Chapter 11:

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(Notice: This chapter is a bit more angsty, just for future knowledge. Hope you like it!)

Artemis turned, and breathed a sigh of relief. Standing in the doorway was Flash himself, and he looked truly angry. The speedster clad in red said again fiercely, "I'm telling you, Thawne. You back off of them, and there won't be any blood shed. I don't like fighting you, but when you endanger those who are mine, there are problems. Let them go. This is between you and I." Thawne just laughed, then walked up behind Waller, his hands being placed carefully and calmly on the back of the chair, as he said devilishly, "They never were yours, Allen. You screwed up big time. Made me have to pull the plug on my little plan, which included your nephew's help, by the way." Flash yelled, "It wasn't your call to make, leaving Elise like that with a kid in the first place! You never even told him the truth about her, did you? Then, when you finally wanted the kid, you stole him, and killed his mother, my sister! Black Velocity... he should know me. I met him once, when he was just Wally, not Wallace Thawne." "Black Velocity doesn't even know you. Heck, if he wakes up from his...lengthed rest in the land of the dead, he will not even care who you are. Although, based on his circumstances at the moment, he's dead for sure. He'll never wake up. And everyone knows that a speedster can't resurrect the dead. If we could...I would have made sure I killed your mom over and over again, with you watching each time on like a record, just to see you shatter.", Thawne taunted with an evil glare in his eyes. Flash argued, "If I let you do that, it would be over my dead body. No one, and I mean no one, messes with my family!" Thawne grinned maniacally, "That could be arranged." Flash dashed up to Thawne, and the two began to battle it out, with Artemis watching. During the battle, Black Velocity opened his emerald eyes, despite what Thawne had said, and the person to notice, was Artemis. She heard him groan, then roll onto his side, as he cried silently, due to the pain. Seeing and hearing him awake, the blonde rushed over, and stared at the massive partially, bloody burn he had gotten on his chest, right where his heart was. She was stunned by the damage, but whispered, trying to keep the speedster calm, as he stared frightened at the burn mark, "Stay down, Wally. You can trust me. Please...I'm so sorry. Don't leave me." Black Velocity chuckled an almost silent laugh, then coughed, and said practically breathless, "Crock. Forgive me, and I'll forgive you." Artemis laid down beside the villain, and touched his red and black hair, saying, "Okay. I forgive you, but you have to stay alive now. We can help you, but you have to stay alive for me." The teen coughed again, this time bringing up blood with it. As a bit dribbled down his chin, Artemis grabbed a gratefully nearby towel, and wiped it gently, staring into the green captivating eyes of the villain, and at his freckled cheeks. In that moment, her world froze again. The situation may have been different, but it triggered the memory of their almost kiss in her mind, before she betrayed him to Waller. Realizing she didn't want to miss out on kissing him, if he died, Artemis passionately grabbed Black Velocity, and gave him a kiss, not even minding the small blood stain on her cheek, that formed from it. The two teens stayed in that position, for a few minutes, until yet a third coughing spell took over the villain's body. Drawing back, Artemis watched as Black Velocity coughed profusely, unable to stop, and even more blood came from his mouth. Still, the blonde remained calm, and whispered soft, calming words to him. Finally, the villain teen deeply breathed, then whispered raspily, "Princess, I-I love you. Don't forget it. You were my dream to be." Artemis looked down at Black Velocity, as he closed his eyes. Laying the teen villain flat on the ground, she touched and stroked his pale hands, hoping he'd awaken once more for her, but the act never happened. Feeling hot tears in her eyes, the blonde caressed his freckled cheeks and his limp hair. She wished she was able to have magic like Dick's friend, Zatanna. If she did, she would reverse everything, and make things right, so she could be with Black Velocity longer, and not be filled of anger towards herself, for being unable to stop his death. Turning to face the two still fighting speedsters, Artemis stood, then in all her anger towards herself, she punched up at Thawne hard, and hit him square in the nose! The villain's nose started bleeding, and in an attempt to stop it, he forgot he was trying to fight Flash, giving the red clad hero the chance to make his mark, pummeling Thawne to the ground, ending the fight suddenly. Walking over to where Flash and Thawne were on the ground, Artemis said calmly, yet boldly, "I'm not a fool, Thawne. The fact that your own efforts for victory killed the only person that understood me, means that you are the fool. If she was alive, what would your wife say, to the fact that you murdered your only heir to everything of yours, but because he was of no more use? Truly a despicable human being, if you are even human, that is." Thawne grinned, blood coming from his nose, as he said, almost relieved, "That pest is dead. Good. Now Flash knows what it's like to lose two people of his." To that, the red clad hero clenched his teeth firmly, and sent a lightning fast punch to the body of the yellow clad villain, leaving him breathless, and gasping for air. Flash stood up, and came over to Artemis, putting his arms around her. He whispered, in an almost inaudible tone, "I'm so sorry he's gone, Artemis. I may not have known him, but he did seem like, from the way you defended him, that he wanted to be a hero, and I would have let him, because he was my family." Standing in Flash's arms crying, Artemis smiled, though not very widely, and asked, "You would've?" The older hero nodded, and replied simply, "Yes." Moving away from Flash, Artemis went over to where Waller was still tied up, and worked quickly to untangle the binds. When she finished, Waller stood, and said, nodding to a few guards who had come in during the fight between the speedsters, "Take the Reverse Flash to his own cell, in solitary confinement. Do not let him out of your sight." As the guards dragged the breathless villain away, Artemis watched, hurt filling her lungs. It was all over. They had won, but at a terrible cost. One that would haunt the blonde for months, and bring possible recurrent nightmares. Black Velocity was dead, and she hadn't gotten to tell him how she felt, but she had shown him by the kiss. She only hoped he knew the truth, before he passed on.

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