I Won't Breathe so You can Recover

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Hello every-nyan! Before we get into the story !!! PLEASE READ!!!


I am sorry for the constant updates. I've been editing mistakes and weird plot holes in the story so that it can make for a better reading experience. I originally wrote this when I was around 12/13 years old, so it's clearly going to be so out of wack. I have also changed the story plot altogether. It will no longer be the same. Here is the new chapter that moves the story in a different direction. Please remember to comment, vote, and share with friends if you know someone who might enjoy the story. Mostly because I will no longer be updating this weekly,(not that I had been) But I would try to keep up so that the readers have something weekly to look forward to. But, when I do that, my views go down. So now I will only update the new chapter when there is a demand to do so. I am keeping everything in the same already published chapters so that old readers that have read it can easily find the book in their libraries, so you will notice comments that are old and are commenting on something that no longer is part of the plot.


  Due to tragic and horrific events caused by the Creepypasta fanfiction fandom, I will not be condoning that kind of behaviour or promoting it in my stories. I want to make sure I make it clear that harming or killing people is not okay, "cool" or LEGAL. It's not a cute quirky trait to have and is not at all normal. I suggest if you are having these thoughts get serious mental health help. If you chose to not read this story after this disclaimer- feel free to remove it from your reading list. I promise I will not cry about it.

I do understand that not all people who read these stories are that impressionable, regardless, I believe that there has to be something said about it. Someone of sound(ish) mind who loves this community should bring you down to reality. Everything in this is fiction for a reason, so I encourage you to enjoy it only as such. Have fun reading and please, please make smart choices and stay safe.


The next morning, You woke up laying on your chest. You looked over across the bed to see Toby soundly asleep. You smile to yourself. Toby looked so peaceful. You stand up and stretch your arms. You walk around the bed and grab your clothes to get dressed before heading towards the door. You open the door and step out into the hallway, closing the door behind you. You walk to the bathroom. You splash water on your face and rub any sleep from your eyes and mouth. You then brush your fingers through your hair. You take a last look in the mirror to make sure you don't look like you had just woken up. In a cup to the side was your toothbrush with a cap over it, as it was in a cup among the others. They were all coloured different colours so that it was not so easy to mix them up. Yours happened to be the red one as it was the last colour toothbrush they had left. You pick it up and squeeze the toothpaste onto it and begin to brush your teeth. Suddenly you hear knocking at the door. You rinse your mouth out,

"One minute!" You call out.

"Ugh," you hear Tim groan. You roll your eyes.

"Should have gotten a place with more than two bathrooms." You mumble to yourself.

You tap the water of your toothbrush off and put it back the way it was.

You open the door and step out.

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