Stuck In the Middle, My Story.

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As I walked out of the school gates alone I saw my friend Ryan with his group of friends and since I really didn’t want to walk alone I thought I would go walk with Ryan and his friends as I knew he wouldn’t mind me tagging along, however there was the awkwardness of walking with him and his friends as Michael and Ashton both really liked me, however I didn’t really like Ashton that much but I really liked Michael and I had for what felt like forever and now I knew that he liked me as well this just made me want to go walk with them even more so I did.

As I approached them I got welcomed with many hello’s and heys, I asked the boys if it would be okay for me to walk home with them and of course they were fine with it, however this was a awful decision as Luke and Calum kept on teasing Michael and Ashton about how they apparently kept flirting with me. This kind of annoyed me because all I had wanted was some people to walk home with. This made me feel like such a bad person as Ashton really liked me but I didn’t feel the same as Ashton did about me, however I was so happy about Michael liking me I kind of forgot and just had the happy thoughts of Michael liking me in my head. 

I was a little bit of a quicker walker so I was walking in front a little, Ashton had been trying to flirt with me so this made me walk a bit faster as I felt a little bit awkward because of this. I heard Michael say to Ashton “Ashton she really isn’t interested in you” I looked back and Ashton looked really upset of and of course Luke would have been laughing, this just made me feel even worse I just didn’t know what to do, as we walked towards the small Tesco shop in my town, Ashton had to go meet his mom to go to see his auntie, this made me feel a little less pressure and awkwardness as now I was left with Michael I really wanted to talk to him but I knew I would turn into a tomato so I didn’t I just continued my conversation with Ryan about cameradancer100 as we were laughing and joking about 5 minutes after this Michael approached me and said “Abigail can we talk for a second” I jumped to take the chance and went to speak to him he said “ we have known each other little time and only now talk because Ryan is best friends with Ashton and Luke but recently I have just wanted to talk to you because your stunning, Ryan talks about you all the time and how funny you are but its awkward because Ashton likes you too” I didn’t know what to say to this but somehow I managed to say “ Yeah I see what you mean I feel the awkwardness Ryan said that you both like me, Michael I have liked you for as long as I can remember and I cant believe you feel the same I never really seen much in Ashton he is a lovely lad and that but I cant see him in that way” Michael blushed when I said this then he said “ how about we hang out sometime? What you doing tonight?” I remembered I had made plans with Ryan and Becky so I said “I’m going out with Ryan tonight you lot should tag along with us we wouldn’t mind! But Michael don’t say anything to Ashton because I don’t want to upset him, we can hang out alone tomorrow night if you want?”

Michael then replied within a second without time to think  “Yeah okay sounds great I’ll get some snacks in and we can watch some films sound good” I smiled at the thought of tomorrow night with Michael I really couldn’t wait, I just said “ Yeah that sounds fantastic, looking forward to it”.

I couldn’t believe it I was going to spend the evening with Michael Clifford tomorrow!!

Later that evening me, Ryan and Becky went out for a walk to the park, and when we got to the park I received a phone call from Michael asking me where we were as they wanted to come meet us, so I told them we were at the park, they didn’t seem happy about us going to the park so they asked us if we could go meet them so we left the park and went to meet them. 

When we met up with them Ashton looked at me and smiled, and Michael just rolled his eyes at him, I couldn’t help but laugh, Luke walked with Ryan and Calum walked with Becky and I walked in-between Michael and Ashton, it was so awkward because I liked Michael and Michael liked me but Ashton didn’t know this, or about us meeting tomorrow night. Later on that evening Ashton pulled me aside and whispered to me “Hey Abigail how about me and you tomorrow at my aunties she is going on holiday tomorrow evening we could watch some movies?” I didn’t know what to say to this I was going to have to tell him I was with Michael I replied “ Sorry but I have other plans maybe another night” he looked so upset I felt so bad he replied “yeah that’s fine, what you doing tomorrow night then?” I froze I couldn’t tell him I was meeting with Michael I am going to have to lie to him I am going to feel so bad “I’m going out with my mom were going shopping” he replied saying “oh right I see have fun”.

I hadn’t felt worse, I was now scared in case Michael told him that I was going out with him! I quickly text Michael telling him what I said, Michael replied saying “ what am I meant to say if he asks to do band practice, oo I will just say I’m going to visit family..” I was so happy that Michael had agreed to go along with it!!

Later on in the evening it started to get cold and I wanted to go in, so I said my goodbyes and started to walk home as we were just round the corner from mine, two seconds later I received a text from Ryan saying “Abigail there fighting over you get back out now! You need to sort this out! Your not ruining the band!!” 

I didn’t know what to do I had to turn around so I did in the cold, I could hear them as soon as I turned the corner Ryan ran over to me and was like Michael told Ashton that you like him and he also told him that he had your picture in a frame next to his bed. What, what is this what am I meant to do this isn’t my fault!!

Just then I walked over to them and said heya, to them both and asked why they were arguing they both looked embarrassed, so I told them to tell me but they wouldn’t just them Ashton said “Abigail I think I love you!” I burst into tears my emotions where running far to high for me at this point in my life how am I meant to react to this, why do two best friends like me. Awkwardly whilst thinking  I shouted “MICHAEL I LOVE YOU”  

What had I just done I was asking myself so many questions what had I done!

Michael didn’t know what to do but he couldn’t stop smiling. We all then walked home together saying bye to Calum first then Luke then Ashton then Becky, there was me Michael and Ryan left walking home just then Michael said “Abigail did you mean what you said?” I just stared at him and tears ran down my face I didn’t know what to say I was scared to say yes in case he didn’t like that but scared to say no in case he thought I didn’t care. At this point I found Michael had his arms around me telling me not to cry because I was beautiful and then I heard Ryan say “awww cute are you seeing her yet Mikey?” 

Michael just looked at him and said “Not quite yet” what was this meant to mean. Ryan then said “right I am going to go now I will let you two talk”. 

When Ryan was at a distance, Michael turned to me “Abigail do you really love me?” I looked at the ground and shyly replied “Yeah. Sorry”

He cried and said “Abigail you have made my day because you are the first girl to get to know me and like me for who I am not just because I’m in a band”.

I couldn’t stop smiling then he kissed me, so softly and gently and then he walked me to my door and said his good byes and said he was looking forward to seeing me tomorrow evening.

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