Chapter 6:

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  Artemis stood silent, trying to make sense of Roy's terrible stupidity on the subject, when Jade was on that level of true love for him months before. Several emotions were being played throughout her head. First, she was angry at Roy for just now making it obvious that he really liked her sister. Next, she was fearful, which left an ugly pit feeling in her gut, because she knew Jade now hated Roy, and had left town, due to him. The final emotion she felt was one of sadness, because Artemis agreed with anyone who saw Roy and Jade together, that they were a good couple, and now, she had to tell him he was too late for the party. She said softly, hoping to sound kind, "Oh... Well Roy, the last time I spoke to Jade was a few months ago. She's gone, and hasn't been at home in months. I think she may have moved to some other city, and she hasn't been in touch, since then. I'm really sorry, but you're too late." Roy grumbled his response, then stomped out of the Cave, his recognition number preceding his departure, saying, "RECOGNIZED RED ARROW, B05". As soon as he left, a rush of wind flew through the room, and nearly knocked Artemis off her feet. When the wind stopped, in its place stood Bart Allen, also known as Kid Flash. Though he was only thirteen, he was one of the smartest techies on the Team. He was also the son of the Flash, who was Barry Allen. Artemis exclaimed, as she somewhat felt herself tipping from Bart's wind and speed, "Bart Allen, sit down! You nearly knocked me over!" The young speedster, when he realized he was in trouble, apologized saying, "I'm sorry, Artemis. Didn't mean for my wind to nearly knock you down! I was just gonna grab some cookies, then I'll be out of the Cave. Flash really wants to go back out tonight, to go look for Black Velocity, since he escaped Belle Reve last night." Artemis just rolled her eyes at the younger speedster, then stalked out of the room, heading for the training room, to do some target practice. Finding her bow sitting on a weapons rack, the blonde removed it, and gathered a few practice arrows from a basket beside the rack. Placing the arrow into the bow's drawstring, Artemis aimed it at a target on the wall, and shot, hitting the center with perfection. Upon shooting that first one, she placed three more into the drawstring, all at the same time, and shot them at the target. They too, hit the mark with preciseness that could possibly be compared to that of Green Arrow, her mentor. Smiling at the sheet of paper with the four arrows sticking out of it, Artemis concluded, "And that, is how I am better than Roy." She went to the wall, plucked the arrows out, and set them back in the basket, returning her bow to its spot on the rack. Walking out, Artemis bumped into the team's leader, Kaldur 'ahm, or Aqualad. He greeted Artemis, saying with perfect clarity and format used in his home city of Atlantis, "I did not expect to see you here today, Artemis. I would have thought you would be helping Ms. Waller, find Belle Reve's lost criminal." The blonde answered, looking up at the dark skinned Atlantean, "Well, I'm here, Kaldur. Roy called me in about something, and I also thought it would be good, to get some practice in, while I have the time. I'll be going over to Belle Reve later, though." Kaldur smiled, then answered back, "Well, that is good to hear. I should be getting going, Artemis. I need to attend a meeting in Atlantis for my king, and need to leave as soon as possible. I hope to talk more with you later. Alright?" Artemis answered, "Alright. I will hopefully see you later, Kaldur. Good luck at the meeting, and say hi to Tula for me, will you? It's been so long, since I last saw her." The Atlantean gave a firm nod, then went to the Zeta-tube, imputed his number and the location, then walked through, and disappeared. Artemis then did the same, except entering the nearest location to Belle Reve. She stepped through the Zeta-tube, and found herself about a block away from the prison. Ducking into a bathroom at a gas station, the blonde replaced her suit, for her work clothes. She then came out, and calmly but quickly approached the building, being sure to show her badge to the guards at the gate, for easy access. When she did gain access, Artemis stepped into Belle Reve, her head held high. Amanda Waller found her immediately, and demanded, "Come with me, Crock. I need to speak with you." Slowly and nervously, Artemis followed her boss into her office. Waller shut the door, and locked it, when they arrived, then she gestured for the blonde to take a seat. Artemis did as she was commanded, and asked, "So what do you need to speak to me about, Ms. Waller?" The short,  African American woman replied, sitting at her desk, and shuffling some papers around, "I heard you made quite a headway with Black Velocity yesterday, Crock. You got him to open up more, and talk about his father, far better than any other guard I've assigned to his watch." Artemis nodded, and said, "I guess you could call that headway, Ms. Waller, but I don't think I quite understand where this is going." "Crock, I am putting you in charge of bringing Black Velocity back here to Belle Reve Penitentiary. He seems to have a very strong connection to you, and for some reason, I do not know why. I believe if you can get him to open up about himself, you can find him and bring him back here.", Waller stated plainly. Artemis asked nervously, "Ms. Waller, not to be disrespectful, but are you sure I'm the best person to do this? I am a new recruit, with only a day of experience. Wouldn't someone with more experience with finding criminals, like the F.B.I., be a more better candidate?" Waller answered, "Crock, you are the best candidate for doing that. He trusts you, and that is an advantage. Use that trust to bring him in. Use that trust to do what I am telling you to do." Artemis exclaimed, "You-you mean, betray Black Velocity's trust?! Ms. Waller, no disrespect towards your judgement in any way, but what you're telling me to do, betraying a deadly criminal, could cause more problems for you, as well as the rest of the people in every city. If he knows that I betrayed him, he could set fire to the city, Belle Reve, or anywhere he wants! He could kill many innocent people,  just because I did one thing." Waller said, "Crock, if we do not bring down Black Velocity now, he could kill millions of people. Millions of lives is far better to save, than just a few. Find that villain. I do not care how you do it, but I want to see him in Belle Reve in the next forty-eight hours, or your job with Belle Reve Penitentiary will be cut immediately. You may leave. Go find him, or else."

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