Chapter 7-Realization..

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"Snotlout you're not dying." You dead panned at the hysterical boy in front of your group.

"You don't know that!! The 5 sign posts of Valhalla have already shown 3 of themselves!" "They're an old wives tale!" Hiccup retaliated, rolling his eyes.

 "Then why have I seen the flying fish, weeping rock and singing tree?!" 

Snotlout shrieked as the smaller boy next to him held up 3 fingers. "Salmon spawning, wet rocks on the beach and a gust of wind. Honestly Snotlout you're gonna be fine!" Astrid stood next to you, not looking impressed at all "The 5 sign posts of Valhalla are only meant to happen to great warriors!"

 "Obviously! what's your point?" 

"You can't just choose someone to replace you! It's not that simple!" You spoke, gesturing to Gustav. "Well you wouldn't let me go through with my other plan!" "To bury Hookfang next to you ALIVE?!" You asked him, slapping your hand to your forehead. "He would love to sacrifice himself for his master!" "You're a freaking idiot..." 

*time skip to later on*

"Hiccup! I just got back to Trader Johann from outcast island. He over heard Dagur talking about test firing a new weapon." You looked at Hiccup and then back to your father "We'll take a few dragon riders and check it out dad." "Ok, but remember this is a scouting mission, not a combat mission, so don't engage with the enemy." You nodded and began walking out of the arena "And (y/n)?" You turned back around to face your dad "Yeah?" "Be careful. If you're spotted and hurt I don't want to think what Dagur or I will do.." Your eyes widened for a second before smiling "Don't worry dad, We'll be safe!" 

Hiccup looked through the small telescope, spy glass thing at the many Berserkers below you "There are a lot of Berserkers down there..." Hiccup sighed, "What's our diversion?" He asked you, Snotlout and Astrid. "Allow me!" You laughed before Abscon launched into the sky towards the hills. "Yoohoo!" You called to a sleeping Berserker, who seemed to be doing a rather good job of standing up whilst he slept. "Over here!" You called in a sing-song fashion, fying away as he ran after you, signalling to many other Berserkers who also ran after you. 

Dagur ran out from behind a huge rock and started shouting at his men as they passed. "What is going on?!" He asked, frantic to know what the hell was going on. "A single dragon rider has been spotted! Heading west!" "Was it the Nightfury?!" Dagur asked in excitement, "No sir! It was the girl on the changewing!" Dagur's excited smile turned into an insane one, the very same one he got every time he thought of you. "(y/n), good..!" He chuckled darkly.

"OK, (y/n)'s driven them far enough away! Let's get down there and see what Dagur's up to!" Hiccup told Snotlout and Astrid before all 3 dragons and riders flew closer to the Berserker camp. "Dragon rider! Dead ahead!" Savage told Dagur as he spotted Hiccup coming closer on Toothless. You swooped down from distracting the Berserkers, who you had 'accidentally' led off a cliff (oops), and flew closer with Hiccup, before fire arrows flew through the sky towards you. "It was a trap?!" You shrieked, Abscon dodging the flaming arrows as fast as he could. "Attack!!" Someone shouted as a Monstrous Nightmare flew overhead. "Who is that?!" You asked, "Gustav!" Hiccup answered, as the boy dangled from Fanghook's neck. "Evasive maneuvers!!" Gustav commanded Fanghook, who dodged the arrows with ease, only to be caught in a net. 

