XXIII |Drink Up, Me Hearties, Yo Ho|

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To live forever.

          A few weeks had passed since that heated night within the Captain's cabin, and Mirela was happy to say things hadn't changed. Sure, Jack and herself were more open with one another and stole kisses on the helm, yet they still bickered among one another over secrets neither wanted to share. It was in Mirela's blood to be secretive, maybe that was what kept drawing Jack back after they got into a spat about something she simply would not answer. As for Jack, Mirela knew he would still chase after the woman in Tortuga, or any lass that batted her lashes his way. However, Mirela wanted it that way, she wasn't your average woman, she wanted to fight for Jack more than she should, she wanted to make a name for herself alongside the famous Captain Jack Sparrow.

          Redressing her wounds, Mirela smiled down at the large scabbed covered slash and hole in her sides. She would forever remember that battle as the night her late family found peace, however, deep down the gypsy knew that wasn't what soothed her dead family. Pulling on one of Jack's white tops, Mirela tucked it into the band of her black bottoms, the same style breeches she had worn this entire journey. Somethings would never change, Mirela was sure of that. Through all the change that had taken place just over the course of this journey, Mirela was perfectly content with keeping a constant. Even if it was something as silly as her pants.

          Her boots thumped lightly as she stepped onto the deck, darkly tanned cheeks were tinted with pink once again, giving her a more fierce look than the day she stepped aboard. Her lips pulled up into that closed mouth fox like grin, her sandy eyes, once hazy with the sorrow of her family were now bright and alert. Her orbs had changed over this journey, something every crew member had noticed. They now danced with a constant fire, a warmth that lured people in, yet warned them not to get too close. Mirela was just as dangerous as she was lovely.

          Tan wisps of hair fluttered across her shoulders, being tugged toward the south as the wind nipped at her flesh. The bustle aboard The Black Pearl was oddly comforting to Mirela, what once used to be just a place she had deemed her own out of curiosity had truly stolen her heart. The pirate life was indeed for this gypsy. Striding through the hustle of the crew, Mirela was searching for two certain pirates, she needed to speak to them before they reached Tortuga. Call it a gypsy's intuition, but she felt as though this would be the last time she saw them for some time. Her heart had grown attached to the two oddest Pirates of the bunch, she couldn't step off this ship before a proper goodbye was spoken.

          She saw them by the mast, mouths moving and hands flying as they argued to one another over something Mirela knew not. Gliding up to them, Mirela listened with half an ear as they argued over what was to happen now. "We will go our separate ways." Both men's lips snapped shut, one eye and a pair darted to lock with the woman who had spoken. "Ye will follow the man you always have, and I will follow the man Tia had planned me to." A soft smile turned up Mirela's lips, changing her once mischief look to one of warmth and sorrow over her lost friend. Pintel and Ragetti both shared a look at her words, a frown marred their lips before a sly grin took place.

          It wasn't a moment later that the pair had engulfed her in a hug, their arms tossed around her shoulders, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Mirela. Circling an arm around either torso, Mirela leaned her head on the junction where Pintel and Ragetti's shoulders touched each others. She ignored the smell of stale rum and sweat, ignored the way they were covered in grime, the gypsy simply wished to cherish this one moment between friends. Taking a half step back, Mirela took Pintel's wrist in her hand, her other hand reached into her pocket. With a sly grin once again on her lips, Mirela began to tie a braided piece of black and gold cord around her friend's wrist. She did the same for Ragetti.

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