Chapter 1:

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"So, you're the new guard, eh? Certainly was expecting a girl with a bit more promise than the pretty blonde haired dumb girl, who thinks this job will be easy cash. Well, it's not. These are criminals. They are deadly and they will stop at nothing to get what they crave, which is blood.", Waller said, turning to her new prison guard, Artemis Crock. The girl responded, "Listen Waller, I was raised by criminals, so I know they are deadly. I can do this. Give me one chance to prove myself to you, and to the others here. I am just as good, if not better, at making people listen to me." Waller narrowed her brown eyes at Artemis, then commanded, "Follow me." The blonde picked up herself, and began to follow her new boss, Amanda Waller, down a long, winding hallway. Along the way, several metahuman criminals, all wearing inhibitor collars around their necks, lined the walls, shouting and spewing hatred and cuss words, but Artemis just saw Waller excuse them as if they were nothing. She rushed past the criminals as well, but something in her stirred a hatred for leaving the criminals without a final word. Finally, at the end of the hall, was a single, metal door. Waller told Artemis, "All prisoners have an inhibitor collar, that is to remain on them at all times, to prevent their 'gifts' from getting out of hand or aiding in escape. The inhibitor collar emits a shock every time one of them disobeys or ignores orders. You are to emit a shock each time they disobey. You are only to talk to the prisoners, to tell them to shut up. You are to not be romantically involved with any criminal. Prisoners should only speak, when you speak to them first. You are their boss. What they say does not matter. They have no rights here. Got it?" Artemis briefly nodded, then entered through the metal door, as Waller opened it. Once she was through, Waller shut the door, then continued to walk. She continued, "You will be in charge of the younger criminals who are awaiting trial for their wrongs. One of which has been here many times, and has continuously attempted to break out. He has been involved with several robberies as well as killings, alongside his father, whom we have yet to catch, when he is free. Do not give him any mercy. He is ruthless and will kill to get what he wants, when he wants." Artemis again nodded, keeping her thoughts to herself. All Waller was telling her, Artemis knew, was not the way to treat a criminal. Even if they had committed crimes, they were still people, who deserved to learn the right way to behave by action, instead of constant pain each time an order was disobeyed. She only hoped that her past could be corrected, if she could teach one criminal the path of right, instead of them still on the wrong path. Coming up to another metal door, Artemis watched Waller open it with her fingerprint, then as the door slid open, the blonde got a look inside, and found herself staring in a rather large cell, at a young teenager, with spiked up black and ginger streaked hair, bright emerald eyes, a single piercing in his left ear, and a smirk that could very easily signify he knew business. His wrists were bound together by a pair of cuffs, and around his neck sat an inhibitor collar, that was on a steady red. Dressed in a dark blue shirt and pants, with wild dotted freckles across his face, the teen looked no more than maybe eighteen. The teen spoke, saying, "Well, well, well... Amanda Waller. Leader of the crew here at Belle Reve Penitentiary, and an old pal of mine. How long has it been, since we last met? And who is this fine blonde beside you? Another try to get me to talk about where my father is?" Waller sighed, then said, "Crock, meet Black Velocity, the son of the Reverse Flash." The teen grinned evilly, then said, " A Crock, huh? My dad used to know one of you...a Laurence Crock perhaps? He must be your father. Pleasure to finally meet you in person, Crock. What brings you to Belle Reve, of all places?" Waller growled, "Shut up, and listen." Black Velocity replied, his voice quieter, "Fine. Yeesh, no need to be so bossy." Waller continued, "Black Velocity is the only metahuman, in this facility, that is actually aided, when his body comes in contact with electricity and shock related things. Because of this love and need for a spark, when you activate the punishment setting on his inhibitor collar, he gets a shock of bitter cold, that radiates to each muscle, causing him be in extreme pain. Your first task, will be to keep an eye on Black Velocity, get him to his designation points, and to make sure he does not try anything to get out. You will shock him if need be, but since he has been through here, he knows what will happen. I will leave you to it." Artemis watched Waller turn and leave the room, the metal door closing behind her. Turning to see her captive, the blonde heard Black Velocity say, "She's a stiff. Needs to be free. Have room to run. Do things other than sit in that high place office of hers, with the League all at her throat..." Saying with a firmness, Artemis replied, "Just can it, Speedy. You don't get a say." The villain frowned, then said, "You're no fun. The last one was fun. She was a sight for sore eyes, but sadly, she was too involved. Knew too much. She needed to go." Artemis said, "What do you mean?" The villain grinned again, then answered, "You ever hear about a guard named Kari Wilson? Oh, rest in peace, Kari..." Artemis just stood astonished, trying to piece everything together. She finally said, "You killed her? I thought you all had your collars..." " Blackout via lightning storm, Princess. When those happen, all the inhibitors go offline, creating the perfect chance to make a run for Central or wherever your designated city is. Me...i just couldn't pass up the opportunity to vibrate my hand into her chest, and besides, she would have gone to Waller, had she lived to tell the tale, and my father would be here." Artemis said, "Oh." Black Velocity looked up at Artemis then asked, "What about you, Princess? I mean, now you know a little about me, but I know nothing of you. If we're roomies, and you're my personal guard, we've at least got to get acquainted somehow." Artemis asked, "But you killed the last one, when she got too close. Aren't you, you know, wanting to do it again?" Black Velocity chuckled, then responded, "Naw, I like you. You're different than the others, I can tell. The others asked personal things, like who my dad is behind the mask, but you? You seem to want to know me, rather than the person you see or think I am. You're more inclined to knowing me, than desperately looking to exploit my father. I like that, especially in a blonde girl." "Okay, I was fine with all the comments about me looking through you, and seeing something else, but the comment about me being a blonde took it too far.", Artemis growled. Black Velocity responded, "Fine, Princess. I apologize for that little misconception, but I just thought you'd like that I was actually complimenting you. You seem a little rough around the edges. Ever get the chance to do something bad for a change, to loosen up and live a little? Bet you'd be real good at being bad, considering your father is high in the Injustice League." Artemis stood astonished, then replied coldly, "If you think just because we're talking, that you can pull me over to your side and convince me to let you free of that inhibitor collar, you are a crazy douche." "You are right, Princess. I am crazy, but I am not a douche. I happen to be quite intelligent, but you'd only know that, if you knew my father.", Black Velocity smirked. Becoming very irritated by the villain's apparent harsh and rash demeanor, Artemis fell silent, and took a seat in the chair, just outside of the section of the room, not barred off by metal bars. She had no idea that a villains' kid could be so dang annoying and flirty as heck! Who was he, to go that far? Where had that happened? And if she could, would Artemis be able to help him, to know the path between right and wrong? Suddenly, the lights went out, and the sound of lightning crashed loudly above the holding cell. For a brief second, the blonde froze, unaware of what to do. Turning to look at Black Velocity, she got a glimpse of his true power. Around his body was so much strong yellow and blue lightning, and in a blink, he was gone, merely vibrating his whole self through the metal door, as if it were a wall!

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