Chapter One: Fears, Friends and Foes

Start from the beginning

What was the time now? Ah, 12:13. Albus felt the agonizing company of the green-eyed monster strolling about in the chilly atmosphere. He didn't understand, couldn't understand where all this jealousy was coming from. He was not a jealous person. Okay, fine, the time his Dad bought Lily those ridiculous angel wings, and passed down his notorious invisibility cloak to James, he felt increasingly envious. But could you blame him? He was left with that pathetically old blanket from his Father's past; what good would that be? Now, however, he understood the significance of the blanket. He appreciated how much that blanket meant to his Father. But he didn't at the time. At that time, it felt a normal kind of jealousy. But this...this sort of feeling wasn't the same. The jealousy he felt with his siblings was entirely different to the jealousy he felt when Scorpius was with Rose. It...felt different. With Scorpius, it wasn't like that; it wasn't an envious sibling rivalry, it was more of a searing resentful feeling. Whenever he saw Rose with Scorpius, he felt as if his head were about to explode, torturing him into madness.

"Hello my good friend!" Scorpius greeted as he walked into the room with his tippy toes, trying not to wake the other Slytherins.

Speak of the devil.

Scorpius was dressed in his slick Slytherin robes, looking dashing as ever. His hair was never gelled back like his Father's, but instead his sunlit blond hair was combed perfectly on each side, his elongated bangs dangling over his forehead like rope, nearly touching his thinned eyebrows. His eyelashes, attractively so, were fascinatingly long. It reminded Albus of the reason why he loved watching him read so much, for Scorpius would look as if he were sleeping, peaceful and still.

Albus studied his friend's face prudently, noting any changes in his friend's behaviour with every chance he could find. Scorpius' dreary eyes which were often sunken with grief, was painted with a glistening colour of unexpected contentment, a shade that Scorpius only wore whenever he was with Albus.

Albus gawked at the glossy lipstick of red glimmering on the tip of Scorpius' moist lips. They snogged? How often? How long? And most importantly: why? Albus suddenly felt wrath, anger, and confusion, all rolled into one blaring, undefined, unspeakable emotion. He couldn't quite place his thoughts into words, so instead, he forced a painful smile, hoping his solemn eyes wouldn't betray him.

"Scorp!" Albus beamed, "it's so good to see you. Where were you?" he asked even though he knew the answer. "Out with...erm, her again?" He didn't know why but saying her name brought great pain to him.

Scorpius sat down on the bed, gesturing with his eyes for Albus to follow him, and reluctantly so, he did. Instead of sitting directly beside Scorpius, like he normally did, however, Albus stalked over to his own unmade bed, and sat in front of him. Scorpius was too engaged in his own thoughts to notice the barrier that Albus had quietly created between them, for he grinned as he took off his shiny, raven winged coloured shoes and snowy socks, calmly putting them away. He folded his socks carefully, biting his bottom lip, obviously plunged in unmistakeable concentration as he placed them gently in his empty laundry basket. Scorpius was still dressed in his school uniform, and despite the uniform being the same for every Slytherin, Scorpius seemed to stand out of the crowd. He looked far better, far braver and far more handsome than any of them combined. There was just something about Scorpius that made him different than the rest. Untouchable. Albus just couldn't quite wrap around what that something was.

"Rose is an excellent kisser, I must say. Did you notice?" Scorpius beamed.

Albus looked affronted, his nostrils flaring. He stuck his chin in the air and folded his arms across his chest defensively. "How would I know such thing?"

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