"Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him." the Grey Wizard continued.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift!" Gimli exclaimed.

"Yes. I never told him, but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire." Gandalf replied. The Fellowship walked onwards. They started to climb a set of stairs. They were very steep, proving difficult for even Legolas, but even more of a challenge for the hobbits. Ara climbed behind Pippin and in front of Merry to ensure that the hobbits were safe. Pippin slipped at one point, and began to fall. Moving quickly Ara caught him. The movement jarred her injured shoulder, and she bit her lip. The Bender steadied the hobbit, who gave her a grateful smile. They then continued the arduous task before them.

After they had left the steep staircase behind them, the group came upon a split in their path. There were three tunnels, all leading in different directions. Gandalf came to a stop, the others doing so as well.

"I have no memory of this place." he announced. The Fellowship decided to take advantage of the time that they would be stopped to rest. Ara sat down against a rock, relieved for the opportuntiy to rest. She was hesitant to fall asleep in this place, however. What if her friends needed her? Not to mention the unease that plagued her from both being under thousands of feet of solid rock, and Gandalf's words earlier. The young woman looked up when someone sat down beside her. Ara saw that it was Legolas, and gave him a small smile.

"You should get some sleep. You'll be safe." the elf said, returning the smile. Ara nodded and pulled her cloak closer around her. She closed her eyes, and eventually drifted off.

Aragorn walked over to sit next to Gandalf after he had finished speaking with Frodo. He looked over at the sleeping Ara, his brow furrowed. Something had been bothering him for a while, and he had decided to run it by the wizard.

"You know, she has scars. They appeared to be from shackles." Aragorn said. Boromir looked up, having unintentionally overheard what Aragorn had said. He frowned, concerned.

"Yes... I am aware." Gandalf said cautiously. This was a very delicate subject, one that was not easily discussed. Aragorn frowned. Gandalf had known about what had happened to Ara?

"Gandalf, who did that to her?" he demanded. Legolas then looked up, being closer to the two. Gandalf shook his head.

"I cannot say. It is not my place to tell you. The time will soon come when Ara will have to tell you herself." he replied. Aragorn looked frustrated. He was sick of half-answers. Something very bad had happened to his friend, more like his sister. If he did not know what that something was, he could't help her.

Gandalf suddenly stood up.

"Ah. It's that way!" he said, pointing to a tunnel. Legolas shook Ara awake and helped her to her feet.

"He's remembered!" Merry exclaimed happily.

"No, but the air does not smell so foul down here. If in doubt Meriadoc, always follow your nose." Gandalf corrected and started off down the tunnel. Ara sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't too content that Gandalf had went on scent alone, but she trusted the Wizard. Ara walked besides Legolas. She noticed that Boromir kept glancing at her. The Bender was confused by his actions, having been asleep when Aragorn spoke of her.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, the Fellowship came into an open space. They could not see much, as Gandalf's staff only lit up a small portion around them.

"Let me risk a little more light." the wizard murmured and his staff glowed brighter. The added light allowed them to see great stone pillars, and arched ceilings that went so high above them, that they appeared to never end. The Fellowship was awed while they took the sight in.

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