{ Chapter 11 }

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"Ohmygod!" Shelia screamed, making Tyler and I pull apart.

Ugh! Why did she have to ruin any good moments? But then again Tyler was her boyfriend.

"Shelia, I'm sorry but we're done. I can't have a crazy bitch on my arm 24/7!" With that, Tyler stormed away and left me and Shelia.

"I hate you so much," Shelia whispered, tears brimming her eyes, "So much."

I had never seen so much hate fill one persons eyes. Did Sheila really have feelings? Suddenly, I felt terrible. I had hurt Shelia and knew it. Being the one to kiss Tyler not him kiss me, made it 10x.

Shelia had stormed into the tack room. I walked calmly towards the tack room, hoping and praying for the best. I had to apologize no matter what.

I walked into the tack room and faced Sheila. Except Shelia wasn't there. She was on the floor with blood pooling around both of her arms. A pocket knife was hanging limply in her right hand.

"Shelia!" I screamed feeling even worse.

I ran over and tried to wake her up. Her eye lids fluttered. They suddenly flapped back then her breathing slowed.
After whipping out my cell, I quickly dialed 911.

"911 I need paramedics! She is trying to commit suicide! Help!"

"Ma'am. Please call down. What is the address."

"Rebeca Farm!"

"We are sending an ambulance."

I sighed and put my phone down. I grabbed Sheila's hand.

This was my fault. 

Saddle Up AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora