VII |Witty Jack Knows|

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          "Wet powder." Mirela pushed off from the mast as she spoke, her sandy orbs dancing with specks of brown. With a half-smile, the woman pushed her way through the pirates, her fingers nudging the barrels of pistols away from her. "Wait! We can still use them as clubs." Pintel flipped his pistol around and made a motion like he was hitting someone over the head. She shook her head at him, her hand coming up to catch the butt end of Ragetti's pistol when he aimed to hit Pintel in the head with it. She gave him a rather amused look, her lips pulling up higher when he gave her a sheepish look.

          "There." Mirela's torso stretched over William's shoulder, her slender finger tapped on the map, a freshwater stream under her nail. "I promise; you boys can continue to shoot each other after we get water." She stood upright, her lips pulled into a sly grin as she locked eyes with Barbossa. "You can lead the shore party, and I'll stay with my ship." Jack patted Wills shoulder, his hand than rising to brush along his jaw in thought. Mirela's eyes darted between Jack and Barbossa, her lips pursed when Barbossa spoke up. "I'll not be leaving my ship in your command." There it was, the bombshell. The blimey bombshell, the same bombshell the two captains had been fighting over since they had got Jack back. She shook her head, her right hand coming up to run through her curls. Pirates. Always the same.

          While the argumentative captains settled their little spat, Mirela had slipped away without a word and scurried below deck. As much as she loved being aboard, she also loved the dry land, and thus she was going to tag along with the supply party. Whether they wanted her to or not. Shuffling through the scattered junk below, Mirela couldn't help the small hum of victory when her eyes fell upon the glint of a blade. If she was going into uncharted territory, she was going to be armed. She scooped the blade up, her fingers running along the flat slide before she picked up a discarded sheath and tied it at her hip. With a weapon now secured to her slender waist, the gypsy started to feel the emptiness inside her chest grow smaller. She was finally picking up the things she had left behind.

          Making her way back on deck, Mirela raised a rather amused eye as she saw the last pair of pirates slip down, and into the longboat. How rude, they hadn't even asked if she wanted to come. Sending a wink to Master Turner, who appeared to be watching the Pearl for the time, she lengthened her strides and sprinted across the ship. Her hand curled around one of the ropes lowering the longboat, her right leg tangled around the rope as well. Keeping her grip light so she wouldn't receive rope burns, Mirela relied on her leather boots to help her slide down the rope. Once she was a few feet from the Longboat she dropped herself, her weight landing with a soft thud against the bow. The boat tipped at her sudden weight, causing the small group of pirates to mumble in protest.

          She ignored the curious and weary glances some of the pirates were sending her and allowed her eyes to focus on the two pirates on either side of her. Pintel and Ragetti were looking at her with slightly gaping mouths, and for once, she had no clue why they were looking at her like that. Raising a brow, she settled between them, her shoulders pressed against theirs. "How did-" "What was-" Both pirates started to speak at the same time, they instantly glared at one another. With a light chuckle, Mirela patted their knees in order to grab their attention. "My husband was a pirate, darlings. I know my way around a ship." Her voice was soft, her goal was to ease their curiosity, however, she realized too late she had brought up a new topic.

          Both men nodded in understanding before their heads jerked up and they gaped at her once more. "You're married?!" Ragetti was the first to gain his voice. Neither of the odd pirates noticed the way she cringed at her mistake, however, Jack did. He was watching her with curious eyes, his scattered mind replying the way she had slipped down the rope. She had done it with such ease and finesse that he had to wonder what else she could do with those legs. "Was. He's dead." Mirela's short tone had Jack's glazed eyes blinking back into focus. His orbs flickered to Pintel and Ragetti, watching as they shared a look before slinging their arms around the slender woman and tucking her into their sides. Her suddenly dark mood sparked to life at that simple action, her white teeth flashed in a large grin at the rather weird pirates.

