Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

People didn't understand the connection. They didn't think Erik was capable of actually talking civilly with someone, especially not someone like Charles. None of it made sense. But Erik was happier than he'd been in years with Charles. He didn't want it to change. Charles knew he loved Erik. He'd never felt this way with anyone before. He didn't like all the staring, but he told himself it didn't matter. Only Erik mattered. Erik took care of Charles. He talked him down from hurting himself whenever he could, even if there was a door dividing them. He held him at night, keeping him safely tucked in his arms and he punched anyone who made any comment about Charles or self-harm in general. Charles still cut, but less often. He curled up happily in Erik's arms whenever he got the chance to. He tried to calm Erik down and stop the fights. He just wanted to be happy with Erik. Erik was happy more often than not. He almost never fought with Charles and if he did, the other boy would eventually get them both to calm down and they'd end up in bed, snuggled up. He didn't understand why people were still cruel to him. He'd changed completely yet they seemed to hate this new version more than the old version of him. Charles always assured Erik that he loved him, and no one else mattered. People were mean, but Charles didn't care. He had Erik. That's all that mattered. Erik heard the comment one day. It was spoken to a group of people and it was instantly targeting him and Charles. Before he even had time to think, he was on the boy who said it, breaking his nose. Charles got up quickly and grabbed Erik's shirt, trying to pull him off.

Erik managed another punch to the kid's jaw, "Fuck you!"

"Erik, get off him," Charles said quickly. "Get off."

Erik gritted his teeth. He was breathing hard, anger radiating off him. He wanted to teach the kid a lesson. He drew back to punch him again.

"Erik!" Charles tugged him again. "Don't!"

Erik bit his lip and slowly lowered his hand. He moved back off and the kid scrambled away. Charles held onto Erik tightly and pulled him close. Erik swallowed and remained tense in Charles' hold, his hands still clenched into fists, blood dripping from his knuckles.

"Relax," Charles whispered, looking up at Erik. "Don't look at him. Look at me. Relax."

Erik glanced down, meeting Charles' gaze. He panted softly as his body slowly started to relax. His fingers didn't relax.

Charles gently reached up and held Erik's face. "Relax."

Erik lowered his head slightly and his hands shook as the tense feeling in his body was gone. He leaned forward and rested his forehead on Charles' shoulder.

Charles wrapped his arms around Erik and held him close. "Let's go back to the cabin..."

"Okay," Erik whispered. He could feel the gazes of everybody on him and he felt tense again, wanting to yell at them to mind their own business. Charles held Erik's non-bloodied hand and led him back to their cabin. Erik glanced at him when they got inside but didn't say anything. He sat down on the edge of his bed. Charles got a washcloth and gently cleaned Erik's hand.

Erik swallowed, "Sorry...."

"It's okay," Charles said softly. He set the washcloth on the floor and crawled into bed with Erik.

Erik leaned into him, holding him tight, "He deserved it."

Charles rubbed Erik's back slowly. "Maybe, but you shouldn't have done it."

"I should've done more."

"No, you shouldn't." Charles kissed his forehead. "Now you'll get in trouble, too."

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