Chapter 8-Smokebreaths

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You, Astrid and Tuffnut stood on trader Johann's ship as you watched Gobber gush over a large pile of scrap metal on the ship. "It's beautiful!" Tuffnut began fanboying as well. "It's just scrap metal...?" You asked, looking at Astrid in confusion. "Not that!" Tuffnut brushed off, running over to a shiny mace on the side of the ship. "Hey Mace, you wanna come home with me don't you?" "Yes I do Tuffnut! I want to needlessly destroy other people's property with you!"  "Astrid I'm scared" You whispered to her jokingly, making her punch your arm. "This is the finest metal from all parts of the Archipelago!" Gobber suddenly bit down on a sword that had been broken in half, making you flinch. "I'll take it all!" 

Toothless and Abscon padded across the ship, growling lowly at the pile of metal. "Hey buddy, what's wrong? It's only scrap metal! Nothing to be afraid of!" You patted his head and clambered onto the saddle on his back. "We'll help you take the metal back to the shop Gobber!" You smiled, grabbing a long thick piece of rope. "Thank you lass.." Gobber smiled back at you, "So Johann, seen any sign of Dagur recently?" You glared at him, knowing what he was playing at. "No actually! The last time I went to where the Berserkers are he kept ranting about- oh! Ranting about you and Master Hiccup, milady!" Johann addressed you, reminding you of Dagur's completely yandere nature towards you. A small blush made its way up your face as you turned to lift up the metal, seeing Astrid, Hiccup and Snotlout smirk at you. Fishlegs looked confused. "Shut it you three." "We didn't say anything!" 

You woke up the next morning, noticing a distinct lack of your axe by the door. You got up and noticed that your metal clad boots were also missing. "What the...?" you muttered before getting washed and dressed and then going to your closet, picking out your leather boots. You walked out of the bedroom door and towards Hiccup's room, Abscon nudging your torso, making you pat his head. "Morning Hiccup!" You called lazily as you looked into his room, seeing him closing his closet doors. "So you finally came out of the closet huh?" "(y/n)!! Shut up!!" You laughed as he walked quickly after you with Toothless, heading to the center of the village. You both heard people moaning about different things that were missing, like Ladles, Milk jugs and some guy's grandma's favorite cup? "What have we walked into?" You asked your brother, "I have no idea.." He mumbled, advancing towards your friends. 

"What happened here?" He asked when you reached them. "A lot of stuff got stolen from the village last night.." "And some of us are taking it pretty hard!" Astrid motioned to Tuffnut who was crying about his lost mace and suddenly screamed "NOOOOOOOOO" before shouting at Ruffnut about how she took Macy away. "And now I understand Dagur a little more.." You mumbled. "Axes, shields, goblets, weapons and protection have all been stolen!!" Stoic grumbled as he walked over to you, "Axes, shields, goblets...what do they have in common?" Hiccup muttered to himself, "Obviously they're all gone.." You said sarcastically whilst Snotlout hit his helmet to prove your point. "No! They're all metal!" "Everything we own is metal..." Astrid dead panned. "It's just  theory, (A GAME THE-) work with me.." Tuffnut's sobs came back into full swing before you noticed..Bucket and Mulch..slapping each other..with fish.. 

You burst into a hysterical fit of laughter at the sight of the two fully grown vikings hitting each other with sturgeons as the sun rose into view. It looked almost holy, which of course made it even more hilarious. Whilst you were loosing your mind over the hilarity of the situation, Abscon picked you up with his tail and put you on his back as he walked away with Gobber and Hiccup and Astrid.

"This was her favorite spot! Before she was STOLEN. Quote, un-Quote." Tuffnut glared at Ruffnut, "I didn't take your stupid ma-" "IT WAS HER FAVORITE SPOT!" Tuffnut returned back to his grieving, caressing the wall. "You only had it for a day.." "A DAY THAT FELT LIKE A LIFE TIME" "This is weird..." 

"toothless" "Toothless!!" "TOOTHLESS!!!" You shot up from your bed, hearing crashes from Hiccup's room, "Hiccup?!" You shouted worriedly, jumping out of your room, Abscon following closely behind. You kicked the door to Hiccup's room open, seeing smoke and your brother floating in mid air. "WHAT THE HELL?!" you screeched, running in and tugging at Hiccup, Abscon and Toothless growling and batting away the smoke to reveal Smokebreath dragons. "Ohhh!" You hummed, everything suddenly coming together, before Hiccup fell on top of you. "Are you ok?" You asked him worriedly "Yeah, I'm not hurt thankfully, so these are the guys who are taking the metal!" He said as they flew out of the window. 

