Team Get Together

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The day started anew, and since it was the weekend, Reo had to report to parole early.

[???] HEEEEY!! REO!!!

He heard Noi behind him, and turned around.

[Reo] Why is it that we always seem to meet?

Noi pouted.

[Noi] What?! You don't like my company?!

[Reo] It's not that. It's just...this is the weekend. You shouldn't follow someone who doesn't want another's company. You shouldn't feel obligated to be my friend, just because we're classmates.

Noi started to tear up. Then she turned around crying her eyes out. Reo felt bad, he really did. Perhaps it was best to just let her tag along.

[Caty] Wow. You sure showed her how to be mature.

Caty's snarky comment caught his attention, and he groan.

[Reo] Don't you have cheerleader practice, or something...?

[Caty] Wha-? Yeah! B-But I...just didn't go yet.

[Reo] If I'm correct, practice is already over.

[Caty] I know that!! Just shut up!

Caty stormed away angrily, and left Reo's site. Reo shook his head, and continued to the police station.

Once finished, Reo stopped by a McDonald's(Not sponsored, by the way.) to get something to eat. Entering the fast food establishment, he saw another familiar face. Jagger Stones.

[Jagger] Eh?! What're you doin' here?!

[Reo] Just getting a bite to eat. Why do you care?

[Jagger] Heh. Must be my lucky day. I need payback for the other day.

He stood up, and walked toward Reo, cracking his knuckles.

[Reo] Can it wait? I'm really hungry.

Reo stepped up to the counter and was about to order, when he moved back from Jagger's punch, having him hit the wall. On his wrist, he saw the morpher.

[Reo's thoughts] Why does he have that thing? Now that I see it though, I remember Noi had one too. Kellyn and Caty as well. What could this mean?

Jagger got back up, and tried again, and Reo dodged, again. Noi ran into the restaurant, and began shouted.

[Noi] Don't hurt him! Here!

She held out her camera to him. The one she used to record Jagger's "fall."

[Jagger] What? A camera?

[Noi] I recorded you falling on your face the other day. If you take it, promise to not hurt Reo!

Everyone in the restaurant started staring, and Jagger was getting embarrassed by all the attention. So with that, he just took her camera and left the building.

[Reo] You didn't have to do that.

[Noi] Yes I did. It's just...that I...

Before Noi could finish, they both got a text saying the same thing.

[Reo] I should go.

He left, and Noi followed. Arriving at the place, they saw that Caty and Jagger were there too.

[Jagger] What? You got that weird text too?

[Noi] Yeah, we did. You too?

Caty held up her phone, showing them the text.

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