IX |Ideas and Insights|

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Calm the nerves, race the winds.

           Mirela was fuming, her brow was pinched in concentration while her knuckles were white from gripping the bars she was confined behind. She couldn't believe it, out of all the people in this world, Cutler Beckett just had to be the power hungry asshole trying to rule over all mankind. Okay, maybe she was being a bit dramatic, but she couldn't help it. With a gruff sigh, she pushed away from the bars and slid her back against them so she was sitting on the wooden floor, knees drawn toward her chest. "So, ye know Beckett?" Gibbs timid voice came from her left, she didn't turn to face the older man, simply grumbled curses under her breath.

          Deep down, Mirela knew she should tell them, they had been traveling for days upon days together. It seemed it would only be fair seeing as she knew quite a bit about them. "He killed them." Her voice was hollow, lifeless and soft. Her fingers tangled together in front of her, her elbows perched on her knees. Her sandy gray orbs were locked on her fingers, more importantly, her left thumb. A tan line was on said thumb, reminding her that Jack Sparrow still had her ring. She'd need that back. "My husband and son, Cutler ordered their death.." She sucked in a large mouthful of air, like voicing the truth physically hurt her. It did.

          "Why would he do that?" A slightly higher pitched voice had Mirela glancing up, Marty was pressed against the bars in Gibbs cell, his eyes focused on her. She gave him a sad smile before she ducked her head back down. "I'm sure you've all heard of the Trident. My husband, Captain Bensik Camlo pirated that ship.." She paused, letting the locked up crew murmur to one another. "Bensik had a way of avoiding the West India Trade Company. He also had a way with making them look like the blundering idiots they are.." Mirela's lips tilted in a sad smile, memories coming to her like they happened yesterday. She would do anything to go back, to tell her loved one to stay home another day. However, she would be naive if she thought that would have kept her family alive.

          "I often went with Bensik and my son on their journeys, I was told I had an eye for treasure.." She chuckled lightly, her curls shifting as her head moved from side to side. "Bensik had a plan to take down the Trade Company, he wanted Beckett to rot just as much as the next pirate and gypsy did. So, he and my son went out to gather pirates. I stayed back to gather gypsies. I don't know how, but Beckett caught wind of Bensik's plans. He sunk the Trident and came after me next. I was already gone though, hidden safely in the bayou." Mirela shifted her weight after she spoke, her left leg now stretched out before her. "Aye.. the world's a cruel place.." She nodded her head at Gibbs words, silently thanking him for not throwing pity in her direction. That was the last thing she needed.

          "Would you really kill him?" She turned her head toward the right, her face empty of emotion as she locked eyes with Pintel. "I'd do much more than kill the poor slob. He killed my husband, my son." She scoffed slightly, her lips pulling up into a silent snarl. Death would be too easy for Lord Culter, he didn't deserve to be let off so easy. No, Mirela wanted him to suffer, wanted him to feel the fear she was positive her baby boy felt when the Trident went down. "Everyone knows not to mess with a momma bear, but the wrath of a gypsy woman is far more deadly." She turned away from her odd friend after that, for she knew if she continued to look at someone she held close, her heart would warm and her anger would slip away.


          Above deck, and in another ship that held Lord Beckett's office, Jack Sparrow was aimlessly wondering about the man's office, his fingers always touching something or another. At the moment Jack was conflicted, his heart was racing within his chest like a caged birds wings. He didn't like what had happened on deck, the way Mirela's head had bounced on his ship's deck.. He shivered at the image flashing across his eyes. He was surprised there hadn't been any blood. Jack was also on edge because of where he was, who he was with. Lord Beckett was a despicable man and the fact that Davy Jones was just around the corner? The situation didn't help his nerves at all.

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