"For Thor's sake!" You shouted "Well atleast that solves the Gustav problem! Interested in a Lamb dinner on the way back?" "Snotlout!" You shouted at him, half amused and half agitated, getting in closer to Gustav "Fire it up!" You shouted. "For the last time, that's my battle cry!" "I know! So use it idiot!" You shouted, laughing as the Monstrous Nightmare set its scales on fire and burned through the netting, Hiccup flying up close to you, in the line of a net that was about to be fired. "Hiccup!!" You gasped as Abscon shoved Toothless out of the way and you felt the cold net bind against you. "Yes!! Got ya!!" You heard Dagur shout excitedly. Toothless went to fire a plasma blast but Hiccup stopped him "You could hit (y/n)!" Dagur made his way over to you as you clutched onto Abscon. "Move away from the Dragon my love, I don't want to hurt you!" You glared at Dagur as he smirked wider, raising his sword higher before flames erupted around you, sending the Berserkers flying everywhere, you shook off the heavy net off before going to run to Abscon, flames around you "(y/n)!!" You swung around to face Dagur. "You know that you can't escape me! I'm the only one who can take care of you with no mercy! Just let me get rid of-" "Shut up!!" You shouted before slamming your lips onto his impatiently, feeling a small spark as you did so. You pulled away hesitantly, before shoving him away from you and jumping on your dragon "Let's get out of here Abscon!" You told him, his wings spreading and sending you high into the air after your brother and the others. You looked back, only to see Dagur just coming out of a daze and laughing insanely, sending shivers up your spine..

"I let the Nightury and (y/n) get away from me again!! Why does this keep happening?! Why Why Why?!?!" Dagur shrieked with anger "I think the problem may have been in the uhm....the execution?" Savage mentioned, calming Dagur down a little. "Execution? now you're getting somewhere!!" He cackled as he pulled his sword from the ground and ran after all the Berserkers he could find. You heard screams from the island as you pulled further away from it.

"So there was no secret weapon?" "Nope, it was all just a trap to try and catch us and play lip lock with (y/n).." Your entire face went flared up "You saw that?!" Hiccup looked at you and smirked "Yeah, pretty funny how you got him to shut up from his ranting by doing the one thing I would've never thought you'd do!" You covered your face in your hands as Hiccup continued laughing. "(y/n), come take a walk with me" Stoic asked, beginning to walk out of the arena. You followed, glaring playfully at Hiccup as he went back to talking to Gustav. 

"(y/n)...I-" "I know what you're going to say dad.." "You do?" "Yeah..I've still got to marry him, don't I.." Stoic laughed heartily at this, causing you to give him a strange look. "No! I was going to say the opposite! Considering everything that's been going on, I can't see any possible outcome where making you marry Dagur would possibly have a positive outcome! So I'm calling it off!" He chuckled. "I mean it's obvious, apart from a few things, that you don't like him!" He kept laughing before calming down immediately after seeing you looking across the horizon. "(y/n)?" You sighed and turned to him. "Dad I don't know what to do..I..You know that I'll do everything I can to keep you, Hiccup, Abscon and the rest of Berk and my friends safe! But...I think..I might be starting him.." Stoic raised an eyebrow "You can't be serious lass.." "I am Dad..after that kiss..I mean..I felt something! A spark or something like that!" You explained, drawing your eyes off the horizon to your father, who by now was being accompanied by Gobber, as you were back near where the black smith shop once was. Both vikings looked at you with wide eyes. "What?" They stayed quiet for a moment before Stoic coughed roughly "Lass, this may be a small problem.." "Why d'you say that?" another moment of silence "(y/n)..When I and your mother first kissed..we both felt a spark..and I ended up marrying her and obviously having you and Hiccup with her.." Your eyes widened as Gobber's and Stoic's had. "So..I really am fated to marry him?" You asked slowly, watching your father nod and Gobber hold onto the side of the shack. "I never thought it possible for you to fall for anyone like that lass..I always thought you'd go for someone strong of course but..Dagur!?" You flushed bright red again as the deranged boy's face filled your head, shaking the thoughts away you looked at stoic. "Dad...what do I do?!" You panicked, the realization coming to you that you really were in love with the enemy. Stoic sighed heavily, putting a hand on your shoulder. "I don't know lass...I don't know..." 

Helloo!! This is Otaku-chanxoxo here! Thank you all for voting for the chapters and leaving your brilliant comments on this story! I really enjoy writing it and there is most definitely more to come today and possibly even tomorrow and even possibly the day after that! Also, just to let you know, you wont be getting together with Dagur when this part of the story ends..By 'this part' I mean, you'll be getting together with him in the Race to the Edge part of it which may be in this book or I may make a second book for it! So yeah, just letting you know! :) Thanks for reading this again! I appreciate all of your support! 

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