Chapter 4-The Skrill (part 1)

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You watched as the Berserkers attacked Bucket and Mulch on their ship, steering Abscon closer and fighting back a laugh as you saw the two-usually soft- vikings begin to fight back. Pretty much doing the fighting for you until you got there. Snotlout scorched the plank between the ships, it was your turn "(y/n)! Abscon! Do your thing!" You smirked as Abscon swooped down towards the ship and fired his blue flames between the boats, just brushing the sides of the berserkers' one as a warning, Toothless and Hiccup doing the same, roughly bumping the Berserker ship. The warnings worked, as you heard them shouting 'retreat!' and saw their ship retreating as quick as the wind would take it.

After you landed, you climbed off Abscon and hurriedly walked over to Bucket and Mulch, who were getting off their small ship. "What happened?" Hiccup asked. "I don't know Hiccup maybe they got attacked by a bunch of Berserkers?" Astrid and Snotlout snickered at your retort. Hiccup gave you a playfully angry look and turned to the two other vikings. "Well we thought that the Berserkers had hit an iceberg so we came over to help and..they attacked us!" "No surprise there.." Mulch shook his head as he looked at the iceberg. "Because we" You looked at Hiccup and Astrid confused. "It?" Mulch grabbed your arm and pulled you over to another side of the iceberg. "It!" He stated, pointing to a dark mass entrapped in the ice. 

Your eyes widened as your breath hitched. "HiccuuuUUUUUUUPPPP" You called, turning into a shriek. Hiccup ran around to where you were with Toothless and walked up to you, looking over your shoulder. "Its a dragon?" He asked, touching the ice. "Why were Berserkers trying to dig it out.....?" Astrid asked, cautiously stepping closer. Hiccup shrugged and picked up one of the small hammers. "I don't know.." "So now we're gonna dig it out ourselves?!" Snotlout asked, looking at Hiccup in disbelief. Your brother turned to him and smirked "I have a much better idea!"

You stood up from looking at the dragon in the ice to turn to Hiccup and Fishlegs, who were talking over the book of dragons. "It's a Skrill..." You said monotonously. They looked up from the book as the others also gathered around. "What?" "IT'S A SKRILL!!" You shouted as you jumped 10 feet in the air from excitement. "wait really!??" Fishlegs squealed as you came down "Yes!!! I'd recognize that body structure anywhere!! oh my Thor this is HUGE!!" You shrieked in excitement as the others watched you, deciding to stay back and wait until you burned out. 

In the hall, you had told Stoic what the dragon was. He looked concerned. "What's wrong dad?" You asked, still a little hyper from your earlier discovery. "If it is a skrill, that means the Berserkers were digging it out for a reason." Your face suddenly paled as you turned stiffly to Hiccup. "They want to train dragons.." You whispered. Hiccup stared at the book, "And if I know anything about the Berserkers, anything about Dagur. That wont be a good thing.." "Well yeah obviously-" "(y/n) please!" "ok ok.." 

Dagur held up his captain's arm as the countless Berserkers cheered at the fact that a Skrill had been discovered. "It's such a shame that he failed to retrieve it for me! And the fact that my fiance was the one to prevent him from capturing it and that he failed to capture her!!" The captain fell to the floor in pain as Dagur kicked him. "For centuries! The Skrill has represented the Berserkers' pride and strength! Now that Hiccup has it, and who is rightfully mine, we're just going to have to go to Berk, and pry the Skrill and my bride from his little scrawny hands! And destroy the Nightfury together!!" 

"Enough you lot! We need to get rid of that Skrill, this is just the excuse Dagur needs to go to war! Well this and one other thing." "Right here Dad.." "You know I mean well.." "You know I love a fight as much as the next person, but why not just give it to them? It's just a frozen dragon carcass!" Fishlegs paled and stepped forwards "Actually..because of their internal body temperatures..Skrills can stay frozen for decades.." You face palmed. "Dad I am begging you, do not give that dragon to Dagur! It's literally the excuse he needs to come over here in the middle of the night and take me back to Berserk with him!! Without anyone knowing! plus a Skrill is possibly even more powerful than a Nightfury!...and we left it with Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snolout.." You realized, looking at Hiccup and the others before you all set off sprinting towards the dragon arena. "Maybe it's not even that bad!" Hiccup shouted. 

An explosion was promptly heard and you reminded yourself to never leave them alone with an un tamed dragon again. 

You ran into the Arena after seeing the Skrill fly off. "What did we tell you?!" You cried, marching towards the twins. "It jumped us!! It was a sneaky dragon!" Tuffnut defended "From a block of ice?!" You retaliated. "....very sneaky dragon..." You sighed, pinching your temple and stepping away. Your father sighed gruffly, "What's wrong dad?" Hiccup asked. "When I was a lad, my Grandfather would tell me stories of Berserker fleets attacking behind chained dragons that brought down lightning from the skies. I thought they were just myths! But..." He sighed and looked at you worriedly. "You don't think the Berserkers would harness a Skrill do you?" Hiccup asked him "I didn't think anyone could ride a Nightfury! We can't take the chance.."

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