"I hope that we can learn about these weapons before we are thrust into battle," She said "as it could be what we need to defeat the Ruchkitay."   
  "I hope so as well." Cory stated wanting to stay near Krystal as long as he could, no matter what was coming.

  As they left the library they decided to get something to eat.

  " What would you like?"  Cory asked Krystal as they walked along the sidewalk.

   Being a nice day, they walked slowly to enjoy the sun and soft breeze

  "How about that thing you called a peet sa." She  said

  "You mean a pizza," Cory replied, chuckling at her pronunciation "That's easy enough."  as he led her to a pizza parlor just down the street .

  Her face lit up as she was hit by the smell of pizzas being cooked as they entered the small restaurant "What a feast for the senses!" She exclaimed as they sat down to order. When the waitress came to take their order Cory ordered a large with everything except anchovies, since he didn't like them, and a pitcher of ice cold root beer to wash it down with.

   "This shouldn't take too long." Cory said.

   The waitress came. back with water and a basket of breadsticks for them. As they each took one to munch on until their food came, Cory couldn't take his eyes off Krystal. He was smitten by her and was surprised that she wanted to be with him as much as she did.

   Soon the waitress came with the pizza and placed it on the table between them, then put a plate in front of each.

   Krystal's eyes opened wide as she saw the pie being placed in front of them. The smell was strange to her but mostly made her mouth water in anticipation. Cory put a slice on her plate then took one himself. Krystal watched as Cory picked up his slice and bit into it. She did as Cory had and took her first bite.

  "Oh my gods," she almost shouted as she swallowed her very first bite "this is great. I've never had anything like this before. How is it made?"

  As Cory explained what went into the pie she ate two more pieces before needing a drink. Cory poured her a mug of the root beer and handed it to her. She took it and brought it up to her nose and sniffed. The scent was strange to her but pleasant nonetheless. Her face showed that she was worried about drinking something so sweet smelling but as she watched Cory drink from his mug she cautiously sipped at her own. As soon as the sweet liquid hit her tongue she was astounded at the flavor that mixed with the pizza perfectly.

   "This is a meal for the gods ." Krystal said with a satisfied grin, " Do you know how to make this?"

   "The pie, yes," Cory told her, "The drink, no. By the way, How do you feed all the people aboard the ship?"

  "We have a molecular combination dispensing  system, it arranges molecules into the meal you want." She replied.

   "Can you introduce new foods into the data base?" He asked

   "OF course. " She said "We can input any foods into the system. Why?"

   "Great, let's go shopping!" Cory exclaimed as they started to walk out back into the sun.

  Turning towards the nearest grocery store he led the way down the sidewalk at a good pace. Upon reaching the store Cory explained the monetary system used. Going down the isles he kept grabbing items such as potato chips, popcorn, corn chips and assorted dips, including various salsas. Going into the meat department Cory picked out beef, chicken and turkey among many others. Getting to the produce he bought as many different fruits and vegetables as he could.

  "This should get me by."  He said as they waited in the checkout line, "I can make anything I want and keep it varied so I don't get bored."

  "That should be easy," Krystal said "with all the different species aboard we can all eat any meal from thousands of cultures without harm. You shouldn't get bored with the food. There are many I would like to introduce you to due to the diversity in flavors."

  "Cool, I'm already curious." Cory stated, "Just one more stop to make, then we're done."

   As they walked back Cory stopped in a shop and walked out with an uncooked pizza and two bottles of the best root beer he could find. Coming out with the food He smiled at Krystal .

  "How do you think the commander will like this ?" He asked as they continued on their way back to the fighter.

  "If I know him, he's going to love this. Almost as much as I do." She said in reply, "Almost!"

  "Let's stop at my place while I can still get in." Cory said " There are just a few things I want to get."

   "OK, We still have a lot of time to spare." Krystal told him

   When they got to his apartment He said "Wait here, I'll be right back."

  Embarrassed by his home he didn't want her to see his drab living conditions.

   Fifteen minutes later he came out with a collapsible laundry cart to put all the food in and a backpack with some clothes he didn't want to leave behind. After loading the cart they started walking. Krystal looked at the sights appreciating the landscape.

  "This is a planet worth saving." She said a tinge of sadness in her voice.

   "Let's hope MY people don't kill it before we get back." Cory said, wondering what made her feel so.

   "Let's." She replied

    They got back to the field where the fighter was hidden and sat down to wait until dark. Cory asked Krystal about her home world as he pulled out a couple of sandwiches and bottles of water.

   "It was a lot like here, open spaces, green trees, it was peaceful" She reminisced "until the Ruchkitay came. Now it's just about barren since the young pretty much ate everything in sight. The scientists from my home think it will take 200 to 300 years to regrow after we get them off it. That's why we're going on this mission, to start taking back what was taken from so many, their homes."

  The sun was setting when Krystal said "We have to succeed. Since I can't go home, I wouldn't mind coming back here when we're through."

   "I'd like that, too." Cory told her as his heart beat faster at her words.

   It was dark now so Krystal decloaked the ship, after loading everything aboard they got in the cockpit and recloaked. The little ship powered up and took off . Cory looked on as the Earth fell away beneath him.

    He hoped this wasn't the last time he saw home.           


A/N: Please feel free to comment. Suggestions and criticisms welcomed.   

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now