the dark before the dawn

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Jaryn walked around outside pacing, scarlett was going to kill him for all his hidden secrets he just knew she was how was he supposed to help her through this he failed her mother, now he'd fail her, he loved her, more then he could come to terms with , not like he had her mother, he'd loved her mother with undying loyalty, he loved scarlett, with a burning passion that couldn't be tempered, how hard it was to contain his feelings around her especially after how they were linked, he was her protector, not her lover how could he ever be, he was basically a servant, not a equal.  He hadn't known what he was going to do as they traveled, traveled to meet her future husband, he'd never been so happy when he rejected her, he heart soared but the look of pain and disbelief on her face had quirky made him change gears.

He had to figure out what they were going to do her father hadnt been on contact with her and he didint understand that either, he had honestly thought the man loved her, even after the loss of his wife he had never treated her badlly even tho he disapproved of jaryn being tied to her like he was, even tho he disapproved of jaryn completely actually.  He had to figure something out she couldn't go back to her future not husband and if she went back to her father shed be shamed, as well as her father he might even want rid of her, send her off to the convent and scarlett was not the right kind of lady for the convent he was completely sure of that, not with her sharp tongue and dry wit, no the sisters wouldn't welcome a hell fire like her, and he way beyond not welcome in a place of the lord like that, he was considered dark magic by some of that ilk.

And what about his secret the biggest of them all, how could he admit who he was to her, he wasnt merely a daimon but the father of them all, the ruler of all that was darkness, when scarlett was of pure light, the purest intentions, thoughts.  How could he darken her with the stain that was his life, shed reject him ten fold, shed never want to speak to him if she knew his real identity , the lord of the underworld, the darknest being of them all, tied to a girl so pure she almost glowed white, what had zeus done to him, this girl would be his undoing, she could never be his queen he could never destory her like that, and what was he thinking to begin with like this she didint even know how he felt about her and never would, if it was the last thing he did she would never know

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