"Okay so I was over at Louis' with MaKenna and we were getting ready for our double date when I ran into Louis and offered that we be friends. He said he'd think about it the asked if I was available to watch his sisters because he had to work and they like me better than the other babysitters. I told him I could but I'd have to cut my date shorter than I wanted.

"When he came back after I but the girls in bed he told me he thought about it and wanted to be friends. Then I asked if he could take me home."

"Wait. Date? Who is he? And you convinced him in a day?" I laugh as my mother spits out all of these questions.

"Yes date. His name is Ashton and no it took about a week of convincing."

"Tell me about your date with Asthon!" My mom says excitedly. I tell her everything from him out conversation when we met on his first day to the kiss in front of Louis' house. I even told her how I was developing a small crush on him.

"He sounds lovely, you should invite him over." Seriously? Here she goes, she's always judging people. I brought Louis over and she hated him. "I'll think about it."

"Okay sweetie. I'm exhausted I'm heading to bed now. Will you be okay?"

"Mom. I'm 17 I'll be fine." I say laughing as she kisses my head going to her room. I think back to why she's here and dad isn't. Did dad do something? I'm sure he didn't he loves mom. But what if? No I shouldn't worry about it. My mother was probably just home sick. "Yeah, that's it she was home stick." I say aloud trying to convince me more than anything.

I'm woke up to my mother shouting at Catherine. Mom never shouts unless something bad happened. It's never safe being in the same environment as her. Well it is, but you feel very unwelcome and uncomfortable in her presence.

My phone buzzes telling me I have a few text messages. 3 New Messages.

,Hey, what time should I come over? -Louis,

Crap. Louis is supposed to hang out today. He can't be over while my mom is like she is. She'll just make him feel more uncomfortable. So I text him.

'Um... Change of plans. Something came up at home and you can't come over."

Then I open up the next message.
'Thanks again for last night, I had a great time. Can we do it again Friday? -Ashton

'Yeah I'd love to.'

Then I read the one from my dad.
'I just wanted to tell you I love you so much pumpkin. Sorry I didn't come back with your mother. -Daddy'

What is dad's supposed to mean?
'Okay? Should I be worried?'

I got a reply from my dad right away.
'No. Pumpkin I gotta go. I have meeting love you.'

I sent a 'K love you.' Back to him. Louis texted me next.

'Is everything alright?' I nod them realized he can't see me.

'Can you just pick me up please? I can't be home right now.' He answers saying he'd be here in half a hour. Then Ashton said he couldn't wait.

I get up and put on my clothes not putting much effort to how I look, it took me about 20 minutes. I grabbed my phone and headphone and sat on the porch for the remainder of the time waiting for Louis.

He arrived in about 10 minutes. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. "No." I say breaking down crying. Louis pulls me into him. "Shhh, it's okay." He says rubbing circles in my back the way I like and whispering encouraging words in my ear. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No not really."

"Okay, it's fine if you want to talk about it just tell me." I nod. "So where do you want to go? Shopping, movies, ice cream?"

"Can we just hang out somewhere in town? We can go to different places if we get bored. I just need a change of scenery." He nods.

"Okay. Downtown Doncaster here we come."

A/N: AWWW! I just wanna cry it's adorable. Louis is really trying. Hopefully he doesn't mess it up. What would her mom be hiding? What is bugging her? Keep the comments coming!! I've gotten less lately. It's probably because everyone is on spring break. Idk *shrugs*

Okay so my current obsessions are Bea Miller, Avril Lavigne and Cher Lloyd. Just ASDFGHJKL. Bea's song 'Rich Kids' explain my life! Like OMG! Check it out. Avril Lavigne... She's just flawless. Then there is Cher Lloyd. I heard a few songs from her new album and I thing my favorite so far is M.F.P.O.T.Y idk Im crazy. I literally spent all day watching videos of them on YouTube then I was like 'crap I need to update.'

Until Next Time,
Make someone smile

Give me all your dirty love ;)

Make friends with someone you hate (Mwuahaha! I'm evil)


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