
After a short ride, the limo stopped in front of a beautiful tan mansion. The mailbox said "Crimson".

"This is Mr. Crimson's house!" Lexi said.

"It's also Hannah's house," I said.

"Mr. Bodyguard, why are we here?" Sandra asked one of the bodyguards.

"You'll see, Ms Sawdon," he responded.

We were escorted into the house. We walked in on a grand entrance. OMG, I thought. I'm in Hannah Crimson's house. And not by choice, either. Umm...
The bodyguards lead us up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway with doors on either side. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and expensive rugs covered the shiny widen floors. We stopped in front of a door with a plaque that read:

Walter Maurice Crimson
Head of Prestic International

"What's Prestic International?" I whispered.
"You didn't know? Mr. Crimson is head of Prestic International, one of the biggest businesses in the world!" Vera replied.
"Yeah! That's why the house is so big. All of Hannah's extended family lives here," Lexi added.
"How'd you know that?" I asked as one of the bodyguards knocked on the door. Lexi, Sandra, and Vera exchanged uneasy glances. They looked nervous, anxious, and sad.

"Guys, what happened?" I pressed.
Before they could answer (or not answer), the door to the office opened. "Girls! You made it!" Mr. Crimson exclaimed as he let us in. The bodyguards bowed and left. Mr Crimson's office is large and modern. A woman about 30 years old with long, platinum blonde hair and green eyes is sitting on the sofa, typing on her phone. "Girls, meet Sonja Sontin, my sister-in-law." Mr. Crimson gestured over at the woman, who got up and walked over to us, smiling. She shook each of our hands. "Pleasure to meet you, girls! I've heard so much about you!" Sonja purred.

I faked a smile. This lady was giving me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. A gut feeling, if you will. Sonja looked me in the eyes. She has the same green eyes that Hannah has. I looked away as my stomach squirmed.

"So, I bet you girls are wondering why I sent the limo to pick you up from the first day of school!" Mr. Crimson said. We nodded in unison.

Sonja giggled. "Tell 'em, Walter! Or I will," she cooed.


"Okay, Sonja! So, since we've expanded Style Squad to other Florida cities, the profits have grown significantly. I don't know if you girls know, but you've been all over the news lately!" Mr. Crimson exclaimed, sitting behind his desk. Sonja pulled up a chair for herself. A bodyguard was called back in to move the sofa in front of the desk. I sat in between Lexi and Sandra. Vera was on Lexi's left.

"We literally just found out about this whole 'news' thing today," I said. "One of the bodyguards told us."

"And, turns out, you girls are basically almost millionaires," Sonja added with a smirk. What is up with this woman?!

Mr. Crimson grinned. "So, I think we should expand across the country. And Sonja will be your new manager!"

I froze. Lexi, Vera, and Sandra screamed with happiness and jumped off of the sofa, pulling me with them. Sonja rolled her eyes but quickly smiled. Mr. Crimson laughed.

"C'mon, Elisa! We're expanding the business! Celebrate!" Sandra giggled.
"Yeah, Elisa!" Sonja crooned.
"...yippee," I responded sarcastically.

"We're practically millionaires! Why aren't you happy?" Vera asked, halting her squealing.

I shrugged. "I just don't know how I feel right now."
"Feel happy!" Sonja chirped in that fake-nice voice.

"Give me a reason to feel happy."

Everyone stared at me, shocked.       

Did I really just say that? I'm not usually that sassy...

Sonja stammered. "I, well, ummm... You girls aren't going to school anymore!"

I gasped.


No, no, no!

Mami will hate this.

Of course, my friends started jumping and squealing again.

"That's right!" Mr. Crimson boomed. "Since you girls are the presidents of your new business, you need to eat, sleep, and breath Style Squad! That means no more time for school or other silly things like that!"

"Might as well move to LA right now!" Sonja giggled.

"We have interviews, TV show appearances, photo shoots, and the like lined up for you girls, so go enjoy your last day among the non-famous children of your school!" Mr. Crimson called the bodyguards back in to take us back to school.


"I can't believe that we're on TV!" Lexi exclaimed as we were escorted out of the office.
"That Sonja lady seems nice! She'll be a great manager," Vera sighed.
"And I can't believe we're in Hannah's house! Again." Sandra said. I heard her add "again" under her breath. Wait, what?!
"What do you mean by 'again'?" I asked. My friends froze in their tracks and exchanged those worried glances again.
Vera changed the subject as she ran down the hall, her golden brown hair bouncing behind her. "Oh, look, it's Hannah's room!" she called.
"Ugh, just tell me why you know so much about Hannah!" I groaned. Lexi and Sandra ignored me and ran after Vera. They had stopped in front of Hannah's bedroom door.
Before we could do anything else, the bodyguards came and escorted us back to the limo. "Be happy, girls! It's your last first day of school!" one said.

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