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**So this chapter was supposed to be after chapter 25 but for some uncanny circumstances it was erased and never uploaded. Why? I have no idea. So I'll just publish it as a bonus chapter.

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There was nothing but silence. Eyes heavy. Bones immobilized. Head and heart pounding painfully. Arms frozen and legs rooted into place. No warmth or comfort could reach her cold body.

"...did this happen? She was alive just a few moments ago."

Dead? She sure felt dead but she was positive she could feel a glimpse of life. Slowly opening her eyes, light overwhelmed her senses and she groaned in pain. Her body felt heavy and swollen. Her back was aching.

"Jessica?" Her eyes finally adjusted and she met the gazez of Carol, Jennifer, Ricardo and Manuel. Regardless of the pain and confusion, Jessica gradually sat up, concern filled her. "What happened?"

Carol gasped and dashed toward her friend. "You're alive. Oh my goodness." They each hugged her and rambled on about how relieved they were. Jessica stopped them, questioning where Matthew and Fagan were. Ricardo sat down, explaining from where they found out that they were in the hospital too where Fagan had woken up not too long ago. To Jessica, it terrified her the thought that both thought she was dead. Knowing Matthew, he would do whatever it would take to get Jacob back to safety. Even if it meant getting killed in the process.

"He went after him," she muttered to herself. Ricardo nodded. "I need to go."

Manuel shook his head. "You're not leaving this room until you're fully healed." Jessica released a dry laugh at her father. "You can't do that." She slowly began to get off the bed but her father dashed over to her, clipping her wrist with a handcuff to be tied down to the hospital bed. She yanked at it forcefully only to hiss in pain. She glared at him as her father snapped his fingers and two guards stepped in.

Manuel gave the others firm looks, motioning them to exit to which they reluctantly obliged. Jessica's jaw clenched at her father's response.

"Watch me."

* * * * * * * * *

Fagan covered the man's mouth, slashing his throat with stealth. He continued to do this, clearing a way to the tower so he could have a better view of Matthew. Fagan reached for the sniper positioned on the left tower and he sliced his throat open, maroon fluids seeped out only to create a puddle around the body.

He quickly took over the position, replacing the firearm with his own. "Matt, I'm in position." Matthew was walking through the first floor, putting up the explosives on the pillars when voices appeared from down the hallway. The assassin pressed his back against the wall. "Two men. Down my right."

Fagan searched for the men. When he found them, he charged his firearm and waited for the perfect shot. He quickly pulled the trigger. Both men fell face first at Matthew's feet. "Your welcom your highness," teased Fagan. He chuckled at his own joke leaving Matthew to shake his head with a discreet smile. "Oh come on. That was a good one."

"Just get down here Jorim." The young man sighed. "All right. Be there in a bit." Jorim stood and laid his weapon down before turning away and walking down the tower's staircase. Matthew waited for Fagan to appear. They both took a deep breath and charged into a room.

Phoenix jumped up and his men aimed their guns at the intruders. Jacob remained in the couch, unaffected by the sudden actions. "I thought I finished you off," Sarah spoke. Fagan scoffed. "Then you're a crappy torturer. Always was." Sarah chuckled, taking the safety off her gun. "Then why'd your parents die?"

Fagan aimed his gun and pulled the trigger before Sarah could. He watched the silver bullet rip through her skin, in between the woman's eyebrows. She fell back silently, the gun clattered and her blood spread around the wooden floorboard.

"Jorim," Phoenix said. He quietly looked at him his gun still in the air. "I'd like to strike a deal with you. Come back and I let them go harmless."

Patrick was confused. Phoenix wasn't a man to strike a deal with so much ease. In fact, it seemed rehearsed to which he didn't like. But before he could say a word, Phoenix spoke up again. "You know what, Leave. I'm tired of you assassins not getting shit done. So leave. Go."

Jacob stood and approached Matthew and Fagan. Matthew was too blind to Phoenix's true intentions. Fagan, though, was left baffled once more. It's when he noticed the gun suddenly pointing at Matthew's head. The gun itself was held by Jacob.

"Jacob," Matthew gasped in utter shock. 'I gave you my trust. I tell you to fight for her. I was starting to like you Smith. My mom was trusting you again. But you let her die." Jacob released the safety. So many thoughts were rippling through his head, he wasn't even sure if he was doing it right. But he didn't care. When Fagan faced him, Jacob winked at him discreetly. "Now you're going to die."

In a swift movement, jacob and Fagan began to shoot around the room. Dust began to fill the room with ease and Jacob noticed the sudden rushing object heading straight for the building. He yanked Matthew and Fagan down to the ground.

The windows shattered into pieces and bodies flew into the room, shooting at the rest of the bodyguards in the room.

"Alan," Jacob coughed out. Alan and his nephew, Blake, ripped their masks off. Only one other person remained with it on and shock overwhelmed Jacob when the assassin removed it. "Jennifer?" She smiled shyly down at him. He jumped to his feet, embracing Jennifer into a tight hug. "Thank god you're alive." Jennifer nodded.

Outside, Phoenix had managed to escape out the broken windows and he ran as fast as he could but was soon tackled to the ground as Carol crushed him down. "Stop moving or I'll kill you in front of your wife."

Manuel walked past Phoenix with Felicie in his arms. The woman merely glanced at her husband and shook her head softly, silent tears falling off her face. Manuel took her away to his vehicle. "Stay here."

The other assassins waltzed out of the building and Manuel noticed the quantity of men running around the mansion with firearms. Matthew shook his head. "I set up explosi-"

The words were shoved back into his mouth when the jet Jacob saw flew over them and a missile was shot at the building. Whatever people were left in there were gone. The force of the explosions tossed the assassins onto their backs with so much force it left them dizzy.

The jet circled and landed roughly on the terrace. From inside, Jessica and Ricardo tumbled out, dry ice escaped from the insides.

Matthew's eyes fell on the woman and he felt everything freeze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jessica was standing only a few feet away from them all with an unsure smile on her face. She was alive. Not realizing it, Matthew had tackled Jessica to the ground and hugged her like if his life depended on it. "I thought you were dead." She laughed. "It's going to take a lot more to get rid of me Smith."

Smiling, Matthew pushed her body closer to him for her to be settling over his lap as he kissed her with raw passion. "I love you. I love you so much." Jessica chuckled softly. "I love you more."

"MOM!!" Jacob embraced his mother tightly, tears hung loosely off his cheeks. "Mom." Jessica laughed and hugged her son, kissing his face. She loved them both and she would never want to be away from them again.

She looked up, spotting Fagan and she smiled once more. Yet, that smile vanished from her face when a bullet ripped through Fagan's side.

Phoenix had managed to rip free from Carol's grip and take her gun which he used to shoot Fagan. While the agents hurried to get Fagan, Jessica stood to her feet and lifted her own arm but another gun beat her to him. They all looked to the side.

Felicie stood with an impassible expression; her hand was over her stomach and the other held the gun out. It fell to the ground and Blake hurried past them all to get to the woman he was in charge to protect. "Felicie."

She smiled lightly. "I've never felt more alive."

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1470 words

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