let go of my hand and did a cheeky bow. I giggled as I accepted his hand. He clasped my right hand in his and wrapped his other around my waist pulling me in close. I blushed at the close proximity of our bodies and rested my left hand on his shoulder.
"Ready?" George whispered
"As I'll ever be" i nervously responded. The song began to play and George began spinning me around. I let all of my worries melt away as I started into George's eyes. I studied every inch of his face from his freckles to his dimples. I loved every nook and cranny of him. My little crush had developed into something unstoppable. I had fallen in love with George Weasley. I had always loved him but now I was in love with him. Everything made sense now. All of the questions and  unexplained feelings now had an answer.
" what are you staring at?" George smirked
"Nothing" I blushed looking down at my feet
"Hey hey hey eyes up here" George whispered placing his index finger under my chin pulling my eyes back up to his.
"Chloe" George said
"Yes George?" I questioned
"I love you" he whispered in my ear
"I love you too George" I smiled
"No not in a sisterly or best friend kind of love. I'm in love with you chloe. I have been for years. I love everything about you from the way you twirl your hair when you get bored or nervous, how you cross your arms when you are annoyed, how you get cold even when it's 75 degrees, how you get this crease right between your eyes when you are focusing" he whispered lightly touching the space between my eyes with his thumb.
"I am so in love with you Chloe lupin" George whispered moving his hand too my cheek
"I know George. I love you too" I whispered as I pulled him close. He smiled a smile I have never seen before as he leaned his face close to mine. His smile was wider and brighter as he was nearly inches from my face. My eyes fluttered shut as the gap became smaller and smaller until George's lips were on mine. Sparks were surged throughout my body. Burning a fire deep within me. As George pulled away the sparks faded but the sensation tingled on my lips and cheek where his hand rested. My lips curved into a smile as did his.
"YES!" Fred yelled and he jumped on George
"FINALLY"Dane yelled engulfing George in a hug. I couldn't help but laugh at the 3 boys.
"Georgie and Chloe Sittin in a tree" Fred sang
"Fred don't you dare start" I laughed
"It took both of you long enough" Dane laughed
"Shut it" I blushed
"We can annoy them about this later but right now let's dance!" Fred yelled pulling us out into the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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