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I sat in the great hall with hermione watching students put their name in the goblet. If only I was 17 I would dominate this tournament.
"You ready for the show" Dane smirked evilly as he sat next to me
"Is it ready?" I smirked back
"Oh it's ready" he winked. Suddenly a commotion erupted by the doors. I group of hufflepuffs stormed in laughing and cheering
"Go on Ced put it in!" I think justin said. Cedric was thrown from the middle of the group and pushed towards the cup. He turned to give his friends a smile before walking through the age line. Cedric's eyes met mine as he slipped his name in the cup. He shot me a quick wink earning him my famous smirk. He was very gorgeous.
"Well lads we have done it!" Fred yelled with George on his tail. Dane and I shot up from our seats giving the twins a high five... little do they know.
"Cooked it up just this morning" George boasted.
"It's not going to work" hermione sang... oh hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age. The twins gave each other a look and squared down on both sides of hermione.
"Oh yeah?" George asked
"And whys that granger?" Fred continued
"You see this" she said motioning to the age line
"This is a age line. Dumbledor drew it himself" hermione stated
"So?" George asked... so daft
"So!" She said slamming her book shut
"Dumbledor couldn't possibly be fooled by something so pathetically dim witted as an aging potion" she said
"Ah but that's why is so brilliant" Fred smirked
"Because it is so pathetically dim witted" George said. Both boys stood up onto one of the seats and shook the potion... their second big mistake... first was not listening to hermione.
"Ready Fred?" George asked
"Ready George" Fred said
"Bottoms up" the said in sync. The boys crossed their arms like a married couple and drank the potion. Once the potion was down they hopped over the age line... no problem.
"Yes!" They cheered prancing around the circle listening to everyone give them praise. They then took out their parchments with their names on them and threw them into the cup.
"Yeeesss!" The twins cheered giving each other a high five.
"It worked... it's actually worked!" Dane whispered in amazement.
"Wait for it" I smirked holding up my finger. Just then the blue flames swirled around the circle, eventually hitting the twins in the chest and sending them flying back onto their backs. Dane, hermione, Harry, Ron, and I ran over to the twins, along with a bunch of other people. I quickly pushed my way to the front of the pack to get a better view. The twins laid there with long white beards and hair where their fiery red hair should be. I couldn't help but laugh. I had to use Dane to keep me up right, but he was in the same position. I don't think I have ever laughed this hard in my life.
"It worked" Dane laughed
"Just like I said it would" I giggled
" 2" Fred said pointing at me and Dane
"Knew this wouldn't work?" George finished
"Duh!" I laughed
"Why do you think we wouldn't drink it" Dane stated
"I think that's one for the Lupin twins and none for the weasleys" I smirked as Dane dropped his arm over my shoulder
"Chloe!" George yelled
"Dane!" Fred yelled
"Yeah yeah lets save the 'Chloe, Dane we're going to get you' and get you 2 to the hospital wing" Dane said rolling his eyes
"Lets go ginger gets" I said grabbing the back for Fred and George's robes and pulling them up.
"Oi Chloe, if you wanted me that badly all you had to do was ask" Fred smirked and the boys snickered
"Oh shut it" I rolled my eyes shoving Fred forward.
"Sorry Freddy but little Chloe belongs to someone else" Dane smiled
"And who would that be?" George asked
"Oh you didn't hear? Seems as if pretty boy diggory has a thing for our little chlo bear" Dane smiled
"Does not!" I gasped
"Does too! I saw that wink he gave you this morning" Dane laughed
"That was nothing!" I yelled
"Whatever you say Chloe" Fred laughed, earning a sigh in frustration from me.
We took the boys up to madam pomfrey who fixed them in no time.
"So diggory huh" George said as he sat on the edge of the bed
"It's not like that Georgie" I said
"He's too old for you" George said
"Well you don't need to worry about anything Georgie. My heart belongs to gingers only" I smirked
"It better" he laughed slinging his arm over my shoulder.
"Awe look at you 2" fees smiled crossing his arms
"Come on idiots. Lets go see who the champions are" Dane said excitedly.
We all ran down the the great hall, not wanting to miss the ceremony. Luckily we arrived just in time.
"Now that everyone is seated. Let the selections begin!" Dumbledor yelled. As in cue the blue flames turned to red and spit out a burnt piece of parchment.
"The drumstrag champion is... Viktor Krum!" Dumbledor yelled. All of the Drumstrag boys cheered and Krum proudly walked tot he front of the hall where he shook dumbledors hand and disappeared into a room off the time said. The flames again turned red and a parchment floated out, caught by dumbledor.
"The beaubatons champion is... fleur DeLacor!" A beautiful blonde strutted up to the front.
The flames turned red once again and the last name came out.
"The hogwarts champion is... Cedric diggory!" Dumbledor yelled. The hall erupted in cheers and claps as Cedric walked to the front of the room smiling a enormous smile.
"There you have it! Our three champions!" Dumbledor yelled. But the flames went from blue to red again as another name flew out.
"Harry Potter" dumbledor said just loud enough to hear. I looked over at George to see he had the same look of confusion and fear written in his face.
"Harry Potter!" He yelled again.
"Harry for goodness sakes" hermione whispered shoving Harry to his feet. Every eye in the hall rested upon Harry as he slowly made his way to the front.
"He's a cheat!" Someone yelled
"He's not even 17 yet" another one yelled
"Off to bed! All of you!" Dumbledor yelled as he followed Harry into to room.
"Well somehow I am not surprised" I whispered
"It's Harry Potter what do you expect" George whispered to me.

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