The check for our food is in her pack?

- Umm, we're kind of in a hurry, so could you..

- Oh, yes, sure.

"We are?" I thought. What is he planning that makes us "in a hurry"?

The waitress went to somewhere, and came back with the check. What was she looking in her pack if the check was over there?

- Here. – she said.

In the paper, I can see a little blue sticky note, under it, but I didn't know what was that for. I looked at him, and he seemed to have noticed the paper too. Although he seemed to know what was it. He carefully signed it without touching it, and got out the money. He put it next to it. I looked at his signing, he has a neat writing. His writing is better than mine! 

- Thank you very much – he said and got his jacket.

But when he got the jacket, its sleeve touched the check, and the paper which was on the edge of the table, fell to the ground making that blue note visible. I looked at it, and yes it was a piece of paper with..

"Call me if you'd like. 090-1678-5674" ...a phone number on it. Wow, she's just showing herself, isn't she?

Kakashi sensei looked at it too with a bored expression. Of course I'm sure these type of things happened to him like a million times before. I looked at her, and to my surprise, she was blushing. I didn't think someone like her could ever be embarrassed.

He took the piece of paper and gave it to her.

- Umm, that

- I know it was for me. I'm just giving it back to you. I don't want you to wait for an uncoming call.

- Oh...ok..

I felt sorry for her, sure she was a little out of line, but it's not her fault to be interested in him. She must be feeling terrible right now, denied by him so quickly. And for me, I would say she's rather pretty so I'm sure it's the first time she gets denied. I would say it's even the first time she asked out a guy.

- I'm sorry that I'm being a little harsh, but to ask out a guy who is obviously on a date with another woman, it's just a little out of line don't you think?

- I'm sorry...I didn't know she was your date.

"Huh, maybe you didn't know that I was here" I thought.

- Well, you do now. If you excuse us, we "are" still in a hurry.

She looked at herself and realized that she was standing in our way, got the checks and walked off. But when we went forward, she came back

- You overpaid. – she said handing out money. He shook his head.

- The rest is your tip.

-'s.. 50%?

- You tried to hit on a taken man, but still, your serving was ok.

- Oh..thanks.

- Now, if you please.

- ..right

She moved out of the way, as Kakashi sensei grabbed my hand to my surprise. He dragged me as I saw her gaze at me. I looked at her and she looked.. sad. But yet I can see the glimpse of envy in her eyes. I would not be surprised if today was the worst day of her life.

We got out of the restaurant, still hand in hand. He was walking quite fast. And I remembered that he said something about "in a hurry".

- Hey, Kakashi sensei. Why are we in a hurry?

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