Chapter 9: Getting Reads and Votes

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Reads and votes. Probably one of the most struggling thing I have all the freaking time- and I'm guessing you are too.

TAG, TAG, TAG, TAG, TAG - Tagging is your new best friend.

Adding tags that are hot to wattpad will help your story a lot. Little things like writing, writinghelp, tips, etc will build up your reads tremendously- and most likely votes as well.

Another tip for getting more reads and votes is to join the Wattys. Yes, I know what you are probably thinking: -_- seriously smartdog, I don't have a chance to winning.

First off all, DON'T EVER SAY THAT. Maybe your book isn't the best, but you know what? When they post the winners you know you can IMPROVE!! You can read other winning books to help with how they won. Is their grammar pretty good? Do they have descriptive words? These things are major to having a Watty winner book.

ANYWAYS, people love to read the entries for the Wattys. *cough cough* Including me... ;)

To help out a little bit for you guys,

THIS CHAPTER (and this chapter only) you may self promote your books!! If one seems interesting to me...

I may check it out and vote and add it to me reading lists.... ;0

TIP: Give a small background of your story. Make it interesting, deep. For example:

Aliens are Here!!

When city boy Chase Dane has to stay at his grandparent's house for the summer, nothing in the world couldn't be worse. He spends his days moping around (after all, what could he do?). When a strange dog is suddenly found in the cornfield, mysterious, unexplained things started to happen to Chase. Suddenly, his summer isn't so boring anymore.

(add a link for easy access!!)

Go ahead; comment down below. Promote yourself.

JOIN BOOK CLUBS AND PROMOTING BOOKS. This is a good, positive thing to you. Other people will read your book, racking some reads in and maybe some votes!

Also, posting a conversation board about your book can tell your followers and soon to be followers to read your book.

EX: Hey, guys! I just posted chapter 11 of Aliens are Here!! What is Chase and the strange dog doing? (put a chapter link so people can easily click and go to your book).

Got anymore tips for getting more reads and votes? Insert them down below so others can know too!!!

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