I'm So Dead ft. Vic and Mike Fuentes

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I'm mike&Vic's little sister they brought on tour (secretly dating Austin for 1yr& we kiss a lot) It's rehearsal for the last show I tell austin I want to make the relationship public he doesn't want to bc vic and mike would hate it (all they think is we're close friends) I get angry bc I think he doesn't love me and I don't talk to him for the rest of the day The actual show is on and at the end of OMAM set Alan gets me from backstage and Austin proclaims his love you choose vic&mikes reaction 

"I don't want to go." I murmur into Austin's chest.

"I don't want you to go either Sofia, but you know you have to." He says, burying his face in my hair.

Coiling around his neck, my hands pull him lower for a kiss. Willingly, he brings his lips towards me for a kiss. Our lips connect as his hands wrap around my waist. Nimbly, his lips grip onto mine. His hands trail up my body, his fingertips lightly placing on my neck. My hands fiddle helplessly at his clothing, I wanted him so much.

His right hand cups my chin carefully, expanding the moment as much as possible. But I draw my lips from his; I knew I should go.

"Why do I have to?" I ask, already knowing the answer. His fingers prop up my chin, so I'm looking into his soft eyes.

"They'll get suspicious, we don't want that. We don't want them finding out." He said.

"You mean you don't want them finding out." I mutter childishly.

"Sofia..." He says in a whiny tone.

"Don't Sofia me, you're the one who doesn't want this getting out. I don't even know why." I step back from him, frowning slightly.

"Because I don't want your brothers finding out about this. They'd go nuts Sofia. You know that." He replies.

"No, we don't know that. Vic and Mike like you, you know that." I mimic him.

Rolling his eyes, he doesn't answer me.

"Do you not love me?" I ask, although deep down I hoped to know the answer. "Is that why you're scared to make this public; you don't really care about me at all?" I fold my arms.

"Baby, don't get like that.." Austin reaches to touch my arm, but I flinch away.

"Don't call me baby and try to make it seem like this isn't happening. All you care is about right now is yourself and how you look. Not about me or my feelings."

Angrily, without giving him time to reply, I storm out of the Of Mice and Men tour bus and heading towards my brothers' one instead.

Entering, I'm questioned by Mike. "Where have you been for the past half-hour?" He says.

"Just, around." I mumble.

"You looked like you came from the Of Mice bus." Tony flicks his finger in the direction I came.

"Oh." I shrug, taking a seat.

"...Yeah..." Mike looks at me, seeming like he expects an answer. Simply, I just nod.

They eventually leave the topic, and go into casual conversations about today. There's a sound check for their final show tonight.

Which means that soon enough, the tour between Pierce The Veil and Of Mice and Men will come to an end.

This tour was rough on mine and Austin's relationship, it meant we had to spend less time together. Usually I would go to his house a lot without questioning of my brothers as they were rarely around.

However here, I can barely see him. But it was the only way I could see Austin for these couple of months, I had to come along with my older brothers.

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