✖2: Our awkward love

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A/N: Thanks a lot for 36 reads and a big shout out to my readers from Algeria, Poland, Malaysia, Canada and the United States.


"I'm Sasuke Uchiha, the king of this kingdom" I told her with a smirk. If she recognized me it didn't show, she kept struggling against my hold.

"Alright, king" she spat "let me go, I'm here to help your family"

I scoffed, she looked so young, there was no way she'd be a healer. Healers took many years to perfect their trade, there was no way she would be a healer.

"How old are you?" I asked out of the blue.

"Huh? Uhm 16" she answered shyly putting those pink lips of hers in a pout.

"What's your name?" I inquired

"Err, Naruko" she answered with hesitation

"Hn" I grunted in reply. My mind was far away, her body was so soft.

"Look, I'll be on my way, I just came to heal them, I won't cause any trouble, I just- mmph"

I put my lips to hers roughly, they're other things that hot mouth of hers could be doing instead of ranting. I kissed her wildly, my tongue exploring her mouth. I was about to pull back when she wrapped her hand around my neck and started kissing me back. I kissed her roughly and bit down on her lip causing her to gasp, I used the chance to invade her small hot mouth, she moaned as I ran my tongue across her bleeding lip, she seemed to like pain. I felt like my blood was on fire. I pressed my body against hers and she pushed back, she must have been a late bloomer because her chest was flat and I found out that I preferred it that way. She was moaning into the kiss and I felt myself growing hard.

"Stop!" She pushed me away from herself and adjusted her dress and hair.

I was confused, why was she teasing me? I didn't like this one bit.

"What's wrong Naruko?" I asked eager to continue the kiss

"I can't I'm sorry" she choked and turned to run.

"Naruko! Wait" I screamed as I ran after her "Sai! Hold her!"

Said caught her with ease and held her as I walked up to her.

"You're mine Naruko" I whispered in her ear


I couldn't let the tears run down. I wiped the tears on my cheeks furiously as Sasuke pulled me to the ballroom.

I was devastated. Thing is, I was cursed when I was little by the witch Takasuki. She couldn't bear the fact that anyone much less a baby would be prettier and better than her. She knew that many people would fall in love with the beauty I possessed so she placed a curse on me that I'd die within a month if the person I was kissed by didn't love me. To make things worse, my body would keep craving my kisser. Sasuke kissed me because of this godforsaken beauty of mine, now I was going to die. But somehow I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Shivers ran through my body when I recalled the second when he bit down on my lip drawing blood, I was a sucker for pain.

"I have an announcement to make" Sasuke boomed into the microphone "I have found my bride" he pulled me beside him as the people (except the ladies) cheered in congratulations.

He then pulled me to his body and kissed me with so much passion. As long as I could kiss him like this, dying didn't seem so bad.


I pulled away from the kiss only to meet desire burning in her eyes that were threatening to spill tears. I wanted her so bad.

I reached out into my robes and pulled out a royal promise ring.

"Take care of me Naruko, take care of this ring too" I murmured lovingly as I slid the finger onto her slender fingers. I reached up to kiss her again, this time I was more gentle and loving.

"I-I'm sorry Sasu, I-I c-can't" she pushed me away gently and ran away.

"Guards" I yelled "stop her"

I watched as she ran nimbly escaping all the guards. I didn't want her to go. I wanted her, she was different, she was sensual. There was something about her that I couldn't just place my finger on. I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her in my bed where she belonged. I shuddered just thinking about the things her little body could do to me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I slipped my cold demeanor back on, I couldn't let anyone think I cared.


I ran and ran and ran and I didn't look back. If I was going to die, I wanted to die in peace, I hated the way my body reacted to Sasuke, I hated the fact that he'd never love me the way my body did. I hated Sasuke with a burning passion for making me feel that way.

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Read the original story at https://www.wattpad.com/story/68071781?utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&utm_source=android from @yanira4567's profile

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