|The Chocoholics|The Hardy Boys books died.{Fliss}

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|The Chocoholics|The Hardy Boys books died.{Fliss}

To say Fliss was devastated would be an understatement.

She was literally torn apart but when torn you can easily be put back together with the help of duck tape. Well, when burnt you can never put the ashes back together and therefore her The Hardy Boys books would stay in the form of these horrid ashes forever.

She would never know if the 'undercover brothers' solved their mysteries in over thirty of the books she hadn't re-read yet. Although, didn't they always? That was the similar feeling of someone stabbing her in the heart and asking her if she was okay at the same time. No. She most defiantly wasn't okay since the love of her life - Joe Hardy - had died and so did Frank Hardy, of course.

Fliss felt guilty beneath all the heap of ashes. She felt guilty because she was the cause of the murdering of The Hardy Boys. She had loved them more than her boyfriend who ironically went by the name Joe. Joe was supposed to be a fictional character in her book but since she started to date Joe Smith - her ex-boyfriend - she may have thought else where. He oddly had the similar characteristics as Joe Hardy -- a fictional character of which she adored.

How did they break-up? you may ask.

While Fliss was consumed in her books and world full of fictional characters -- she'd forgotten that the only person she was living with was the same person she loved. She lived with him for two years and had been dating him for five. Well, her ignorance was torment and he was fed up, so he burnt all of her Hardy Boys book collection in their fire place and told her that she lived a meaningless life in her meaningless books.

The next day he was gone and he never came back

It hurt her so bad. Not that she missed him, of course. No. With him gone her life had gotten a whole lot better. The reason she was in pain was because he burnt her Hardy Boys books to ashes and she couldn't help it but to think his words were more than true. His words were like the feeling of salt being sprinkled onto a fresh wound.

Yet honest.

"Joe...I miss you!" Fliss screamed into the nearly empty room.

"Candy Floss." her brother - who sat next to her - sweetly whispered.

"Yes, Lemon Drop." she sweetly whispered back.

"Can you shut the fudge up!" he shouted loudly, making her fall from the couch to the soft carpeted floor, face first.

"Oh, for the love of Hardy Boys." she swore.

"You need to get out of here." her brother told her as he nudged her belly with his foot. "You're stinking up our apartment with your depression." he said, pinching his nose with his finger before spraying the remaining contents of the last can of their air freshener in the air.

"I can't go out." she mumbled into the floor.

"Well, we're out of air freshener and you seem to have finished our supply of chocolate." he informed as he began to pick up candy wrappers and snot filled tissues. "Ugh, seriously." he cussed at the sight of his fingers covered with his sister's snot.

"Then just go buy some more." she suggested to him simply.

"I can't 'just go buy some more' " he mocked her tone of voice. "I'm busy today, I have a meeting with one of my...clients." he murmured the last word. It was then she noticed that her brother was wearing his best suit and his greasy hair was actually combed. He looked rather dashing.

"But...but who's going to get me my Kit-Kat bars." she whined like a five year old child.

"You will." he told her, handing her a couple of bucks. "It will give you a chance to go outside and take a good whiff of the fresh air." he said taking in a big sniff of the apartment's atmosphere, only to regret it as he was choking on the smelly oxygen. "And remember to get a couple cans of air freshener." he reminded her as he got up from his couch and dragged her out of their living room to her bedroom.

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