Chapter 12: Welcome Home

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"There it is." David looks at a far distance. Pete and Luna walk next to him. "That's Perris?" Pete said. "Yeah, small town. Just the way I like it." David said as they were stopped on a road looking at the freeway heading Perris. "Are you sure your father is here? In Perris, California?" Luna asked. "Yes, I'm sure. I just know." David said as Luna looks at him and David started remembering what it was like as a kid growing up. Pete sees two crows chirping around a dead crow. "Come on, you and Luna can stay at the hotel while I have a look around the town." Pete said. "It will be best to keep a low profile until I find something. I'll give you a call." Pete takes a flip phone out and hands it to David. "Here, I brought two of these. Both have forty minutes so don't waste it." Pete said as he gets inside the truck. "Just stay at the hotel until I call." Pete said. "Alright. Watch your ass over there. Who knows what might happened." David explained and Pete nods then takes off leaving David and Luna close to a hotel. "Come on." Luna said as they both started walking to the hotel. "We haven't been in a hotel for a long time. Last time we were..." "Yeah I know." David knew what Luna meant and they both smiled at each other.

Mid Afternoon

David and Luna were inside the hotel room relaxing. David was in the bathroom while Luna watched TV. David took a shower and was staring at himself in the mirror. Full bread with messy growing hair. David was thinking about himself and what he has done. The way he looked, he doesn't like it anymore. David grabbed the shaving cream and put it on his bread. David then started shaving.

A few minutes later, David exit out of the bathroom and Luna sees him. David shaved his entire bread and was now stubble. He cut his hair short and comb back. Luna just watched. "Look at you. Remains me when I first met you. You look more handsome than ever." Luna said as she was checking out David. "I wanted something different." David said as he sits on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, you're different from when I last saw you." Luna said as she sits next to David. David stares at her looking into her eyes carefully. "For a long time, I've always been on the hunt on my own." David looks away. "I give and I give and nothing changes. But I want a change." David said. "Well what do you want?" Luna asked and David touches Luna's hands then looks at her. "I want you." David puts his right hand on Luna's cheek. "After this is done, I want to be with you. We have another chance to be together." David said. "What about your agreement with Pete?" Luna asked. "I don't care. All I want is you. This thing we have is still here. In here." David puts his other hand on his heart. "I love you, Luna. I've always had." David said as Luna smiles too. "You don't know how long I wanted you to say that." Luna said as David was grateful and kisses Luna. They both started making out then stopped. David heard guns outside and looked at Luna. "GET DOWN!" David shouted and bullets came through then he and Luna dropped to the floor.


Pete was inside David's truck and was stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant. He parked the truck next to a gas station and looked at the Chinese restaurant. He waited for awhile until he saw some guys in suits walking inside the restaurant. Pete got out of the truck and started walking towards the restaurant. He then walks to the right, but still had his eye on the Chinese restaurant. Pete walks around the corner and sees an alley. Pete climbs up a ladder and couches down behind the edge. Pete closed his eyes and listens carefully. "Thank you Mr. Rodriguez. I look forward with working you." A guy in a sharp black suit said as Eric was shaking hands with him. "Yeah, just make sure you bring me the body afterwards." Eric said as three more come out. "He won't see it coming." The guy said as Pete heard then the number to call David. "Come on, pick up." Pete said as there was no answer. "I should've realized not to leave those two alone together. Especially at a hotel." Pete said as he climbs down and heads back to the truck. Pete gets inside the truck and drives off to get to David and Luna. As he was driving, another car comes and hits Pete from the side. The truck flips over. Pete barely had his eyes opened, but was able to get out. Then sees two guys in suits and they both look at Pete. One of them then stomps on Pete's face to knock him out.


Outside, there was four guys with automatic rifles wearing masks. They fired at the room where David and Luna were in. David and Luna both duck down inside the bathroom. They both had their heads down as bullets were going through the room. After a bunch of bullets, they stopped. David moves, but was scratched on the right top arm by a bullet. "Luna, are you alright." David looks at Luna who was on her side. He turns over and see her shot in the stomach. Luna was barely breathing and David was trying to stop the bleeding, but Luna lost too much blood already. "No. Please Luna, stay with me." David was begging for Luna to stay alive. "It's time...I'm sorry my love..." Luna barely spoke. "No, you're not gonna die. I won't let you." David was begging. "I love..." Luna closes her eyes and stops breathing. "No no no." David said as Luna stopped moving and David shed one tear then looked angry. "Toss a grenade." A masked man throws a grenade in there and lands by the TV. Then it blew up.

The four masked men watched as a fire was spreading around the room. "Go check if he's dead." One of the masked men said as one goes in there. The masked man looks around and sees no one. He then goes to the bathroom and sees Luna who was dead before the blast with some wooden things on top of her. The masked man goes inside to have a better look and didn't see David. "Where is that fucker?" The masked man was confused. "Here." The masked man hears a voice then looks up and sees David falling on top of him. David had a knife and stabbed the masked man in the neck six times without hesitation. David watched as the masked man died looking into David's eyes. David was cover in dirt and his white tank top was partly black. Blood was on David's hands and was focus. "Hey, is the room clear?" A masked man shouts as he and the two others were waiting. "You two. Go check." One said and the other two masked goes forward to the room. As they were about to step onto the sidewalk, something rolls between them and they look. "MOVE!" One of them shouts as it was a grenade and they both turned, but the grenade exploded and hit both of them. The last masked man was away from it and was in shocked. The smoke started spreading and the room was being covered. The masked man fired his automatic rifle at the room to make sure David doesn't get out. He stops shooting and looks around the smoke. Suddenly he gets shot in the kneecap then shot in the right shoulder causing him to fall and drop his gun. The masked man sees his gun away from him and tries crawling to it. From the other room next to David's, David was walking out from it. David walked towards him with a pistol in his hand. David then sees another masked man who was still alive from the explosion and David just shot him in the head without a second thought. David just kept on walking. David reached him and the masked man looks up at him. David points the pistol at him. David just stared at him and the masked man was wounded. "Do it. KILLED ME YOU UNGRATEFUL B..." David shoots him in the chest multiple times not letting him finish his sentence. David stopped when the bullets ran out then drops the pistol. David felt no emotion to this at all. All he wants now is to kill his father. David goes to their car and checks their trunk. He looks and grins.

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