Chapter 14:

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(More angsty stuff...sorry. I couldn't help it! And I tried to think about the actions and words of what the doctors in Grey's Anatomy would do for the situation, so it's hopefully close to the real deal!)

Artemis stared aghast at the older speedster in red, and stuttered, "He-he had a seizure? Why did nobody tell me? I could have done something. I could have..." Flash held out his hand for the blonde to stop, and replied, "Artemis, I don't think you could have done anything. None of us knew or could tell, it was coming. None of us even thought a speedster could have a seizure, until this happened. Now, I watched them, that is Superman and Black Canary, take Wally through a Zeta-tube to the hospital. They're going to be in the room with the doctors to make sure he survives this. They're his personal guards right now and our job, is to figure out who sabotaged the drug in the first place. If we can track down who did it, then they will pay for their choice. I need you to not panic." Before Flash could finish, however, Artemis had somehow run off, despite her ankle being sprained, and went through the Zeta-tube. She arrived at the hospital, and found herself in the middle of a buzzing workday. From all directions, her hearing blurred to soft words, and her thoughts came to herself. A beeping could be heard as well, that left the blonde worried. Listening the best she could, Artemis faintly heard a doctor say, "He's flatlined again! Push ten cc's, then start chest compressions!" Walking over to where a group of doctors were, Artemis watched a nurse put a needle into Wally's IV pump, then turn right around, and begin the compressions on his chest. Someone yelled, "Get a crash cart in here! We need a crash cart! NOW!" The beeping continued, as the heart monitor kept tracking the rate, as it declined rapidly, then rose to new heights.  Fear pitted in Artemis' stomach, as she came back to reality. She rushed over to the doctors and the bed, saying shakily, "Please Wally! You've got to come back! I told you I love you and I know you feel the same! Why is this happening!?" Artemis felt someone pulling her away from the bed, saying, "You need to stay back, Miss! You can't be here!" A voice screamed, "Prepare an OR for a speedster! We need to be there now!" Artemis watched as the bed carrying the young villain, was rushed past her, and headed for the elevator, before it disappeared behind the double doors. All the blonde could utter was, "I love you. Please be safe. Please come back." As the chaos in the hospital died down, Artemis took a seat in one of the waiting rooms. Hours passed, and yet, there was no sign of a doctor that knew why she was there. Finally, the blonde saw Dick standing in the entrance. She walked up to him, as he asked, "Any word yet?" Shaking her head no, Artemis managed to say, "Dick, it's been hours since they took Wally into the OR. Do you think everything's alright?" The Bird said, "I'm not sure, Artemis, but what I do know, is that the League has decided that it is launching an investigation into its hardly seen members, our Team, and the pharmacies where the drug came from, to try to figure out what happened and why anyone would want to cause a trauma, such as a seizure to occur to a speedster." Suddenly, a thin, young, male doctor, with brown hair, blue eyes, round glasses, and a professionally tailored doctor's coat, complete with his name, appeared behind Dick. The Bird noticed, and turned around, moving to stand beside the blonde. The doctor asked, "Artemis?" The blonde nodded, as the doctor reached to shake her hand. After the shake, the doctor continued, "Hi Artemis, I'm Dr. Carters, the doctor assigned to Wally Thawne's case. I need to speak with you, if you have a moment." Dick said, "I'm actually the person overseeing Wally's paperwork. Artemis is my second in charge over him. So if you don't mind, I would prefer being involved." Artemis asked, "What is going on, Dr. Carters? Is he okay?" The doctor pushed up his glasses onto the bridge of his nose, and said, "Your friend will be fine, but I am afraid there are a few things that need to be discussed. Come with me please." The blonde turned to Dick and shrugged her shoulders, but followed the doctor to a more private room, with the Bird in tow. When they arrived, the doctor shut the door behind them, and said, "I'm just going to tell you both straight out, that whatever happened to your friend, did some major damage. Still, he'll be able to run, talk, and do much of what he was able to do before, but it will be greatly lessened for awhile, and he'll require major physical rehab to get