Chapter Twenty Five: All Consuming

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Eleanor's lips were barred shut by her loss of words.

She clenched her shaking fist, the one that wore the ring, hoping it would do as Tom said for it was her last hope.

As she stared at Grindelwald, her eyes mistakenly wandered through his mind and she was sucked into a cold, dark abyss that troubled her.

"Curious, I see." Gellert spoke, a psychotic glint to his amused eyes.

He began to circle her and she held her breath, unable to move her eyes off the trees ahead of her.

"I am curious as well considering I thought you had been able to hide from me with your mother so long but come to find out, you joined the Parkinson family! She had truly fooled me with the fake body of a child burned to death."

When he came back into Eleanor's view, she gathered herself and stood straight with her eyes on his like the fear had set her spine straight.

"But you knew that already, didn't you?" Grindelwald asked.

"I know everything up to why you wanted me here in this very moment." Eleanor sharply replied.

Underneath her blue top, she could feel the necklace against her skin, the very weapon that could gaurantee Grindelwald's regime a success. Then, a bone white wand came into view as he pulled it out from inside his coat, a long slender wand with bumps evenly spaced out along it.

Eleanor's necklace warmed her chest and she knew very well it was the Elder Wand.

"I feel as if we have so much catching up to do." He said, clasping his hands together.

"Why? You only need me for one thing." Eleanor questioned, staring at him oddly.

"Tell me, how is Dumbledore?" Grindelwald ask, starting to slowly pace again as he made small talk.

Ah, so Grindewald was the friend her professor talked of.. She wasn't having it though. It was putting her more on edge, fearful of when he would snap on her.

"Just fine. He knows exactly what's happening, though. They'll be here soon." she replied, hoping he would show up to send Grindelwald off. It seemed unlikely but she hoped to instill some sort of worry in his mind.

"Don't do that." Grindelwald smirked, stepping closer to her. "You may be the brightest witch of this era but you're too held down to ever be powerful enough to sway me." he darkly chuckled, his blue eyes peering into her. "They don't even know where here is."

He must have been a Legilimens as well because Eleanor felt herself unconsciously sift through an entire lifetime of her own memories all at once as if Grindelwald were there through it all. She felt vulnerable in that moment as if ever deepest, darkest secret was revealed but she luckily had her mother and relationship with Tom guarded thickly in her mind.

If he knew she were still alive or if she wore one of the Deathly Hallows, he wouldn't think twice about killing her.

"How willing are you to hand it over then?" Grindelwald sharply asked, his voice losing some of his amusement.

He sounded impatient which worried her but she thought carefully for a moment. Before she could speak, however, Grindelwald leaned in and said,"Because you will join me and live or die trying to do otherwise."

Eleanor instinctively stepped back, ready to jump on the port key with Leila and leave, but the second her foot hit the ground behind her, a gust of wind knocked her back further and along with it came a searing pain across her body where several wounds seemed to rip open.

A whimper passed through her lips as she laid on the Earth, a warm liquid dripping down parts of her body where the spots of pain burned, dripping down onto the dirt. She lifted her head to look at the ring on her finger, that entire arm being untouched by any of the wounds Grindelwald had inflicted on her.

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