          "Crimety!" Pintel's eyes were locked on the lifeless body of the Kraken, pupils were blown wide with shock. "Hods bodkins!" Ragetti joined in on the shock, his jaw slack. Mirela rolled her eyes at the pair, though a fond smile was on her lips. She brushed past the gazing pirates, her hand outstretched so her fingers ran across the dried out skin of the large creature. "Careful! Careful!" Ragetti was at her side, his arms flying about in uneasiness. She ignored his concerns and walked the length of the creature. Her boot nudged at one of the tentacles, her brow creasing. The look of conflict on her tanned face was quickly washed away with a look of mischief and joy, her orbs locked on one of the many suction cups on the Kraken. She drew her blade with a flick of her wrist, brought the steal down in an arch and sliced off one of the smaller suction cups.

          She smiled, sheathed her sword, and quickly picked up the newest addition to her collection. Glancing around, she noted Barbossa and Jack farther up the beach, lips moving as they spoke. She wrapped the suction cup in a strip of cloth, tied it to the scarf around her waist and strolled toward the two captains. "The world's still the same. There's just less in it." She caught the ending of their conversation, her head tilted slightly at Jacks words. She could only describe them as wise. She slid between the pair, her eyes locked on the forest ahead of them. "Captains." She greeted them both, her orbs flickering between them before back to the forest. "Shall we?"

          Mirela's sword was out, her blade slashing rather ruthlessly at a mass of vines in her way. Sometimes she really hated plants. Jack was behind her, brows scrunched up as he watched her hack away. "It'd be wise to save the anger." She stopped her destruction on the vines, her body shifted to the side to allow Barbossa to finish the job. She turned to face Jack, her brow raised as she waited for him to go on. He didn't though and simply strode past her when Barbossa got through the wall of plants. Sandy eyes sparkled with flecks of white, like diamonds buried beneath the beach, she was curious about Jack. With her sword back on her hip, she quickly scrambled after the captain, her shoulder brushing against his bicep when she sided up to him.

          "Tell me, who is Captain Jack Sparrow?" Her tone was soft, a whisper for only him and her. Jack's gaze flickered down, his brown orbs catching the small twitch of her lips. "Only the best pirate to ever sail." He turned his head to her as he spoke, one hand coming up to add flare to his words. A low hum sounded from the back of her throat, though she didn't turn to acknowledge him. "Ah, and I'm the lass with everything shiny." This time she did turn her head, those ever-changing hazel eyes locking onto his fawn colored ones. "Tell me, who really is Jack Sparrow?" Her tone held a certain edge to it like she was calling him out, challenging him. Jack eyed the gypsy, a peculiar look on his face.

          Sparrow would gladly admit that she was a welcoming sight, with her soft, yet well-defined features, and her mass of curls that made his fingers twitch with longing. He wanted to feel her, wanted her in his bed. However, her personality made him falter. She vaguely reminded him of Tia, yet the way she spoke, with such sly humor and double meaning. It was like she knew what was going to happen like she was here for entertainment purposes only. Jack found his body halting, his hand slipped around Mirela's wrist before he tugged them behind a tree. Away from prying eyes. Her back was flush against the bark, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Jack leaned into her, his grip on her wrist tightening as his nose brushed against her cheek and pushed back her hair.

          "Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow is a man that knows when something of his has been taken." His lips brushed across the shell of her ear, his breath warm on her flesh. Mirela eyes widened slightly, her heart jumped in her chest before that ever-present sly smirk flitted across her features. She turned her face towards his, her cheek brushing against his. "Well, Captain... I haven't a clue what you're speaking of." She was taunting him, poking at the pirate that was already pressed against her, that had her trapped. She wasn't afraid though, there was no reason for Jack to hurt her, this was all just a game. His free hand was suddenly digging into her hip, making her painfully aware that this position could turn intimate. "Where is it, love? Where are my beads?"

          He was looking at her now, pulled back so his brown eyes could stare into her hazel ones. Mirela's face scrunched up, her lips pursing into a childish pout. She grumbled curses under her breath, her wrist jerking from Jack's grasp and her other hand pushing him back by the chest. With a scowl, she pulled the beads from her pocket and held them up to him. A smug smile curled on Jack's lips, his hand raised allowing him to snatch the beads from her fingers. "Better luck next time." He shrugged one shoulder toward the gypsy and left without another word. Leaving Mirela with the urge to laugh, pout, and everything in between. With a shake of her head, Mirela tangled her right hand in her mass of curls and hurried to catch up with the group of pirates.

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