back to where he once was, as his heart post-op is weaker and can't take much strain. Whatever was given to him, affected him as whole. Now, for a person of his particular type, I will allow him to be taken out of the hospital, if you can regulate and get him to his appointments, get him the meds and rest he needs for his heart, make sure no strain is put on his heart, keep him still, and just help with whatever he asks for. I guess what I am saying is, from today on, you are his doctors. He needs to listen to you, and you need to listen to him. Respect given, will be respect received." Dick replied, "We can handle that, right Artemis?" The blonde said, "Uh... sure!", even though all she could think about, was being close to Wally, and kissing him, hearing him talk to her. The doctor added, "Another thing, don't leave him alone in a room or in a room with the door shut, when he's asleep. The reason for this is, if the monitor were to go off the charts, no one would hear it. He won't know what's going on, because he's asleep, and it'll be your job, to keep the rate level, for his type. Also, you will need to give 10 cc's, if his rates start to go off just a bit. It is very important to keep his rate balanced, especially after what happened." The doctor handed Dick a bottle of liquid cc's, then also handed him a prescription for the rest of the meds. The Bird gave an affirmed nod, then left with Artemis, heading for the Zeta-tube. When they arrived, they saw Flash already there, and holding the slightly dozy villain turned hero speedster in his arms, with the teen's right arm still attached to an IV and a heart monitor. The dozy teen groaned quietly, and opened his eyes sleepily, as Artemis heard Flash say, "Just relax, Walls. You'll be back to normal soon, so just let me, as your uncle, take care of you for now. We're gonna get you settled, so stay calm okay? I know it hurts. I know you're tired. Let me do all the work." The teen mumbled an okay, then closed his green eyes again, only falling back into a restless sleep. As he dozed back off, Flash got the okay that a bed had been prepared for the teen in his arms, and in response, quickly went through the Zeta-tube, with Artemis and Dick following. They all ended back up in the Cave, and as Flash laid the body in his arms down onto a bed in the infirmary, Artemis watched with great care and worry. She wanted to know who would do something so cruel, but that mystery was still unsolved. Seeing that both Black Canary and Flash were together in the room, Artemis left, and yet stayed back to listen as they talked. She saw Flash soon finish pulling up the covers on the bed, and Black Canary was positioning and setting up the monitor and the IV drip. She set it close by the bed, then put her hand on the older speedster's shoulder, saying, "Batman and the original League members will figure out who's responsible for this, Barry. Take your own advice. Relax and let us handle it. I know you're worried about him." The older speedster sighed, then replied, "It's not just my nervousness, Dinah. What if I can't be a good uncle to him? What if I do something wrong? I mean, I know how to deal with kids; I have Bart, but he's my own son, not my sister's son! Wally's lost everything. I'm the only connection to his mom, and I fear that he'll see it and do something or ask about her. I don't even remember speaking to Elise, before her death. She was always the rebel of the family, and both my parents were hesitant to let me talk to her, when I was younger. All I want is for Wally to be happy." Black Canary told him calmly, "Barry, he loves you, despite not knowing the truth. You told him who you were, and he forgives you. You are family. And think about it... His past is spotted, just like your sister's. He's got a rebel fire like she did.  He really is your nephew, if that is his personality. Let that rebel fire burn, because it'll remind you of your sister better." The speedster nodded, then said, "Thanks Dinah." Artemis smiled from her hiding place, then left the room. She needed to find Dick and talk to him. Heading out into the open Watchtower, she found the Bird sitting across from Batman. When Dick saw her, he stated, "Artemis...Glad you're here. We may have a lead to the case involving Wally and his seizure cause."

(Sorry it ran so long. I wasn't sure where to stop. Been having too much fun writing angsty stuff. Also, I have something I want to ask you all. After I finish the next chapter, it will be the end of this book. Do you want me to start a new story, or make a sequel to this story? Your vote! Let me know what you think as well!)

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