What are you doing!?

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It has been 2 months since the first task, 2 months since that awkward thing with George. He acts like it never happened, like we didn't have that moment. I wish I could forget it like he did. It haunts me in my sleep. The way it felt to have his arms around me, how he immediately jumped to protect me, how we stared into each other's eyes for god knows how long. It was everything to be but nothing to him.
"Chloe... c-h-l-o-e" someone sang as they poked my cheek. I pulled away from my thoughts and completely forgot I was in the great hall. Fred, George, and Dane were staring at me with confused looks on their faces
"You alright?" Fred asked
"Yeah why" I sighed folding my arms on the table.
"You missed the announcement" Dane said
"You spaced out or something" George said quizzing my face.
"Yeah I guess I did sorry. Um what announcement?" I nervously asked due to George's eyes burning a hole through me.
"All 4th years and up have to meet their head of house at lunch" Fred said
"Why?" I asked
"Don't know. They didn't say" George said
"Alright" I simply said averting my eyes from him.
"We should get going to potions. We don't need to give snape another reason to hate us"Dane smirked
"Dane snape already hates us more than anything " I laughed as I stood up from the bench and followed the boys out of the hall. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my upper arm and stop me from walking. My arm burned at the feeling of their touch.
"Are you alright?" George whispered in my ear
"I am fine. Come on we have class" I said pulling my arm from his grasp and walking away. I walked into potions just in time and quickly took my seat.
"You can't run from me chloe" George whispered as he sat down next to me
"Wanna bet" I whispered back
"Lupin! Weasley!" Snape yelled
"Yes" Fred, George, Dane, and I said
"The girl lupin and the other Weasley" snape said glaring at me and George.
"Yes professor?" George asked
"Am I interrupting your conversation?" Snape glared
"Actually yes but it's alright you can continue" I smiled as the whole room began to chuckle
"Watch yourself lupin before you end up in detention... again" snape eyed me
"Yes professor" I said deciding to end the conversation before I get myself in unwanted trouble.
"I can't believe you said that to snape" Fred laughed as we exited the classroom
"You really are just like dad" Dane laughed.
"Guys we have to go to that meeting with
mcgonagall" George reminded us. We made our way to our meeting place.
"Girls on one side boys on the other" mcgonagall instructed.
"Later dudes" I said leaving the boys and going over to hermione and Ginny.
"What's going on?" I whispered to Ginny
"No idea" she whispered.
"The Yule ball is a night where us and our guest enjoy a night of fun. The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for centuries. I will not have you besmuging that name by acting like a babbling bumbling band of baboons" she said.
"Try saying that 3 times fast" I whispered across the room to Fred, George and Dane. I controlled my laughed as they tried to say it.
"The Yule ball is essentially... a dance" mcgonagall said. All the girls gasped and whispered in excitement as the boys groaned in dread.
"In every girl a sleeping swan longing to break free" she yelled.  Ron whispered something that caught mcgonagall's attention.
"And in every boy a lordly lion ready to prance" she glared at Ron.
"Mr. Weasley" she said
"Yes?" Ron asked scared.
"Would you join me?" She asked him. Ron slowly stood up and walked towards mcgonagall.
"Now place your hand on my waist" she instructed
"Your where!?" Ron asked terrified
"My waist" mcgonagall said not amused.
"Mr filch if you will" mcgonagall said as filch played the music.
" 123...123...123" she counted and her and Ron began to dance.
"Everyone now. Boys on your feet" mcgonagall said as the girl jumped up and the boys stayed sitting. I turned my back towards the boys attempting to hide so I didn't have to dance. Suddenly my hand was grabbed and I was spun around into the arms of a boy.
"I told you you couldn't run from me chlo bear" George smirked.
"Can you ever just leave me alone Weasley" I said not looking at his face.
"Nope" he said I could practically hear his smile. The closeness of our bodies was making me nervous and erupt in butterflies.
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes
"What is wrong with you? You have been so distant with me ever since what happened at the first task" he said getting a little upset.
"Oh so you actually remember what happened!" I snapped looking up at his face
"Of course I remember! Why would you think I didn't!" He whispered with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Because you acted like it never did!" I whisper yelled
"I didn't want it to be awkward between us!" He whisper yelled back
"It already was!" I said back as I pulled away from him and stormed out.

It's been 2 weeks since George and I had our fight. I haven't talked to him since then and it's honestly killing me. I miss that little git. I walked to potions with hermione and Ginny boy my side.
"Chloe talk to him" hermione said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What? Talk to who?" I asked
"George" she said
"No" I said blankly
"Oh come on chloe it's obvious you miss him" Ginny laughed
"Is not!" I defended
"Is to" she laughed again.
"What do you 2 know you are still young" I laughed as I walked into snapes class. I noticed George, Dane, and Fred were here early for once. I silently walked past George and took y seat next to him and let the awkwardness fill the room.
"This is ridiculous" I heard George say under his breath before he loudly slammed his hands on the desk and climbed on top of the desk.
"Chloe jane lupin" he yelled
"What are you doing!?" I whisper yelled
"You haven't talked to me in 2 weeks and I don't like it" he yelled again
"George get down!" I whisper yelled again.
" I am sorry for how I acted. I remember that moment. I remember every second" he yelled
"Ok George get down!" I tried to keep quiet
"I miss you chlo bear. My life is incomplete without you" he joked as he put his hand to his heart.
"George shut it!" I whispered
"No! Because I have a question for you" he yelled
"If I say yes will you sit down!" I whispered
"I haven't asked my question yet" he shushed me.
"Fine George!" I yelled back
"Will you. Chloe lupin. Make me the happiest man in the world and go to the Yule ball with me?" He yelled
"Yes George! Just sit down!" I yelled. The whole class began to clap as George climbed off the desk.
"Was all that really needed" I said to George.
"Yes" he smiled
"You could of just asked me alone" I sarcastically smiled
"But then you would of said no" he smirked.
"I hate you" I glared at him
"Good to have you back chlo" George said winking at me. That stupid git!

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