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*picture on top is Chloe Lupin*

Chloe's pov
"Chloe! Dane! Hurry up or you are going to be late" dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs
"Alright alright dad I am ready" I huffed as I dragged my trunk and owl Athena out of my room.
"Yeah dad don't make a fuss"Dane said emerging from his room carrying the same as me.

"Yeah dad don't make a fuss"Dane said emerging from his room carrying the same as me

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*Dane Lupin *
Dane and I don't really look alike. I have always been told I look more like dad and Dane looked like mum. Although Dane and I don't know what our mum looks like. She was murdered when we were 2 by death eaters. Somehow we were able to escape.
"Well I would not want my children to miss the train on their first year to hogwarts" dad said with his hands in his pockets as we made it to the stairs.
"Shall we?" Dad asked as he placed one hand on our shoulder and apperated to the front of kings cross station.
"Oh here, don't forget your tickets"dad said handing us a piece of paper after we loaded our trunks onto the trolley.
"Platform 9/34?" Dane asked
"But dad that's impossible!" I continued
"Oh you will be surprised my little pup"dad laughed at me. Oh course he called me the childish pet name. We continued along the way all the way done to platform 9 and 10.
"Remus! So good to see you!" A short  red headed woman said hugging dad.
"Molly I didn't know you were going to be here?" Dad smiled
"Well yes! It is Fred and George's first year!" She beamed at her children. Blimey how many kids does the have! There has to be at least 7! And they all the the same fiery red hair.
"Oh and these must be your children!" Dad said finally noticing the small pack she is carrying.
"Yes there is Percy he is in his 4th year" she pointed to the oldest looking boy.
"Then the twins Fred and George" she said pointing to 2 kids who looked exactly the same, honestly how does she tell them apart!
"Which one is which?" Dane whispered in my ear
"I have no idea" I whispered back
"Then Ron" she said placing her hands on the youngest boys shoulders
"Finally the youngest and only girl Ginny. Oh and my 2 oldest Bill and Charlie are not here, they have already graduated" she smiled. Poor girl. I can barley handle 1 brother but she has 6!
"Hello children! Molly these are my twin son and daughter Chloe and Dane" dad gestured to us. I added a smile and a small wave to be polite.
"My Remus she is a spitting image of you! And the boy! It's Juliana all over again!" The woman shrieked. I guess she knew mum when she was alive.
"That they are molly" dad laughed
"Well we are off to the platform, see you there" she waved as her kids rain right through the brick wall. I stared in complete and utter shock. They just ran through a wall!
"Right Dane you first" dad smiled patting Dane on the shoulder. His face was covered with fear
"Run through it?" He asked terrified
"Yep" dad simply said
"Run through a wall!" Dane yelled again
"Come on omega there is nothing too it. Just run through the numbers 9 and 10 and you will be fine" dad said. Dane just simply nodded and stared at the wall.
"Ok...1...2...3!" Dane said. He then took off running straight for the wall then disappeared.
"Alright pup your turn" dad smiled at me
"Yeah no big deal. Just run through a wall"I laughed nervously
"Here goes nothing" I whispered before I took off running. The closer I got the faster my heart raced. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the impact of the wall. A sucking feeling went through by body for what felt like a second. My ears filled with the chatter of people and trolley wheels. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a bright red train.
"Woah" I simply said joining Dane
"Well what did you think kids?" Dad asked as he stood behind us
"I love magic" Dane and I said at the same time, amazed at the sight.
"Now you 2 get on the train and I will take care of your bags... alright?" Dad asked. I nodded as I turned my body away from the train and faced dad. I could feel tears begin to form in my eyes, I was terrified. I have never been away from dad this long.
"Awe pup don't cry you will love Hogwarts I promise" dad said as he pulled me into a hug
"But you won't be there dad"I cried
"I know dear but you are going to have so much fun! And I will be right back here when you get home" he said releasing me and wiping my stray tears.
