Chapter 10: The Rage

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A Month later

"He disappeared. How in the hell did he just vanished? You were there with him." Pete said to Luna. They were in a park sitting on a bench daylight. "He was kidnapped and I wasn't there to stop them. They were already gone by the time I got there." Luna explains and was very concerned about David. "That's gonna complicated things." Pete said as he looked disappointed. "But I found something. It seems like he's out of state." Luna said as Pete looks at her. "I'm listening." Pete said. "He's in Washington state in a mental hospital. I don't which one exactly, but I know his fake last name is Garcia. Someone put him in there and I need to get him out of there." Luna explained. "What matters now is breaking out David. This may take a few weeks to get him back and find the man who put him there." Luna said. "I'm coming too. David saved my life once before so it's time I return the favor." Pete said as Luna nods and they both got up then walked away together.

Back at the Hospital

"We're slowly making progress Mr. Garcia. Your behavior is changing." Doctor Greene said. She and David were sitting at a table. David still had the strap jacket on and was sitting across from Doctor Greene. David was barely awake and was tired from the pills he took including shots. Hair is messy and has grown a bushy bread. "How do you feel?" Doctor Greene asked and David looks at her. "I feel like shit because of the pills and shots you people have been giving me." David response. "It's just a job Mr. Garcia, I'm sure you could understand that. We're trying to help you." Doctor Greene said as David feels like the mental hospital is a prison for the crazy ones. "You can't help me because I don't have a mental problem lady." David lean forward. "I'm not crazy." David said. "Nobody was accusing you of being crazy. Besides, if you don't cooperate with me, things will turn worse than it is right now." Doctor Greene explained. "I'm just...tired of this." David said as he thinks about the past. All the fighting and killing. He just wants it to be gone forever. "Everyday, I always thought about ending this and start over. I had a chance once, but it was taken from me. I'm starting to think that fate doesn't want me to have a normal life." David explained and was looking down at the table. Doctor Greene heard and the look on her face made her feel sad for David. "I sometimes feel that way too. I did what was right too, but I still feel lost." Doctor Greene said as David looks at her. "The people you love either leave you or died. I was always alone, but in the end, I worked hard and I was able to get a stable job for my career. We just have to make the best of what we got." Doctor Greene said. "Didn't mean to upset you." David said. "It's alright. We all have our reasons." Doctor Greene said. "I've had that feeling for almost twenty years, but I'm still here. And for what?" David looks at Doctor Greene and both of them stared at each other for a moment then Doctor Greene's watch rings and she shuts it off. "Our session is over. That was quick, but we're making progress." Doctor Greene closes her files and stands up then faces to the door. "Doctor Greene, again I apologize." David said not knowing that he meant it then Doctor Greene looks at him. "Madison. I'll see you in the next session." Madison said as she walks out the room and David watched her until she was out. David smirks, but then his head started to hurt and the rage is starting to build up. "It's happening." A voice said in David's head as David was trying to calm himself, but wasn't working. David's rage was building then he thinks about someone in his mind. He started feeling something else and was avoiding the rage feeling he has. David calms himself as he was feeling something else. Soon, his rage was gone for that moment. David doesn't why he felt that way and how it made his rage disappeared. Two doctors came in and took David. David was thinking about what happened as he went back into the white room.


Pete and Luna were inside a small plane flying to Washington state. Pete was flying while Luna was checking the list of places where there is a David Garcia as a patient. A crow flew by as Luna spotted it. She smirks then looks back at the list. "How far are we?" Luna asked. "Not far. Do you where exactly he is yet?" Pete asked. "No, but I crossed out the names that don't fit the description." Luna was looking at the records of every patients that has the name David Garcia. "Good." Pete was causally flying looking at the clouds then sees Luna worried. "I can tell." Pete said as he does a quick smile and Luna looks at him. "Tell what?" Luna asked. "Don't play dumb. I know you still have feelings for him." Pete said. "I don't know. It's been so long and David has changed. I've been trying to reach out to him, but he always pushes me away." Luna explained. "His old wounds hasn't healed yet after all those years. I can see why David is like that." Pete said. "There's no reason to it anymore. That was the past..." "The past is what makes a person." Pete interrupted Luna. "David has been through a lot in his life. You should know that. David has been scar since the day he lost his family and his feelings are just filled with hatred. Everything that he had was taken from him." Pete said as Luna looks at the window thinking about David. "I remember the day when David finally snapped. After David's thought of losing you, he grabbed all the weapons he can carry and kill nearly half of the Hunters. The rest escaped and are now on the run. But when I got there, I just saw David sitting on a chair with one of the Master's head on his lap along with dead bodies around. Blood, everywhere, but the thought of one man can kill that many people." Pete was remembering and Luna looks at him. "David got up with the head in his hands and drops it close to the dead body. He walked towards me and looks straight at my eyes. He gave me his sword and said, 'My fight is over with you.' He then walked out and that was the last time I saw until that fight with Leo on the baseball field. I knew that he was never gonna stop after that and look where he is now. Still the Dark Hunter, killing the corruption around the world and the savior of the weak. David really did make a name for himself out there in the world, but too bad nobody will ever know his true identity." Pete explained and Luna looks forward. "No matter what he turns into, one thing will remain. He still loves you." Pete said as Luna looks out at the window and they stayed silence after that. All they could hear was the plane noises.

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