Kellyn Ryder

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Reo was on his way to school, when he saw a tall male wearing a blue shirt and jeans standing around a corner.

[Reo] Hey. What are you doing?

The man looked at Reo, and waved him off, telling him not to get involved.

[???] I'm hiding from the cops. Get outta here, before they find me.

Reo nodded, and walked away, making his way to school. Once there, he saw that Noi was absent for the time being. She soon walked in with Ms. Mayflower, and sat at her desk.

[Reo] What's up?

[Noi] I have to walk to class with Ms. Mayflower everyday so I don't set up any pranks...

She sulked a bit.

[Reo] I see. That kinda sucks.

[Ms. Mayflower] Okay class. Today we will be learning about Algebra.

Ms. Mayflower started the lesson, and Reo just stared out the window, like an anime protagonist.

[Ms. Mayflower] Reo! Can you tell me what-

[Reo] It's 5.98 to the fifth power.

Reo answered the question before she could even finish. Lunch time came, and Reo walked out to the school yard.

[Noi] REO!!!

Noi called his name, and he turned to look at her.

[Reo] What is it?

[Noi] So, I was, like, just walking home yesterday. And then this giant crane thing attacked me! It was so weird!

[Reo] Really? Interesting.

The two talked for a bit, then Caty walked up to them.

[Caty] Hey nerd. Why are you hanging out with a girl?

[Reo] There have been a few incidents like that for a while.

Reo only ignored her, and continued talking to Noi about what happened.

[Caty] Do not ignore me!

Still no response.

[Noi] Just leave us alone! No one cares about what you have to say!

Noi stepped in to defend him.

[Reo] Just ignore her. She'll go away eventually.

Caty face went red with anger, when her morpher went off, as did everyone else's. They all run to separate areas to morph, and went to the sight. Even Jagger, morphed and everything, showed up.

[Jagger] What? There's more?

[Reo] Yes. Wait, don't tell me I have to work in a team.

[Noi] Why? We worked together yesterday.

[Caty] I don't really care, just don't get in my way.

[Morphers] Weapon Cards, granted.

With that, their weapons materialized in their hands, ready to attack. Jagger had some brass knuckles. Reo had his chainsaw sword. Noi had her Kitsune Jaws. And Caty had her Poison Claws.

[Reo] Here I come!

They all charge at the same time, but the monster, a crow monster, flew up, and made them hit each other.

[Jagger+Caty] Hey! Watch it!

[Reo+Noi] What?! We didn't do anything, that was you!

The four continued to argue, as the crow started making mischief with the citizens.

[Crow] Hahaha! That was too easy! They have the attention span of a freaking fly!

Just as the crow was about to leave, it was knocked down by another Ranger. It was a blue one, with a water pattern on his spandex. He wields a javelin, and had a horse designed helmet.

[Reo] Who is that?!

[Jagger] Dunno. But he looks strong.

[???] This oughta be fun.

The blue Ranger attack mercilessly at the bird creature, slashing, thrusting, and stabbing it. Knocking it up, then back down, now the crow was laying on the ground. The Blue Ranger stepped on his back, and readied his pike lance, stabbing the bird through its head, and it disappeared.

[Reo] He's merciless.

[Noi] He's scary.

[Jagger] He's strong.

[Caty] He's hot...

With that, the Blue Ranger walk up to them, and helped them up. He de-morphed, and Reo recognized him right away.

[Reo] You're that guy from this morning.

[???] Yep. Name's Kellyn. Blue Ranger long has it been...?

[Reo] I see.

[Kellyn] What's your names?

Noi started jumping up and down, and de-morphed as well.

[Noi] Oh! Oh! Me next! Me next! Um-okay-Hi. My name is Noi Walters. It's nice to meet you all.

No one said a thing, and looked at each other, agreeing, with a nod, that they wouldn't reveal themselves. With that, the rest of the team walked away. However, Noi jumped onto Reo's back.

[Noi] I feel like I know you!

Reo just shook her off, and walked faster, leaving the site.

[Kellyn] Huh. Tough crowd.

He said, and walked away himself.

This won't be the last time they see each other, as they will soon find out who each other are, and work at being a real team.

To be Continued...

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