The burrow

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We slowly walked back to the burrow from the portkey. We were the last ones since the boys came back for me.
"Oh thank god!" Dad yelled as he engulfed me in a tight hug
"Are you alright? Anything hurt?" He asked examining me
"I am fine dad" I said
"Oh Chloe dear thank goodness you are alright" mrs Weasley said wrapping me in a hug.
"I can as soon as I heard... is she alright!?" A very nervous looking Tonks said running through the front door
"Tonks!" I yelled as I ran and hopped in her arms
"Oh Chloe you are ok" she sighed hugging me back. Tonks has been around since I was 4 she has helped dad raise me and Dane. Besides mrs Weasley she is the closest thing to a mother we have.
"I am fine Tonks I promise" I smiled hugging her tighter
"You need to relax" I laughed
"Well I am sorry when I get a owl saying that Chloe is lost at the quidditch World Cup where death eaters are destroying everything in their paths I get a little worried" she said sarcastically.
"Now now off to bed all of you! You have school tomorrow" mrs Weasley commanded
"Goodnight Tonks, mrs Weasley and dad"I smiled
"Goodnight Chloe dear" mrs Weasley beamed
"Goodnight Chloe bear" Tonks said
"Goodnight pup love you" dad smiled as I walked up stairs
"Goodnight Chloe jane" Fred smiled roughing my hair.
"Goodnight sis" Dane said lightly punching my arm
"Night boys" I laughed
"I am so glad you are alright. I am so sorry I should have grabbed you" George whispered hugging me.
"Georgie it's fine... really! You needed to help Fred with Ginny it's alright I am perfectly fine" I laughed hugging him back
"Goodnight c-low" George smiled adding a kiss on my cheeks. Butterflies erupted in my stomach
"Goodnight Georgie" I smiled as he walked into his room. Good god what is he doing to me.
~next morning~
"Wake up! Everybody up! Girls rise and shine!" Mrs Weasley yelled through out the house add in a bang on our door.
"Ughhhh"I groaned rolling over to my stomach
"Chloe it's Hogwarts day!" Ginny yelled excitedly
"So?" I said into the pillow
"So, it's time to go back to school!" Hermione joined in
"I am good" I said
"Chloe if you don't get up I am going to get he boys to wake you up... who knows they might just get their revenge from yesterday" Ginny said, I could practically hear her smirk
"Alright alright! Fine I am up! Happy!" I yelled sitting up
"Very" Ginny smiled. I grew the covers off my body and ran to my trunk. I grabbed my Jeans, and white v neck, throwing my black leather jacket on and my black boots. I grabbed my trunk and headed for the door
"Ah someone is awake on this lovely early morning" George smiled as he took my trunk out of my hands
"Shut up" I glared
"Yep I forgot you are not a morning person" George sighed
"Chloe a morning person?" Fred laughed
"Funny joke George" Dane added causing me to stick my tongue out in annoyance.
"Come on kids! We must hurry! Chloe George you 1st" mrs Weasley said smiling
"Well lets go Chlo bear" George said picking up both of our trunks and walking into the fireplace. I grabbed a handful of floo powder and stood next to him
"Kings cross train station" I said before dropping the powder at my feet and being engulfed by green flames. Finally the 5 seconds of feeling like you are being pulled and twisted ended and we landed securely on our feet.
"Have I ever mentioned how much I hate taking the floo network" I laughed
"Several times" Fred said emerging from the fireplace with Dane.
"Come on lets get to the train" George sighed putting our trunks on a trolley
"Thanks Georgie" I smiled getting up on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek
"Anytime chlo bear" he smiled as he ran through the barrier. God he is so cute.
"Why do you have a goofy smile on your face?" Fred asked as he poked my cheek.
"I do not" I said swatting his hand away
"Could someone be smitten" Dane smirked adding a obnoxious wink
"I am not! " I huffed as I sprinted through the barrier away from all the questions.
"There you are! I thought you got stuck in the wall" George laughed as I joined his side
"Sorry got caught by 2 idiots" I laughed
"Let me guess Fred and Dane?" He asked in a sarcastic tone
"How did you know!" I said pretending to be surprised
"Lucky guess" he smirked, making me playfully roll my eyes.
"Oi Chloe look" George said pointing straight ahead. I followed his finger and felt a enormous grin creep up on my face.
"Dad!" I yelled running into his opened arms
"What are you doing here?" I asked into his neck
"Do you really think I am not going to be here to see my pup go off to here 6th year at Hogwarts" he laughed setting me down.
"Tonks!" I smiled wrapping Tonks in a hug
"Hey chlo, I missed you" she smiled rubbing my back
"I miss you too" I said squeezing her tighter. I heard a loud bark and looked down to see a black dog.
"Padfoot! What are you doing here!" I smiled as I bent down and hugged the dog who was actually my uncle Sirius. Sirius gave me a nice wet lick on the side of my cheek, making me laugh
"I missed you 2" I laughed as I petted him.
"Dad! Tonks! Padfoot!" Dane said running and hugging dad
"There'a my boy" dad said hugging Dane back
"Hello omega how are you" Tonks said giving Dane a nice squeeze
"Great now that you guys are here" Dane smiled, he was such a family boy.
"Hey Padfoot! I missed you" he said squatting down and petting Sirius.
"Now you 2 please be good and don't give filch much trouble" dad sighed
"No promises" me and Dane said laughing.
"Well we better get going" Dane sighed. I ran over to Tonks and gave her one last hug
"Bye bye dear. Have fun!" She said into my neck
"Take care of dad for me... I love you" I whispered in her ear
"Always dear, I love you 2" she said with her voice quivering.
"Bye daddy" I smiled hugging my dad
"Bye pup, I love you so much sweetheart" he said squeezing me tightly
"I love you 2 dad" I smiled.
"Bye Padfoot, love you" I said adding a kiss on Sirius' head.
"Ready Daney boy?" I sighed
"Ready chlo bear" Dane said releasing Tonks. We gave them one last wave and entered the train looking for the twins.
"I don't like leaving them" I sighed
"I know, I don't either... I feel so alone" Dane said quietly
"Yeah me to" I whispered
"But at least we got each other right sis?" Dane said placing a hand on my shoulder
"Of course Daney boy" I smiled lightly punching his arm making him laugh.
"There you 2 are!" They twins yelled from a opened compartment door. Dane followed my lead and walked into the compartment. I took a seat by George across from Dane who was by Fred.
"Well lets go to Hogwarts" Fred said as the train pulled away from the station.

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