Chapter Thirty Three: The Veil

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"When I think of him on stormy days the waves of desire come crashing down on me so hard I fear I may drown in my own longing"
-- Christe Ann Martine


Eleanor knew Tom couldn't die yet the crippling anxiety of the moment still had yet be eased in her tightening chest knowing that Marcella had no idea what could come of this.

The presence of Grindelwald's Army could be felt from the stone bleachers that hid in the shadows and every move of a muscle felt like it were being speculated under their watch. She frantically looked around with only her eyes, sensing that the only thing she should be worried about was on this very rock.

"Eleanor Peverell, I do hope you understand how easier your circumstances would have been had you willingly come along the first time." Grindelwald said, aimlessly wandering around the walk as his thoughts came spilling out.

Then, her eyes met with Tom's and she never left them.

"But what a shame that you had to be selfish enough to think you were brave and strong." he laughed. "Now it's merely got you in a situation where everyone you love is in my grasp."

Eleanor's eyes flinched away from Tom's, not because Grindelwald had referred to him as one of the people she loves but because she had felt the brutal honesty sting her once he said that.

She regretted now not giving herself up sooner.

It was her fault Tom, Marcella and her family were in this situation and that heart caving feeling was worse than anything.

"When you play my game, Eleanor, you lose and when you lose you win an insufferable fate that would last longer than the time you played." announced Grindewald.

Her eyes flicked up to him as he came towards her, a wild look in his ice blue eyes and much amusement on his face. It was the epitome of insanity in her books.

Then, Eleanor's heart stopped and she flinched back when Grindelwald's cold hands patted her cheeks.

The feeling of being treated like a puppy while he stood there, belittling her very existence, made her cheeks grow hot. Everything in her boiled to a point that was unsafe as she felt the magic running through her. But with no wand, it was almost useless to have magic.

All she could think of as Grindelwald stood there just a foot away from her face was how she didn't have to tolerate it. She could play games too.

In an instant reaction, Eleanor drew up the most non lady like thing she could ever do and spit right in Grindelwald's face.

It reminded her of what Marcella once did when Avery dared Nott to grab her bottom. It was quite the show when she turned around and did it and now as Eleanor did it right in the face of the man the world feared, she understood why her friend was proud of herself that day.

But the boys of Slytherin shouted and cursed as they stormed off.

Grindelwald wasn't just an ordinary boy from Slytherin.

Instead, with the wave of his wand two rough pairs hands wrapped around her arms, sending shocks through her. It was obvious they were being controlled by Grindelwald.

Eleanor was then pushed down to the ground with such an inhuman force that her cheekbone scraped the Earth and her head was nearly spinning from how off guard she was. They were definitely under some sort of control.

As she turned on her side, however, ready to push herself up and fight to get this over with, Grindelwald had sent a blow to her stomach with his boot and his cackling, menacing laugh echoed throughout the chamber.

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