Chapter 2: Just Another Day

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Perris, California
31 Years Ago

"Yo David." A teenager waves at fifteen year old David. "Hey Alex, sorry for being late." Young David said as he sat by Alex in front of a their house. "Mama is pretty angry that you're late. She wanted you to be here at five." Alex explained. "I know, but you know how it is homes. The chicks man. My girl wanted me to stay a little longer so I did." David lean against the wall. "Did you do it already?" Alex asked. "I can't say, but all I can say that she's thick." David said as he smiled and Alex hits him in the back of the head. "What was that for?" David asked. "You need to watch your tone David. Mama won't like the way you talk like that." Alex said as he and David walk inside their house. They walked in and their Mama was watching TV. Mexican and is wearing something that women dress while in the kitchen. "Where were you?" Mama asked. "Lo siento Mama. I was visiting my girlfriend. We just wanted to see each other. That's all." David tries to act all innocent. "Well you shouldn't have a girlfriend. You're too young." Mama said as she stands up and Alex walks to the table. "I'm old enough to do a lot of things. I just want to live my life like the other kids." David said as Mama doesn't like it, but she has to accept that. "I know. I just want you to act more mature and sometimes listen to me once in awhile. That's all I ask for." Mama explained and walks to David. She grabs David's head and kisses him on the forehead. "Alright. Go to your room. Dinner will be ready in a half of an hour." Mama said as David walks to his room.

An half hour later, David was sitting at the table along with his Mama, Alex, and his two sisters. One of them was twelve years old and the second one is seventeen, a year younger than Alex. "Rice and Beans. Real exciting." The youngest daughter said as she didn't like it, but was eating it anyway. "It's all we have left. I'm going to the groceries tomorrow to get more. Just eat." Mama said as they continue eating. "David, are you coming to the play tomorrow? Everyone is going and I want you to be there too." The youngest sister asked. "Yeah, of course. Which bird are you in the play?" David asked. "I'm a phoenix. My favorite." She answered. "One must burned then will rise up from the ashes into a baby bird. I like that, it has a nice tone." David said as someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it." Mama stood up and walked to the door. She opens it and there were two guys standing there. "Hi, I'm looking for a woman name Veroicana Rodriguez. Do you know where she is?" The man asked and the other man was looking inside the house. "That'll be me." Mama said as the two men smiled then suddenly pushed the door wide open and grabbed her. "Mama." Alex and David stood up then charged at the guys. David jumped on one of the guys and started choking him while Alex was punching the other guy. Soon, eight guys with masks came in. The two sisters try to run away, but were grabbed. The youngest daughter grabbed a knife and stab one of them on the leg, but got slapped. David and Alex were also grabbed and pushed to the ground. The guys started kicking them while the others were either holding the girls or trashing the house.

After a minute, they stopped and line up the girls together. David and Alex were on the ground beaten up badly. A guy who wasn't wearing any masks looks at the girls, but kept looking at the oldest daughter who was seventeen. "You're a pretty Latina woman. Can't wait to have fun with you." The guy smiled and grabs the girl's hair. "LET GO OF HER!" David shouted and the guy looks at him. He pushes the girl to the ground and David was barely crawling covered in blood. The guy grabs David's hair and lifts him to his knees. "You look shitty. Tell me, why should I give a fuck of what you have to say?" The guy asked and David was looking at his eyes very angry then spits blood to the guy's face. The guy smiles and wipes the blood off from his face. "You shouldn't have done that." The guy grabs David by the throat then lifts him up and pushes him against the wall. "STOP IT! LET MY SON ALONE." Mama shouted and gets hit in the face. "You two take her to the room and do whatever you want to her." The guy ordered and two guys grab Mama away from her daughters as they were begging to stop, but they just laughed. "Mama..." David was choking and couldn't do anything about it. They took her to the room and shut the door. "As for you boy, I'm gonna finish off your sisters nice and slow. And you won't be able to stop it." The guy said as David was beginning to fade then suddenly was let go and he started coughing. "Come on boys, let's have some fun." The guy said as they grabbed the girls, David's sisters, and took them to the room. The guy grabs David's necklace and yanks it off then looks at it. "Nice necklace, I'll keep this for myself." The guy said as he puts it in his pocket. The guy takes out a pistol and shoots Alex in the head while on the ground. David was on his knees and was in shock. The guy looks at David. "Say hi to death for me." The guy aims and shoots at David's head.

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