"Come here you 2" dad sighed as he pulled Dane to us and wrapped us up in a group hug.
"I love you guys so much. I am going to miss you more than anything. I will see you soon alright?" He said as he finally loosened his grip
"We love you 2 daddy" I smiled
" we will miss you" Dane said reading my mind
"Don't forget to write! And I want to know what house you get sorted into" dad said pointing a finger at us making me giggle a little bit at his attempt to be strict
"I am so proud of you, both of you"dad smiled adding a kiss to the tops of our heads
"Now go on hop on the train" he laughed shooing us away. I waved at him as me and Dane made our way to the train.
"You ready?" He asked as we stopped right before the door looking up at the train in nervousness
"Yeah... you?" I asked
"Yeah" he smiled down at me.
"Lets do this" I smiled as I climbed onto the train and waking down the isle trying to find a compartment.
"Hey chlo! Look it's those twins from earlier" Dane stopped at a compartment door
"Should we ask if we can sit with this?" He asked me
"Well it's probably our only option" I laughed
"Excuse me... do you mind if we join you?" Dane asked as he slid the door open
"No not at all" one of them said
"Hey you are the twins from the barrier" the other one pointed
"Yeah Chloe Lupin and this is my twin Dane" I smiled pointing to Dane. I have to admit the twins weren't bad looking
"Nice to meet you I am Fred and this is my brother George" Fred said
" you guys don't look like twins" George said
"Yeah we get that a lot" Dane laughed as we took our seats across from the boys.
~skip train ride~
We have finally arrived at Hogwarts and have made great friends with the twins.
"First years this way!" A huge man yelled
"Well I guess that's us" Fred sighed as we followed the man to the boats.
"Woah look!" Dane yelled pointing to a huge castle
"Beautiful" I said in amazement. We climbed off the boats and entered a huge hall.
"Chloe look" George said pointing at the ceiling. It looked exactly like the night sky. We stopped walking when we reached the front of the room where a woman in a pointy green hat waited for us
" you will now be sorted into your houses. They are Hufflepuff... Ravenclaw... Slytherin... and Gryffindor. Now when I call your name you will come forth, I will place the sorting hat on your head, then you will join your houses" she explained
"Dane Lupin" she called. Dane gave my hand a squeeze before he nervously walked up to the stool and sat down. Not even a minute after the hat was placed on his head it made its decision
"Gryffindor!" It yelled. I smiled as Dane ran and joined the Gryffindor table.
"Frederick Weasley" she called. Fred confidently walked up to the stool, showing no fear what so ever.
"Oh a Weasley! I know where to put you" the hat called as it reached Fred's head
"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled. Fred smiled and ran over to where Dane was, giving him a high five.
"George Weasley" she called
"Wish me luck" George smiled as he strutted up the the stage. Not as confident as Fred, your could see a slight hesitation in his step.
"Another one! Well better be Gryffindor!l the hat screamed when it hit George's head. He smiled a huge grin and ran to his brother and Dane.
"Chloe Lupin" the lady called. I looked over at Dane nervously. He shot me his 'winning' smile and a thumbs up. I slowly made my way to the front. Becoming more nervous with each step.
"Ahhh another Lupin interesting I didn't know Remus and Juliana had twins" a voice said entering my head
'It knew my mum' I thought
"Yes dear I knew your mother. A very bright witch. Your brother is much like her... but you, you are different. You have a talent for finding trouble much like your father. You are brave yet wise. But your attitude and sarcastic personality is not right for Hufflepuff" it said
"Yet you are blunt you are not mean enough for Slytherin. You would excel in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but which one... hmmmm better be... Gryffindor!" It yelled as the hat was taken off my head. I looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Dane, Fred and George standing up clapping for me. I ran off the stage and into Danes arms as he wrapped me in a hug
"Way to go sis!" He yelled
"Yeah welcome to Gryffindor Chloe" Fred smiled
"I think we are going to be great friends" George said shooting all of us a smirk. I was happy, this is going to be a great year!

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