Chapter 8:

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Upon arriving at Belle Reve, Artemis followed the guards holding Black Velocity/Wally to where his cell was. She watched painfully, yet quietly, as they entered the silent room, put him on the lower bunk, then shut and locked the door. Watching them leave, Artemis stayed behind. She had to make things right, even if the person was someone dangerous. The blonde could only imagine what Black Velocity would do to her, now that she had betrayed him. Waiting for two hours, all Artemis could think of, was apologizing. Coming down to it though, she couldn't bring herself to say it aloud. Staring at Black Velocity, Artemis saw him wake slowly, then get up, and lunge at her, from inside the cell, the inhibitor collar turned on. She said, "You're awake. Good. Rules are the same as before." The villain growled, "YOU. I can't believe I trusted you. I should never have listened to you, because you are the reason I'm back in this stupid, dark hole!" Artemis replied firmly, "I'm not the reason, you are! You killed people! You ruined lives! I had no choice, Black Velocity! I had to turn you in! If I didn't, you would be still free!" "AT LEAST BEING FREE AND TRYING TO BE GOOD, IS BETTER THAN BEING IN THIS... THIS PRISON! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THIS PLACE?! I HATE YOU, CROCK! GET THE HECK OUT OF MY LIFE AND OUT OF MY CELL DOOR! STAY OUT OF MY WAY! I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS FALLING FOR YOU AND WANTING TO BE WITH YOU AND LIKE YOU!", Black Velocity screamed violently. Artemis inched back, fear trembling into her limbs for the first time in forever. She stared frighteningly at the villain teen's hot, angry, bold green eyes, as they seemed to be glazed over with fire. As he moved closer to the door, and started pounding on the cell door, Artemis turned, and walked away silently. She bit back the tears she was feeling, and tried to handle the words now burning a hole in her heart. Walking down the corridor, Artemis left Black Velocity, and went to see Waller to tell her the truth that she seriously couldn't be on the villain's case anymore. Arriving however, the blonde walked in without permission, and took a seat opposite of Waller. The woman looked up from her desk, and asked somewhat harshly, "May I help you, Miss Crock?" Artemis stated, "Ms. Waller, I don't think it is wise for me to remain on Black Velocity's case, since I was the one who turned him in." Amanda Waller sighed, and said, "And why do you want off his case?" Artemis answered, "Because I know he hates me, and would do anything to get me killed, just like his last guard." The African woman pushed herself away from her desk, and stood up abruptly, saying, "Miss Crock, a guard never stands down or asks to be taken off a case, for fear of being killed. There is something else, that is driving you to ask for such a ridiculous request. Although I am not sure what it is, let me make it clear to you, that you are not off Black Velocity's case. Also, I do not tolerate my guards walking in on me, demanding favors. If you so much as request another thing, or come into my office again without an order, I will terminate your ability to work for Belle Reve again." Artemis nodded, then stood up, saying, "Alright. Then I respectfully resign. I can't work at a place, where the person in charge gives no care to her people. I also can't work at a place, where I have to deal with thinking that everyone is not entitled to a personal opinion. As much as I love this job, I feel my personal opinions do not matter at all to you, or to anyone else for that matter. Good day." Walking out of the room, her head held high again, Artemis went to the changing area, and removed her uniform, and turned in her badge. She then walked out of Belle Reve, and never turned back. When she got out, the blonde sighed, then looked around the open yard, shadowed by the tall, brick structure behind her. Since she no longer had a job there, and had walked out on Waller, Artemis knew she'd have to find something to do. Suddenly, she got an idea. Artemis remembered Black Velocity telling her he had escaped to find his mom, but had failed in doing so. The only thing the blonde knew that would possibly change the course of history, was if she could find the villains' mom. If she could find the woman, then maybe her relationship with Black Velocity would be reinstated, and she could work to prove he didn't do villainy for personal reasons. She could hopefully get him to change, and she could be the one person to care to give Black Velocity as second chance to be what he truly was meant to be. Stepping boldly into the open area outside of Belle Reve's jurisdiction, Artemis made a run back to the nearest Zeta-tube, where she had met Black Velocity, when he was free. Quickly tapping in her number, she was taken directly to the Cave, and immediately began to use the known files of all the heroes' personal villains. Tapping on the screenshot of Bart in his Kid Flash suit, it brought up all of his files, including known villains, one of which was Black Velocity. Hitting the file for the villain teen, Artemis opened the file, and began to read slowly. Her mouth moved silently as she read, but her eyes and her mouth stopped, when they both stumbled upon something even she was surprised to see. The file read simply: "Name- Black Velocity, Alias: Wallace (Wally) Thawne, Date of Death as Alias: 11/11/2010." The next part left the blonde even more startled, as it was inscribed, "Parents - Paternal: Eobard Thawne, Maternal: Elise Allen (dead)." Closing the file out, Artemis uttered, "She's already dead. There's no way to do anything. And she was an Allen, like Flash and Bart. Black Velocity, or Wally, is a mix of the two enemy lines. He's part of the hero line, and doesn't know it. What am I going to do, if he finds out the truth?"

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