Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Erik smiled slightly, "Well it I having a companion....?"

Charles smiled back. "Maybe."

Erik glanced at the clock, "'s noon. Meet me by the parking lot in fifteen minutes."

Charles nodded. "Okay."

Erik grabbed his backpack and then hurried out the door towards the parking lot to try and find a car. Someone was dumb enough to leave their window open. Charles grabbed his own wallet once Erik left. He'd been given emergency money, he figured this was as good a time as any to use it. Erik got the car running and rolled the windows down. He was able to put his iPod on the cable and get his own music playing. He grinned and pulled out of the parking space, waiting for Charles to join him. Charles watched the clock, and hurried to the parking lot. He glanced around, hoping no one would see them.

Erik grinned at him as he turned the music up louder, "Ready to be in control?"

Charles grinned. "Hurry up before we get caught!"

Erik nodded, turning the car out of the parking lot and heading back towards town. Charles grinned, heart racing like crazy. Erik found a place to park once they were in town and then got out of the car, "Alright, the world is yours."

Charles got out as well and followed Erik. "What is there to do...?"

"Anything you want. Go shopping, get food, there's a fair in town probably," Erik shrugged, "Museums, aquariums, shit like that."

"We can go to the fair?"

"'ll be down this way...," Erik nodded as he led Charles down the sidewalk, "So you really haven't been out much then huh? Even as a little kid?"

Charles shook his head. "Mom was sick, so, no..."

"Oh," Erik nodded, "Alright well....let's go then...."

"Lead the way." Charles nodded.

Erik nodded and walked next to Charles, guiding him down the sidewalk, "It's nice not being there."

"Yeah... it's not terrible... but I still don't like it."

"Wait until you go for four years," Erik sighed, "It becomes terrible."

"I won't go that long."

"Yea don't do that," Erik nodded, "You'll be alright."


"I know you will," Erik said quietly, "Cause I'll help you."

Charles looked at him quietly.

"Sorry, I don't want to bother you....," Erik said quietly.

Charles held Erik's hand. Erik gave him a small smile and then paid the small amount of money for wristbands to the fair. Charles followed Erik around, not really sure what to do.

"Well there's games, rides and food. The only thing you'll have to pay for is food cause you have your wristband," Erik nodded at him, "Take control."

"Okay..." Charles smiled softly. "I'm not hungry so let's do games and rides first."

"Alright, let's see if you can win something to take back with you," Erik put his arm around him and led him towards the games. Charles smiled and walked with Erik. Erik glanced around as he walked with him, "Anything catching your eye?"

"What's your favorite animal?"

"Sharks," Erik replied, "Why?"

Charles scanned the area, then pulled Erik to a booth. "I'm gonna win you a shark."

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