Day Three

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Liam's P.O.V.

Trying to stay warm throughout the night was a challenge. And moving forward was an option, but it was hard.

Ethan and I had decided to start walking. It was too cold to sleep. He had his hand on my shoulder as we traveled throughout the jungle. His lighter had gone out. We tried to turn it back on, even shield it from nature's elements, such as the wind and rain, so the tiny flame could start up. We came out empty handed with that plan. Plan B was the walk in the darkness.

Of course, I normally wouldn't have liked this plan. I could've debated with Ethan on how hazardous and reckless this idea was. From falling off cliffs, to getting lost in the dark, there are a ton of reasons why I wouldn't normally follow him up on a plan like that. But then again, I was losing my faith here. Slowly, I've noticed that I've been breaking out of my comfort zone. My walls of cautiousness were being broken, and my inner reckless self was coming out. I just wanted to get back as quickly as we could.


It was a loud sneeze that escaped my lips. Two hours in, and I was already getting sick. "How long do you think it will take until we get there...?" I hear either say. He added something else at the end, but I didn't hear. I didn't even look at him. I could just hear the exhausted and lots of hope in his voice.

"I truly, don't know..." I reply. "I don't even know if we're going to make it there..." My eyes started to close. My wrap my arms around my stomach.

One step...

Two steps...

Three steps...

By the fourth step, I was down.

"Liam!" Ethan's voice boomed. I think he tried to catch me as I fall, but of course he didn't. It was too dark to even see a couple of steps in front of you. It was nearly impossible. I felt my head hit the hard rocky ground.

You went through two days of starving, rain, wind, and dealing with this guy? And now you're done. You've been through worse, come on Liam, get up and keep going. Abby and the others are waiting for you!

That was my head, my mind, my brain talking again. I'm full of racing thoughts, but I don't have the strength to answer them all.

"Liam, you have to get up!" I heard Ethan's voice call out to me again. I felt him pick me up. He places my arm over his shoulder. He started to walk, while I leaned on him. He wasn't going to leaving me behind, he just couldn't. See, that's what confuses me about some people, especially Ethan. Why not just leave me out into this jungle to die? I'm clearly dead weight. Sooner or later, we all die, so why not just get it over with?

"There's no point..." I mumble. Even in the pure darkness, I could see Ethan shaking his head. He was struggling to carry me. He was tired, no, he was exhausted. Yeah, that's a better word. Exhausted, that was what he was, yet, he still found, and use, the very little bit of strength that he had to carry on with me.

"Ethan, just stop..." I mutter.

"No Li, we're going to make it." He tells me.

I could hear his heavy breathing. "You're tired..." I say. I stop walking, and so does he. We can't really see each other. Ethan shakes his head. He drags me on for a couple of more minutes until we could see the outline of what looked like an opening to something.

"Is that...?" I hear him start. "It's a cave!" He started to walk to it, dragging me towards our demise. Just as I had said earlier, when all of this mess had started, caves are a bad idea. There could be tigers using it as a den, bats, and snakes. I shook my head and tug on him to move away from the cave. I was too tired for words. As usual, he ignores me.

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