These Broken Souls

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite the darkness."

- Desmond Tutu



'It hurts to find the grief thrashing in the emerald swirls of her eyes, and I don't want to look away. I know pain when I see it. And when I look into her eyes, it's like looking into mine.'

Jordan King is in pain. He wishes he was somewhere else away from his abusive brother and alcoholic father.  He wishes the bones of his body would stop aching from the burden of guilt he carries on his shoulders, every waking day.
He wishes he had gone straight home on the evening of January 12th last month.
As he drowns in his own helpless tears, a hand reaches out to save him - a hand belonging to someone who is drowning herself.

Rayn Dawson is shattered. She wishes her spiteful parents would forgive her for her horrific mistake. She wishes she wouldn't suffer from the flame of guilt that burns her, every waking day.
She wishes Oscar Owens' body was never found on the evening of January 12th last month.
As she drowns in the troubled waters of her mind, she finds that's she's not alone - and not the only one who needs saving.

But you cannot wish against fate.
Once they begin to accept that their own terrible fates have torn them apart from ever feeling loved, it is fate itself that brings Jordan and Rayn together and they're both trying to escape from a haunting past.

But when the police continue their investigation, they learn that their colliding pasts aren't far apart at all...



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