Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

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When it comes to learning in life each and everyday, it's something that's not an easy thing to do for many of us. For example, it can be easier for some people who are more mindfully aware of looking for a lesson in everything we do whether its a good or bad outcome. And for others, not so easy to see the lesson in each moment and to allow ourselves to experience everything without any denial or refusal of experience.

Nothing in life is easy, if it were easy, nothing and nobody would ever change. So we must allow ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone (as per no change happens in a comfort zone) and let ourselves feel uncomfortable and choose the right risks with the method we choose to earn change in result.

And for me, it took me plenty of time to adapt and accept the things I couldn't change and allow myself to be impacted and to experience life with both the good and bad characteristics of doing so. Which I did not like but I know I had to experience it anyway so I could learn from my experiences. And because of that, I have become quite stronger and wiser in the long run which I"m confident and proud of!

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