"he spared nothing your Terror of the Night !"

"Sky, Gobber, Terror of the Sky !"

"what the difference anyway ?"

"Gobber would you calm down, Amaury accept his sentence and I'm glad we didn't kill him !"

"we still can !"

"will you shut up you two, I have to be focused on what I...wait a minute, you told me the Berserkers want to see me ?"

"yes, Dagur and Heather are here ?"

"only Dagur !"

"this is no good !"

I ran towards Dagur and his worried look followed what I already think this morning 

"Dagur what is it ?"

"my sister is gone for far too long, she told me she just want to take a flight with her son but...they're not came back !"

"let me guess, Amaury is gone too !"

I turned to Gobber and Valka and the two gave me no answer 

"for the love of Thor ! and he told nothing...again...Dagur follow me, we have to warn the team !"

"yes brother !"


We ran to the arena, the only place all Berk's riders could be, of course, past event make things difficult when we talk about Amaury 

"oi chief !"

"thank you Astrid, we need help or a rescue mission ?"

"who's the muttonheads ?"


"what ?" 

"it's my sister family, answer Dagur."

Like I said before, all members, even the twins said nothing and continue their task, one of them do the contrary


"even Thor can ask me to save him, after what he did, I will no move from Berk !"

"he killed almost all members of the A-team in one move that night, pursued Fishlegs, he maybe kept some part of that...spell !"

"he blew up our huts ! answered the twins, even yours !"

"bunch of muttonheads, I'll go without you !"

"Astrid, it's maybe dangerous !"

"I came from JLA's outpost first Kira, Parisa, Calder and Arvid follow too !

"with me and Dagur, we're six, it's enought for this mission !"

"take good care of you all..."

"don't worry, we will came back with them !"

Astrid came out with Stormfly and took off with Dagur, joining the rest of the team in no time.

During the flight
Astrid's POV

Like the others in the past, I was angry against Amaury for what he did but I can't erased what he did for us since he arrived on Berk, I'm sure this spell is off after the great battle, no one can't resist this kind of antidote...or he got an heart of stone 

"Astrid, i'm glad to have you for this mission but...how can we found my sister and his family back !"

"Stormfly is good at tracking, I always got some fallen scales of all dragons in Berk, only one gave me some without I ask, is Spitfire, Stormfly know her smell and where she can be !"

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