Episode 12

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The most-awaited detention hour. Matthew bonding. There'll be a revelation, so make sure you'll read it :P Since I've produced a dozen of chapters already, starting from this, more questions'll be answered. No worries though, I'll be sure to drop a bomb. You know, just to keep the story going. And interesting. And Levi-filled ;) Enjoy! 


“I better head home now, pumpkin. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

I was stood at the main entrance of Jefferson High, its tall branches swaying with the rhythm of the September wind. Even Tammi’s honey blonde hair joined the melodious harmony of the most needed element. “Such a shame that I can’t chat with you for a while,” I told her, discontent adorning my expression. “I wanted to tell you the full story of what Elliot did a while ago, but I still have detention.”

A soft smile graced Tammi’s features, her face blossoming like a little tulip in springtime. “It’s alright. But you should call me later and tell me what happened to Elliot and your detention time with Matthew, okay?”

Now I felt a grin lingering my lips. “Detention would be a double minus because it’s with Matthew, but I bet it’ll surely take my mind off…unwanted things.”

“I’m sure it will,” said Tammi, comforting salvation tainting her voice, her smile turning even softer. She gave me a brief sisterly hug before wheeling around and raising her hand in a goodbye gesture. I held myself still till Tammi’s shadow disappeared from the end of the street. Letting out a huge sigh, I spun on my heels and began heading for Mr Rufus’ classroom.

If only that damn Matthew didn’t complain like a baby, Principal Noggin wouldn’t have given me a one-hour chemistry detention. Well, a part of me was glad it was only detention the principal gave me (since a student journeying towards the principal’s office was bound to get something more than a detention) but I guess the fact that Principal Noggin was a benevolent man slipped Mr Rufus’ mind.

Okay, so maybe a bigger part of me was floating in the air with happiness for having detention since it would be a big distraction. Anything to help me forget.

I stole a peek at my watch and felt slight panic surge in me, making me scuttle speedily towards chemistry lab. I finally reached the lab door, and when I peered through the thin window, I realised the light was off and there was no one on the teacher’s table. I knocked once before pushing the door open.

And in I came, to greet nothing but the fading sunlight strewn from the translucent rectangle-shaped windows to the other end of the lab.

Perplexed, I let my stare linger first on the teacher’s table on the very left, then on the lab tables splayed across the middle, then on the back row where some displays of equipment were kept still inside a glass closet, and then finally to the back wall, where the door to the equipment room stood. There was no one in the room, though it was already fifteen minutes to the detention hour.

I mean, I got the right room, didn’t I? I followed the schedule on the detention slip. Then why was the room empty? But strange as it was, I decided to sweep my shoulder bag onto the first lab table and take a seat. I began to drift away when–

BANG! Something obviously fell in the room!

Panicked, I shook my head and stumbled up, barely getting in touch with my trademark razor blade in my shoulder bag when a low rumble blasted through my ears, “You’re planning to sleep whilst I do all the work?”

It came from…it came from right behind me! Boldly, I turned around and–

“Oh my god! What the hell are you doing there?!” I squealed, my heart ridiculously beating twenty times per second.

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