Walking out of the locker rooms we headed to our first class which luckily all had together just before the bell rang signaling we made it just in the nick of time. I sat down and got ready to start learning about government and economics!!! Note the heavy sarcasm. As I was getting settled into my desk to start today’s lesson the door suddenly swung open with a loud bang and in walked my best friend with his fellow peers following close behind. The teacher gave them a look that told them they had better start explaining why they were late but as usual they just gave sheepish grins in return and mutter slight “our apologies ma’am” slightly stunning the teacher having her excuse their late absence this once giving them a warning glare. I shook my head in disbelief some things will never change around here and maybe that’s a good thing or maybe not….


Skylar’s P.O.V

This morning was not something I was proud of. Not only did Sadie see me scream like a girl but she caught me way of guard when she was just standing casually in my room and laughing like a banshee. I had to remember I needed to get her back for that little stunt she pulled this morning...hmm what to do what to do? Well that could wait for now right now I needed to hurry up and get ready. I slipped into the bathroom brushing my teeth and pulling on pants at the same time after I was finished brushing my teeth and slipped on a shirt I found in what I’m assuming was a clean pile (hopefully!?!) rushing to get out the door before Sadie tries something else in the devious little head of hers.

I walked out of my room with her following closely behind and while she waited in the front hall I went into the kitchen grabbing a power bar to eat before I made it to her car cause God forbid anything that gets in that car beside water is a sin in her book and yelled a “goodbye” to my parents. We headed towards her car getting in and made our way to school with minimal talking. To be honest I really didn’t want to walk into school because I knew that meant me and her had to split to be with our friends instead of sticking together like we did early on knowing each other. I didn’t know if it bugged her as much as it did me and if it did she hid it pretty well but what could I do? That’s how the social circles ran at our school.

Making our way out of her car once parked in “my space”, hey I was a nice guy she drove me I could only return the favor, and headed towards the school. Our pace almost seemed to slow down before we even hit the doors as if we were trying to stretch the time we had left to hang together. It quickly disappeared though once we walked in and were pulled in separate directions but I didn’t miss the fleeting pained expressions on Sadie’s face as she threw me a sad smile over her shoulder while being pulled by her friends.

My friends finally got my undivided attention when I finally lost sight of Sadie’s blonde hair among the crowd. Giving a man hug to my three best buds Justin, Matt, and Chris we exchanged a few stories of what are summers were like and how we couldn’t wait for this year to be our year. To make it to state as Juniors would be a big accomplishment on our part and we were already working hard having worked throughout the summer on our stamina and I may have gotten extra training with Sadie since she wanted to get into shape for marching season. Man she gave me a run for my money when we worked out together to say she was a fighter was an understatement. Even if it looked like she was about to pass out she still continued through making it to the end of every set we did. To say I missed those days was a little bit short of the truth. We would work out and then come back to my house and just chill hanging out like old times until she had to go home.  But those were over now that school started and we had to go our separate ways.

My friend Justin shook me from my dazing when he slapped me on the back and laughed. Apparently he just got done telling the group of how he finally got rid of this girl he had been seeing because she was becoming to clingy for his taste. I just stood there shaking my head he’s my best friend and all but he could be a**hole when it came to the female population of our school. He had the mentality of use then loses them with a couple rare moments that he would latch onto one thinking it would be a quick catch and release process once he got bored but that always seemed to bite him in the butt but none the less it kept at it.

Since our little chat began and we got involved voicing our different opinions we didn’t hear the late bell till it was to late rushing to class we walked in shooting our new teacher for the year hopefully apologetic glances and said our apologies for being late. Apparently God was on our side and she let us off with a warning and a glare that was a clear warning. Not wanting to cause a bigger rift between us I slipped into a desk in the back but not before I caught sight of a familiar blonde ponytail sitting diagonally from.  Maybe this class would actually be bearable knowing my best friend sat a mere couple of feet away from me. I just had to make an opportunity to talk to her without creating a split between our groups.  If only we weren’t split by our social differences then I could talk freely to her and not risk one of my peers making a snide comment in her direction or sending a hateful glance her way. I guess I found myself a mission to accomplish this year and it’s a good thing I never back down from a challenge.

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