The next morning you and Hiccup made your way to the village center, you began laughing again because Snotlout had lost his helmet. "Shut up (y/n)!" He shouted at you. "We know who the thieves are dad!" Hiccup announced. "Thieves? Oh Thor- So there's more than one?" Stoic asked, clearly not amused. "Yeah, but it's ok, they're adolescent smokebreaths. We'll be able to sort them out with our dragons!" You smiled at your father. "Of course! They need metal to build their nests!" Fishlegs chimed in "But why would they be here-" "I've been robbed!! The thief snuck past my booby traps and took all my scrap metal I got from trader Johann!!" Gobber ran out of his hut towards your group. " least now we know how they got here!" You looked at Hiccup "Do you think it was?" "Yeah, most likely, you stay here with everyone else, dad and I will go and talk to him." 

"Ok, So the smokebreaths were brought here by Trader Johann. But you don't think they would've taken the metal back to breakneck bog?" You asked Fishlegs. "No, they aren't able to fly a long distance with a heavy load, so they must've built their own nest somewhere on Berk." You looked at Hiccup who seemed to be thinking heavily. "So what now Hiccup? Got any ideas in that amazing head of yours?" You asked. "...If they have a nest on Berk, that means that we should be able to lure them here with any extra metal we have and then follow them back to the nest!" You smirked at your brother's genius moment and got to work collecting all the metal you could find. 

"Ok, So the most important thing is that you don't do anything until I tell-" "GET EM!!!" "Oh my Thor.." The Twins on Barf and Belch barreled towards the Smokebreaths, explosions going everywhere. "Or we could do that?" You laughed at Hiccup as you mounted Abscon, taking off after the retreating Smokebreaths. You soared through the forest, following a separate part of the Smokebreath cloud that had broken off from the rest of the group. You flew near the shore line, glancing at the horizon and noticing an abnormality. "Are those...ships..?" You slowed Abscon down and looked to the ships coming towards Berk. You strained your eyes and gasped. The skrill insignia said it all. "Oh no.." You whispered, before shooting off to find Hiccup. 

"We have a problem!!" You shouted at Hiccup and Astrid as they flew back in front of you. "I know! We have to get back and get everyone ready!" 

Dagur watched as Berk grew closer by the second "There should be boot kissing by now!! He raged, before Savage dropped to his feet and started kissing his boot. "Not you!!" Dagur viciously kicked him away "That's disgusting!" He walked towards the front of the ship, his mind skipping a few minutes to when he had conquered Berk, Hiccup had kissed his boot, the Nightfury was destroyed, and you were all his.

"What is this guy the king or armadas? Does he go anywhere without one?" Hiccup asked sarcastically. "It's like he knew we were gonna be defenseless- oh Thor..this is really adding up now..." You sighed as you ran back to your father. "Dagur planted the dragons in the scrap metal we got from Trader Johann! He knew what they would do!" You explained to Stoic and the rest of the vikings of Berk. "Hiccup, you know where the nest is, go there and get our weapons!" Stoic put firmly "We don't have enough time to go get the weapons, and make it back here before Dagur attacks!" "Then let's just go out there and blast the Berserkers with all that we've got!!" Snotlout exclaimed, "Even with our dragons the 7 of us can't take on the Fleet alone!" "Well then...why don't we get some help?" You asked, tapping the metal on your shield. 

"Fly faster!!" Hiccup shouted back at you and the other dragon riders "We're almost there!!" You smirked as you saw Dagur's helmet come into view. "Now!!" Abscon dropped the metal all over Dagur's ship "Sorry love!" You shouted jokingly, Abscon turning back from the armada once the metal had been completely dropped, meeting Hiccup and Astrid a few meters away. "So I thought they were meant to?" "Wait a second.." You watched the ships collapse into the water and sighed with relief, setting off back to Berk with the rest of your friends. "Well done Hiccup! (y/n)!" Your father walked up to you, pride overflowing. "Thanks dad!" You smiled brightly "We'll get the metal the smokebreaths took from us as soon as we take them back to Breakneck bog!" You stepped away from the conversation your brother and father were having to walk back to your house. Abscon padded along next to you. You sighed. "What am I going to do..?" you asked your dragon as you opened the door. Abscon nuzzled you gently, knowing that his Mistress' heart was being torn between two different causes..Something big was coming..

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