Assassins Of Yesterday - 29

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Special Treat: Jessica William's P.O.V

The sun was shining down brightly at the cafe we were currently situated in. I admired the newly cut rose that limped in the narrow, clear vase. It was a wine-colored rose with watermelon thorn tips. I still couldn't believe Matthew had proposed to me. But I'm happy we've made it official.

"What can I get you, ma'am?" I glance up at his arrogant self, realizing I had been out of it. "Oh, I would like a cappuccino and cheesecake." He smirked. "A slice or the cake?" I squint as the sun shifts into my eyes. "Cake." He nodded and flashed me a grin, exposing those white pearls.

A warm hand suddenly enveloped mine and I faced Matthew. He had a smug smile plastered over his face as he kissed my knuckles and played with my ring. "You bitch!! When were you going to tell us?" I roll my eyes. Boys. I dug through my bag, searching for the invitation.

"Don't worry Hamilton. I didn't forget your pretty ass." Blake smirked and bowed with a silly grin, taking the invitation from my outstretched hand. He then faced his notepad, scribbling a few things down.

"Matthew I know I'm beautiful but I don't swing that way." I laugh at how quickly Matthew's face distorted from glaring to shock. "You didn't." Blake smiled brightly before running off. I look at Matthew when a sudden memory hits me. I giggle drunkenly as I let my head tilt to the side. Matthew shuffled uncomfortably under my crazy stare.

"Do you remember when I caught you..a good handful of years ago....with that one guy? What was his name? Xavier?"

He shook his head, rolling his eyes at me but I continued. "What were you'll doing Matthew? Oh, that's right, Y'all were making out." I yelp as he flicked his straw at me. Drops of cold coke fell on me but I still continued. "Honestly, that was a bit hot."

He rolled his eyes at me but smiled nonetheless. Leaning over the table, I kiss his sweet lips, allowing for his bottom lip to roll into my mouth as I lightly suck on it. "It really was," I whisper causing Matthew to chuckle. "I can't believe you still remember that." I smile and kiss his knuckles. "I don't care about your sexual preferences. Just need to make sure you're not marrying me to cover yourself up babe." He groaned. "When are you going to let that go?" I shake my head, biting my lip. "Never."

He sighed and was about to say something else when Jacob and Fagan sat down around us. "What took you all so damn long?" I ask. Jacob looked away and Fagan coughed out a chuckle. "He wouldn't stop flirting with Jennifer."

"That's not true," Jacob said loudly. Matthew and I glance at each other; a smile played on our lips for which Fagan caught, causing him to shake his head in disbelief. I pick up the rose from the vase, inhaling its sweet scent. "We know you like her Jacob." He shook his head. "We're friends. That is all." I blink. Did he just friend-zone himself? Sad. I wink at Matthew, giving him the control to the situation. "You don't? Oh, thank God. For a moment I thought there was going to be a problem with the plan?"

I speak up before Jacob could. "Oh, you mean, he's still going through with it? That's sweet. I'm sure she'll like it." Fagan spoke up next, leaving Jacob frustrated at the uselessness he had. "I'm pretty sure he'll imprint a good impression. That's really cool if you ask me. Considering how Jennifer thinks, I'm sure she'll forgive him and probably say yes."

"What are you all talking about?" I look at him with an impassible expression. "Arthur of course. He asked us to help him set up a nice date for him and Jennifer. Said he wants to make up for what he did to Jennifer all those years ago and since you don't like her, there won't be a problem then." A disgusted expression struck him. He grimaced. "Arthur? Jennifer won't forgive him. She-"

"How do you know that?" I heard Blake speak up as he approached our table with my food in hand. I nod in agreement. "True. Plus, Jennifer said she liked a man that could speak his mind and would take action in whatever he desired. Well, except for certain topics but you get the idea. I guess that's why the term Opposites attract works so well."

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